
作者&投稿:台馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Azure Dragon is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. It is sometimes called the Azure Dragon of the East (simplified Chinese: 东方青龙; traditional Chinese: 东方青龙; pinyin: Dōng Fāng Qīng Lóng), and it is known as Seiryuu in Japan and Cheongryong in Korea. It represents the east and the spring season. It should not be confused with the mythological yellow dragon that is associated with the Emperor of China.
In Book of Tang, the reincarnation of the White Tiger's Star is said to be Li Shimin's general Luo Cheng and the reincarnation of the Azure Dragon's Star is said to be the rebellious general Dan Xiongxin. They two are sworn brothers of Qin Shubao, Cheng Zhijie and Yuchi Jingde. Their souls after death are said to possess the body of the new heroes of the Tang Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty, Xue Rengui and He Suwen.
In some legends of the Tang Dynasty's general Xue Rengui, he's said the reincarnation of the White Tiger's Star. And his archenemy, Liao Dynasty's prince He Suwen is the reincarnation of the Azure Dragon's Star.

The White Tiger is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. It is sometimes called the White Tiger of the West (西方白虎, Xī Fāng Bái Hǔ), and is known as Byakko in Japan and Baekho in Korea. It represents the west and the autumn season.
During the Han Dynasty, people believed the tiger to be the king of all beasts. Legend had it that when a tiger reached 500 years old, its tail would turn white. In this way, the white tiger became a kind of mythological creature. It was said that the white tiger would only appear when the emperor ruled with absolute virtue, or if there was peace throughout the world. Because the color white of the Chinese five elements also represents the west, the white tiger thus became a mythological guardian of the west.
In Book of Tang, the reincarnation of White Tiger's Star is said to be Li Shimin's general Luo Cheng and the reincarnation of Azure Dragon's Star is said to be the rebellious general Dan Xiongxin.They two are sworn brothers of Qin Shubao, Cheng Zhijie and Yuchi Jingde.Their souls after death are said to possess the body of the new heroes of Tang Dynasty and Liao Dynasty, Xue Rengui and He Suwen.
In some legends of the Tang Dynasty's general Xue Rengui, he is said to be the reincarnation of the White Tiger's Star, and his archenemy, the Liao Dynasty's prince He Suwen is the reincarnation of the Azure Dragon's Star.

The Vermilion bird is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. According to Wu Xing, the Taoist five-elemental system, it represents the fire-element, the direction south, and the season summer correspondingly. Thus it is sometimes called the Vermilion bird of the South (南方朱雀, Nán Fāng Zhū Què) and it is also known as Suzaku in Japan and Jujak in Korea. It is often mistaken for the Fenghuang due to similarities in appearance, but the two are different creatures. The Fenghuang is the king of birds, while the Vermilion Bird is a mythological spirit creature of the Chinese constellations.
The Vermilion bird is an elegant and noble bird in both appearance and behavior, it is very selective in what it eats and where it perches, with its feathers in many different hues of reddish orange.
The Vermilion bird is often associated with the mythical Phoenix due to their associations with fire.

The Black Tortoise is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. The word for "tortoise" was taboo; and the entire entity is not just the tortoise itself, but both the tortoise and the snake. It is sometimes called the Black Warrior of the North (北方玄武, Běi Fāng Xuán Wǔ), and is known as Genbu in Japan and Hyeonmu in Korea. It represents the north and the winter season. Although its name in Chinese, Xuánwǔ, is often translated as Black Tortoise in English, it is usually depicted as both a tortoise and a snake, specifically with the snake coiling around the tortoise.
In ancient China, the tortoise and the snake were thought to be spiritual creatures symbolising longevity. During the Han Dynasty, people often wore jade pendants that were in the shape of tortoises. Because of ancient Chinese influence on Japan, honorific titles and badges in Japan often referred to the tortoise or images of tortoises.
In the classic novel, Journey to the West, Xuánwǔ was a king of the north who had two generals serving under him, a "Tortoise General" and a "Snake General." This king had a temple at Wudang Mountains in Hubei, thus there is a "Tortoise Mountain" and a "Snake Mountain" on the opposite sides of a river in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei.
In Taoist legend it was said that Xuánwǔ was the prince of a Chinese Emperor. However, he was not interested in taking the throne, but decided to study in Tao's way. At age 16, he left his parents to search for enlightenment in Tao's way. It was said that he eventually achieved god status and was worshipped as a god of northern sky.
Other Chinese legends also speak of how the "Tortoise General" and a "Snake General" came to be. During Xuánwǔ's study to achieve enlightenment and god status he was told that in order to fully achieve god status, he must purge all humanly flesh from his body. Since he was born he had been eating the food of the world, humanly food, therefore his stomach and intestines were still human. Legend told of an event that a god came and changed out his human stomach and intestines for a godly body so he could fully achieve god status. (It was also said that the stomach and intestines that were tossed out became the "Tortoise Mountain" and "Snake Mountain".) The stomach and intestines taken out by the god who did the surgery on Xuánwǔ were said to have taken on the shape of a tortoise (stomach) and a snake (intestines). As many Chinese legends speak of certain animals becoming demons over time as they gain knowledge, that's what the tortoise and snake became, and terrorized people. As Xuánwǔ, now in his god status, heard of this, he came and slayed the demons from his past. However, he did not kill them, as the snake and tortoise demons showed remorse. He let them train under him and atone for their wrong doings, and they became the "Tortoise General" and "Snake General", and they assisted Xuánwǔ with his quests.
According to another source, once Xuánwǔ's had begun study of the way, he discovered that he must purge himself of all his past sins to become a god. He learned to achieve this by washing his stomach and bowels (intestines) in the river. In the washing of his internal organs, his sins melted from them and into the river in a dark, black form. These then formed into a black tortoise and snake who terrorized the people. Once Xuánwǔ learned of this, he returned to conquer the forms of this past sins and subdue them under himself and they became his servants.
The place Li Shimin set to kill his brothers Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji is the gate named Xuanwumen.

