
作者&投稿:仰维 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Yangtze river, the world's third longest river, Asia's longest river, second only to the amazon river in South America and the Nile in Africa. In the ancient literature, "jiang" refers to the Yangtze river. It originated in the qinghai-tibet plateau mount tunggula main each laden winter snow-capped mountains, flows through the three-level ladder, from west to east into the east China sea. Numerous Yangtze river tributary, the Yangtze river, about 3219 km wide from east to west, north-south width of 966 km, flows through today in qinghai, Tibet, sichuan, yunnan, chongqing, hubei, hunan, jiangxi, anhui, jiangsu, Shanghai and other 11 provinces, and finally into the east China sea in Shanghai. Yangtze river total length of 6397 km, the basin area of 1808500 square kilometers, accounting for about 1/5 of the land area, and the Yellow River is known as the "mother river" of the Chinese nation.

  1.Constructs in ancient and moderns in China and abroad all humanities, most famous should be China's Great Wall. Great Wall testimony ancient times area south of Yellow River agriculture civilization and north between nomads at daggers drawn intense resistance 古今中外所有的人类建筑中,最著名的一座应该就是中国的万里长城。长城见证了古代中原农业文明和北方游 牧民族间剑拔弩张的激烈对抗the great wall
  2.桂林位于广西壮族自治区东北部,地处亚热带,气候温和,独特的喀斯特地貌与景象万千的漓江及其周围美丽迷人的田园风光融为一体,形成了独具一格、驰名中外的“山青、水秀、洞奇、石美”的“桂林山水”,并有了“桂林山水甲天下”的美誉。Guilin located at the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region northeast, is situated at the subtropics, the climate is temperate, the unique karst landform and the picture myriad Lijiang River and periphery the beautiful enchanting rural scenery merged into one organic whole, forms has been in a class by itself, “Shan Qing, Shui Xiu, the hole to be wonderful renowned at home and abroad, stone US” “Guilin scenery”, and had “Guilin scenery armor world” fine reputation. (Guilin scenery )
  3.Hangzhou Xihu 杭州西湖风景区以西湖为中心,分为湖滨区、湖心区、北山区、南山区和钱塘区,总面积达49平方公里。西湖的美在于晴中见潋滟,雨中显空蒙。无论雨雪晴阴,在落霞、烟雾下都能成景;在春花,秋月,夏荷,冬雪中各具美 态。湖区以苏堤和白堤的优美风光见称。The Hangzhou Xihu scenic spot take Xihu as a center, divides into the lake front area, the center of the lake area, the Beishan Mountains area, the Mt. Nan area and Qian Tangqu, the total area amounts to 49 square kilometers. Xihu's US lies in clearly sees Lian yan, in the rain obviously empties Mongolia. Regardless of sleet clear cloudy, under the pen name, the smog can become the scenery; In the spring flower, harvest moon, summer Holland, in winter snow each US condition. The lake district sees by Su Di and Bai Dike's exquisite scenery called
  4.Beijing Imperial Palace Beijing Imperial Palace is the Ming and Qing Dynasties two generation of imperial palaces, also calls Forbidden City. All previous dynasties palace “likely the day sets up the palace” to express that the monarchial power “has a mandate from heaven”. Because Mr. is an emperor, emperor's palace is similar to the God housing “the purple palace” the restricted area, therefore Forbidden City. 北京故宫是明清两代的皇宫,又称紫禁城。历代宫殿都“象天立宫”以表示君权“受命于天”。由于君为天子,天子的宫殿如同天帝居住的“紫宫”禁地,故名紫禁城。