玄武英文名为Black Tortoise,朱雀英文名为Vermilion Bird,白虎英文名为White Tiger,青龙英文名为Azure Dragon。
China's four great beasts:Black Tortoise、Vermilion Bird、White Tiger、Azure Dragon。


青龙〈Blue dragon〉

白虎〈White tiger〉


玄武〈Black tortoise/Striped turtle〉










青龙 Black dragon 这个对 在西方神话里黑龙是攻击最强的 比如英雄无敌
白虎 White tiger
朱雀 Phenix 或者 Thunder bird 老外不见得东啥东东是朱雀 想中国很多人也分不清鸾和凤或者凤和凰 至于雷鸟我觉得和朱雀是最接近的 不过有点流俗 阁下如果写外文小说给外国人看我还是建议用凤凰 如果是给中国人看我认为还是雷鸟比较好
玄武 Iron dino 其实大家逗知道是龟类的生物 但是个人认为龟类不具有玄武的代表性 因为玄武在战斗中属于主防御 而且攻击一般是水或者冰属性攻击 而dino的意思是恐龙 很相近

青龙 Black dragon
白虎 White tiger
朱雀 Rosefinch
玄武 Xuanwu 这个只能这么直接叫,就类似于老外叫中国功夫叫,chinese gongfu 一样。

青龙 Black dragon
白虎 White tiger
朱雀 Rosefinch
玄武 Basalt

青龙 Black dragon
白虎 White tiger
朱雀 Rosefinch
玄武 Basalt

在五行学说盛行的年代里,慢慢的也开始流传著有关青龙的故事;五行家们照着阴阳五行给东南西北中配上五种颜色,而每种颜色又配上一个神兽与一个神灵;东为青色,配龙,西为白色,配虎,南为朱色,配雀,北为黑色,配武,黄为中央正色。 在四方的神灵中,根据山海经的说法,‘南方祝融,兽身人面,乘两龙。’;‘西方蓐收...


什么是青.龙? 什么是白.虎?



青龙:麻黄 白虎:石膏 朱雀:红枣 玄武:附子


《三辅图》曰:“青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武, 天之四灵,以正四方,王者制宫阙殿阁取法焉。”。《抱朴子·杂应》引《仙经》描绘太上老君形象时说:左有十二青龙,右有二十六白虎,前有二十四朱雀,后有七十二玄武。十分气派,着实威风。后来,四象逐渐被人格化,并有了其封号,据《北极七元紫延秘诀》...

所谓“青龙四出生,白虎三投唐”,出自于小说中的人物,并非是真实的历史人物。青龙白虎一转世出自《说唐全传》,其中青龙为单雄信,白虎为罗成;郭子仪 青龙白虎二转世出自《说唐后传》,其中青龙为盖苏文,白虎为薛仁贵;青龙三转世出自《说唐三传》,青龙为苏宝童,面对的还是二转世的白虎薛仁贵;青龙...


汝城县18655533887: 左青龙、右白虎、上朱雀、下玄武是什么意思? -
永乖双黄: 指中国传说中的青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武.四大神兽就是青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武四兽了.青龙白虎掌四方,朱雀玄武顺阴阳,四灵圣兽说的就是苍龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武天之四灵.青龙为东方之神;白虎为西方之神;朱誉为南方之神;玄武为...