  5.Suzhou botanical garden苏州有园林200余处,现在保存尚好的有数万处,并因此使苏州素有"人间天堂"的美誉之称.以其意境过清、构筑精致、艺术高雅、文化内涵丰富而成为苏州众多古典园林的典范和代表。 Suzhou has botanical garden 200, now preserved Shang Hao to have several thousand, and, therefore caused Suzhou was known as " the heaven on earth " name of the fine reputation, was excessively clear by its ideal condition, the construction to be fine, art was lofty, the cultural connotation enriched becomes the Suzhou numerous historic gardens the models and representative
  6.Mt. Huangshan 黄山是中国著名风景区之一.黄山集名山之长。泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,衡山之烟云,庐山之瀑,雁荡山之巧石,峨眉山之秀丽,黄山无不兼而有之。Mt. Huangshan is one of Chinese famous scenic spots, Mt. Huangshan collection famous mountains strong point. Taishan's grandness, Huashan's danger, Mt. Hengshan's smoke cloud, Mt. Lushan's waterfall, Yandangshan's skillful stone, Mt. Emei's beauty, Mt. Huangshan has all.
  7.Three Gorges of the Yangtze River
  长江三峡西起重庆市的奉节县,东至湖北省的宜昌市,全长205千米。自西向东主要有三个大的峡谷地段:瞿塘峡,巫峡和西陵峡。三峡因而得名。West Three Gorges of the Yangtze River Chongqing's Fengjie County, east to Hubei Province's Yichang, span 205 kilometers. Mainly has three big canyon land sectors from west to east: Qutangxia, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge. The Three Gorges therefore acquire fame
  8.Taiwan Riyue Tan 日月潭是台湾的“天池”,湖周35公里,水域9平方公里多,为全省最大的天然湖泊,也是全国少数著名的高山湖泊之一。其地环湖皆山,湖水澄碧,湖中有天然小岛浮现,圆若明珠,Riyue Tan is Taiwan “Tianchi”, the lake week 35 kilometers, the waters more than 9 square kilometers, are the entire province biggest natural lakes, is also one of national minority famous mountain lakes. Its surrounds the lake mountain, the lake water is all clear blue, in the lake has the natural island to reappear, if circle pearl,
  9.Chengde summer resort 承德避暑山庄是由众多的宫殿以及其它处理政务、举行仪式的建筑构成的一个庞大的建筑群。建筑风格各异的庙宇和皇家园林同周围的湖泊、牧场和森林巧妙地融为一体。避暑山庄不仅具有极高的美学研究价值,而且还保留着中国封建社会发展末期的罕见的历史遗迹。The Chengde summer resort is as well as other handles the government affairs, a hold ceremony's construction constitution huge architectural complex by the numerous palaces. The architectural style varies the temple and the royal family botanical garden with the periphery lake, the pasture and the forest merge into one organic whole ingeniously. The summer resort not only has the extremely high esthetics research value, moreover is also retaining China feudal society development last stage rare historical traces.
  10.Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses 秦兵马俑场面宏大,威风凛凛,队列整齐,展现了秦军的编制、武器的装备和古代战争的阵法。秦陵兵马俑被称为“世界第八大奇迹”The Qin burial figures of warriors and horses scene is great, powerful, the formation was neat, has unfolded Qin Jun's establishment, the weapon equipment and an ancient times war's law. The Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses, are called “the world eighth big miracle”


The Yangtze River is important to the cultural origins of southern China. Human activity has been verified in the Three Gorges area as far back as 27,000 years ago,[55] and by the 5th millennium BC, the lower Yangtze was a major population center occupied by the Hemudu and Majiabang cultures, both among the earliest cultivators of rice. By the 3rd millennium BC, the successor Liangzhu culture showed evidence of influence from the Longshan peoples of the North China Plain.[56] A study of Liangzhu remains found a high prevalence of haplogroup O1, linking it to Austronesian and Daic populations;[57] the same study found the rare haplogroup O3d at a Daxi site on the central Yangtze, indicates possible connection with the Hmong, although "only small traces" of haplogroup O3d remains in Hmong today.[58] What is now thought of as Chinese culturedeveloped along the more fertile Yellow River basin; the "Yue" people of the lower Yangtze possessed very different traditions – blackening their teeth, cutting their hair short, tattooing their bodies, and living in small settlements among bamboo groves[59] – and were considered barbarous by the northerners.
The Central Yangtze valley was home to sophisticated Neolithic Cultures.[60] Later on it was the earliest part of the Yangtze valley to be integrated into the North Chinese cultural sphere. North Chinese people were active there from the Bronze Age.[61]

A map of the Warring Statesaround 350 BC, showing the former coastline of the Yangtze delta.
In the lower Yangtze, two Yue tribes, the Gouwu in southern Jiangsu and the Yuyue in northern Zhejiang, display increasing Zhou (i.e., North Chinese) influence from the 9th century BC. Traditional accounts[62] credit these changes to northern refugees (Taibo and Zhongyong in Wu and Wuyi in Yue) who assumed power over the local tribes, though these are generally assumed to be myths invented to legitimate them to other Zhou rulers. As the kingdoms of Wu and Yue, they were famed as fishers, shipwrights, and sword-smiths. Adopting Chinese characters, political institutions, and military technology, they were among the most powerful states during the later Zhou. In the middle Yangtze, the state of Jing seems to have begun in the upper Han River valley a minor Zhou polity, but it adapted to native culture as it expanded south and east into the Yangtze valley. In the process, it changed its name to Chu.[63]
Whether native or nativizing, the Yangtze states held their own against the northern Chinese homeland: some lists credit them with three of the Spring and Autumn Period's Five Hegemons and one of the Warring States' Four Lords. They fell in against themselves, however. Chu's growing power led its rival Jin to support Wu as a counter. Wu successfully sacked Chu's capital Ying in 506 BC, but Chu subsequently supported Yue in its attacks against Wu's southern flank. In 473 BC, King Goujian of Yue fully annexed Wu and moved his court to its eponymous capital at modern Suzhou. In 333 BC, Chu finally united the lower Yangtze by annexing Yue, whose royal family was said to have fled south and established the Minyue kingdom inFujian. Qin was able to unite China by first subduing Ba and Shu on the upper Yangtze in modern Sichuan, giving them a strong base to attack Chu's settlements along the river.
The state of Qin conquered the central Yangtze region, previous heartland of Chu, in 278 BC, and incorporated the region into its expanding empire. Qin then used its connections along the Yangtze River the Xiang River to expand China into Hunan, Jiangxi and Guangdong, setting up military commanderies along the main lines of communication. At the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, these southern commanderies became the independent Nanyue Empire under Zhao Tuo while Chu and Hanvied with each other for control of the north.
From the Han Dynasty, the region of the Yangtze River became more and more important to China's economy. The establishment of irrigation systems (the most famous one is Dujiangyan, northwest of Chengdu, built during the Warring States period) made agriculture very stable and productive. The Qin and Han empires were actively engaged in the agricultural colonization of the Yangtze lowlands, maintaining a system of dikes to protect farmland from seasonal floods.[64] By the Song dynasty, the area along the Yangtze had become among the wealthiest and most developed parts of the country, especially in the lower reaches of the river. Early in the Qing dynasty, the region called Jiangnan (that includes the southern part of Jiangsu, the northern part of Zhejiang, and the southeastern part of Anhui) provided ⅓–½ of the nation's revenues.
The Yangtze has long been the backbone of China's inland water transportation system, which remained particularly important for almost two thousand years, until the construction of the national railway network during the 20th century. The Grand Canal connects the lower Yangtze with the major cities of the Jiangnanregion south of the river (Wuxi, Suzhou, Hangzhou) and with northern China (all the way from Yangzhou to Beijing). The less well known ancient Lingqu Canal, connecting the upper Xiang River with the headwaters of the Guijiang, allowed a direct water connection from the Yangtze Basin to the Pearl River Delta.[65]
Historically, the Yangtze became the political boundary between north China and south China several times (see History of China) because of the difficulty of crossing the river. This occurred notably during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the Southern Song. Many battles took place along the river, the most famous being the Battle of Red Cliffs in 208 AD during the Three Kingdoms period.
The Yangtze was the site of naval battles between the Song dynasty and Jurchen Jin during the Jin–Song wars. In the Battle of Caishi of 1161, the ships of the Jin emperor Wanyan Liang clashed with the Song fleet on the Yangtze. Song soldiers fired bombs of lime and sulphur using trebuchets at the Jurchen warships. The battle was a Song victory that halted the invasion by the Jin.[66][67] The Battle of Tangdao was another Yangtze naval battle from the same year.
Politically, Nanjing was the capital of China several times, although most of the time its territory only covered the southeastern part of China, such as the Wu kingdom in the Three Kingdoms period, the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and during the Southern and Northern Dynasties and Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms periods. Only the Ming occupied most parts of China from their capital at Nanjing, though it later moved the capital to Beijing. The ROC capital was located in Nanjing in the periods 1911–12, 1927–37, and 1945–49.