汝城县18655533887: 青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武 -
永乖双黄: 青龙原为古老神话中的东方之神,道教东方七宿星君四象之一.为二十八宿的东方七宿(角、亢、氐、房、心、尾、箕),其形象龙,位于东方,属木,色青,总称青龙,又名苍龙.《太上黄箓斋仪》卷四十四称青龙东斗星君”为:“角宿天门...

汝城县18655533887: 风水四象里的青龙白虎朱雀玄武,到底是说的什么 -
永乖双黄: 所谓四象风水,就是通常指的是左青龙,右白虎,前朱雀,后玄武. 古代汉族人民把东、西、南、北四方每一方的七宿想象为四种动物形象,叫作四象.四象在中国传统文化中指青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武,分别代表东、西、南、北四个方向,源于中国古代的星宿信仰. 在二十八宿中,四象用来划分天上的星星,也称四神、四灵.四象在春秋易传的天文阴阳学说中,是指四季天然气象.四象的概念在古代的日本和朝鲜极度受重视,这些国家常以四圣、四圣兽称之. 在《周易》中,四象是指从两仪(阳仪和阴仪)衍生出来的太阳、少阴、少阳、太阴.四象又衍生出来了八卦(乾、兑、离、震、巽、坎、艮、坤).

汝城县18655533887: 青龙,白虎,朱雀,玄武的传说故事是什么!? -
永乖双黄: 东宫青龙:角、亢、氐、房、心、尾、箕; 西宫白虎:奎、娄、胃、昂、毕、觜、参; 南宫朱雀:井、鬼、柳、星、张、翼、轸; 北宫玄武:斗、牛、女、虚、危、室、壁. “四神”代表东西南北四个方位,为划分天区,制定历法,提供了比...

汝城县18655533887: 中国古代四神兽青龙白虎朱雀玄武各有什么故事? -
永乖双黄: 《青 龙》 〔青龙〕指青色的龙,青色即苍色,所以又称“苍龙”.东方是青色,占东方的龙故称“青龙”.春天配以东方,其灵物“青龙”代表了春天的生机、万物生长之气.青龙的生气勃勃,就仿佛春天的花草萌芽之象. 《白 虎》 在汉...

汝城县18655533887: 请问各位朋友,谁知道哪个庙里有白虎,青龙,朱雀,玄武四位神?谢谢…… -
永乖双黄: 青城山有左青龙、右白虎.

汝城县18655533887: 谁知道“青龙”“白虎”“玄武”“朱雀”各代表什么? -
永乖双黄: 四灵中的青龙是中国古代神话中的东方之神,它是由角,亢,氏,房,心,尾,箕等七宿组成的龙象,在四灵中以此为最高贵. 《礼记·曲礼上》说:"行,前朱鸟而后玄武,左青龙而右白虎."白虎,即西方之神,由奎,娄,胃,昂,毕,()参七宿组成虎象.但旧时也有认为白虎即凶神,俗称白虎煞. 朱雀,也叫朱鸟,是南方之神,由(),鬼,柳,星,张,翼,轸七宿组成鸟象. 玄武,北方之神,由斗,牛,女,虚,危,室,璧七宿组成龟蛇相缠之象.宋代因避讳而改称真武,道教称玄(真)武大帝塑像头披发,身穿黑衣,手仗宝剑,脚踏龟蛇.

汝城县18655533887: 朱雀、青龙、白虎、玄武到底是什么? -
永乖双黄: "青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武“是中国古代神话中的四大神兽. 东方青龙 星宿的是用廿八星宿中,东方七宿-角、亢、氐、房、心、尾、箕,古人把它们想像成为龙的形象,因位于东方,按阴阳五行给五方配色之说,东方色青,故名'青龙'....

汝城县18655533887: “青龙、朱雀、白虎、玄武”是从何而来? -
永乖双黄: 东方青色,故称“青龙”,以此有北方玄武,西方白虎,南方朱雀之说.青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武合称“四象”,又称四万四神.

汝城县18655533887: 青龙白虎朱雀玄武 -
永乖双黄: 古代的星象学家把天上的星星分为:三垣,四象,二十八宿(XIU).三垣指的是太微垣,紫微垣和天市垣.四象指黄道四象:青龙、白虎、玄武、朱雀.再将星空区依恒星分为二十八个小座标即所谓: ▼东方青龙七宿: (角.亢.氐.房.心.尾.箕 ) ▼西方白虎七宿: (奎.娄.胃.昂.毕.觜.参 ) ▼南方朱雀七宿: (井.鬼.柳.星.张.翼.轸 ) ▼北方玄武七宿: (斗.牛.女.虚.危.室.壁 )在地上,青龙白虎朱雀玄武又代表四个方位.他们是东青龙西白虎南朱雀北玄武,不是经常听说左青龙右白虎,南朱雀北玄武吗?左和右是指人坐北朝南的时候的方向.

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