长江是中国最长的河流英语:The Yangtze River is the longest river in China。长江介绍如下:长江(the Changjiang River\/the Yangtze River),属太平洋水系,是中国第一大河,长江干流自西而东横贯中国中部,数百条支流辐辏南北。全长6363千米(国务院数据),一说有6397千米(安徽省人民政府数据),...

The Yangtze River also known as Chang Jiang, snaking from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to the East China Sea, flows through provinces of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and city of Shanghai, with a total length over 6.300kilometers. It...

Wuhan, Chongqing, Chengdu, and Nanjing) on or near the river, but the 1.8 million square km Yangtze River basin is also home to 1\/3 of Chinas population (400 million).Yangtze River lies on the mid-latitude area, and the four seasons are distinctive. With average temperatures ...


attacks during the rule of successive dynasties.长江: The Yangtze River (Changjiang), over 6,300 kilometers long, is the largest and longest river in China, and the third-longest in the world, next only to the Nile in northeast Africa and the Amazon in South America. ...

jiangxi, anhui, jiangsu, Shanghai and other 11 provinces, and finally into the east China sea in Shanghai. Yangtze river total length of 6397 km, the basin area of 1808500 square kilometers, accounting for about 1\/5 of the land area, and the Yellow River is known as the "...

长江黄河:长江和黄河都发源于青藏高原。高原雪域的冰雪融化之后,汇成两条大河的源头。这两条河从第一阶梯二人下进入第二阶梯,而后南北向北而行,经过第三阶梯的平原地区,东流入海。两大河流哺育这两岸的人民,他们是中华民族的母亲河。Changjiang, you are the symbol of the Chinese nation great. ...

autonomous regions, in the shandong kenli county into the bohai sea, river total length of about 5400 km.翻译 长江源头位于青藏高原腹心。流经青海、西藏、四川、云南、重庆、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽、江苏、上海11个省、自治区、直辖市,于崇明岛以东注入东海。 延伸至贵州、甘肃、陕西、河南、...

I will introduce the Yangtze River.

长江的英语作文 拜托了哈带翻译
The Yangtze River also known as Chang Jiang, snaking from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to the East China Sea, flows through provinces of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and city of Shanghai, with a total length over 6.300kilometers. It...

广陵区18739996986: 写一篇英语作文 介绍长江 中、英文都要 六年级水平 -
蛮枫双氯: 我认为我认为 Welcome to china ! china is the third biggest country. it has fifty-six nations. china's population is maximum,too.china has many the world only things. For example,yangtze river is the third longest river of the world. the great wall is the ...

广陵区18739996986: 英语翻译:长江是中国第一长河,是世界第三长河.全长6,403公里
蛮枫双氯: 长江是中国第一长河,是世界第三长河.全长6,403公里 The Yangtse River is the longest river in China.and it is the third one in the world.It is 6,403 km long.

广陵区18739996986: 求助..用英文写关于长江的几个个句子... -
蛮枫双氯: changjiang river,I love changjiang river.

广陵区18739996986: 长江对我国的意义有哪些?
蛮枫双氯: 古往今来,多少文人墨客为长江挥毫泼墨,留下名篇佳句,流传千古,吟咏至今."滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄""大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物"的豪迈壮观;...

广陵区18739996986: V.书面表达请用英语写一篇描写长江三峡的文章,内容要求如下: 1. 长江三峡闻名于全世界; 2. 沿三峡有许多美丽的名胜; 3. 在三峡的人口处建有葛洲坝水... -
蛮枫双氯:[答案] V.参考范文The ITiree Gorges of the Yangtze River The Three Gorges are situated in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and are famous throughout the world.The Three Gorges are the Xiling Gorge Wu Gorge and Qutang Gorge. Along with them ...

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