
作者&投稿:迟岩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Topic 10 (Unit 11): Talking about Animals and Pets
If you must keep an animal as a pet, what it will be?

A:Penny, do you like animals?
B:Yes, of course. They are all very lovely, aren't they? They are an important part of our life. i mean i can't even image a world without animals.
A: Then if you can keep an animal as a pet, what it will be?
B: Er... i think i will choose a dog.
A:Why? Dogs are so common nowadays.
B:Because i am an extrovert, dogs are very suitble for me. i will never feel it boring to walk them,Instead, i think i will enjoy every minute of it.
A:That's all? You keep dogs just because you enjoy walking them?
B; No, that's only one reason. i love dogs because they are also very loyalty to their masters. if they like you, they will even follow you no matter where you are going. Have you ever seen the movie "Hachiko: A Dog's Story"? It shows how a dog treated its master,it really moved me very much. And i think dogs are very smart, as smart as a child. When they are with you, they can understand your feelings and even give you reaction. So i like dogs very much. Then what about you?Which animals do you want to choose?
A:Oh , i think i'll choose snakes. Because i like adventures and i want to be different. i think keep snakes as pets are really very cool. Can you even image a snake hanging on your nack?That's really special.
B: Oh, you are really brave. But i still think keeping a pet is to keep you company, not to be looked cool.

Topic 12 (Unit 13): Talking about Dreams and Ambitions
Talk about your future plan after your graduation.
Sa: Good morning!
Sb: Good morning!
b: What are you doing here?
a: I'm reading my textbook since we will have the final examination next week.
b:So you are a hardworking student. Then what's your plan after your graduation?
a:Well, I dreamed to be a collge teacher,because I think teaching is a great and stable job.
b:Wow,you have a wonderful dream and a great expectation for yoru future.
a:Thank you very much!
b: You are welcome!
a: Then do you have any idea about your future plan?
b: I'm afraid not, since I'm just a freshman here. Maybe I can follow you....
a: Good! Hope you can study hard and make your dream come true.
b:I hope so,thanks.Byebye!


喔 还有就是 目前我在学的ABC天卞欧美外教英语的教师和我们说过 事实上想将英语学好是不难的。必须具有好的研习情境跟闇练口语对象,重点就是老师教学经验,欧美人士比东南亚好很多,口语标准才可以 持续每天口语练习,1v1加强化教学就有更.好.的学习效果。上完课需要回放复习课堂录音档,好巩固知识点..实在是真的没人帮忙的情况,就去 VOA或大耳朵得到课余教材学习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,一下子语感会进步许多,学习效益应该可以快速显着的;HANS:Where do you come from? DIMITRI:I come from Changsha HuNan provence. HANS:What's the climate like in your hometown? DIMITRI:It's very pleasant. HANS:What's the weather like in spring? DIMITRI:It's often windy in March. It's always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes. HANS:What's it like in summer? DIMITRI:It's always hot in June, July and August. The sun snes every day. HANS:Is it cold or warm in autumn? DIMITRI:It's always warm in September and October. It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes. HANS:Is it very cold in winter? DIMITRI:It's often cold in December, January and February. It snows sometimes .希望对你有所帮助。

Summer vacation is coming,I am planning to do something for my family.Here are my plans.
As a student,I do not have a lot of money,I choose something I can do for our family.My mother is always busy,so I decide to do some housework and keep the house clean.I can imagine the smile on her face when she arrives home.My father owns a small shop and I want to help him sell things online.If I make it,my father must be proud of me.
My parents always think of me and they do a lot of things for me.Thanks for their hard wark and kind care.I can't wait to do something for them.

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通化市13218138521: 英语口语考试范文——寒假计划 -
只威因力: winter vacation plan How time flies(时间过得真快),unconsciously(不知不觉地) the next winter vacation (寒假)will soon come.In order to improve(提高) myself as well as enjoy a happy holiday,I made the winter vacation plan. Firstly i ...

通化市13218138521: 急求一篇关于寒假怎样度过的英语作文,不需要很长,口语课考试要用,大概一分钟左右,有汉语翻译,谢谢. -
只威因力: 放 寒假了,正好是冬天.哇,太好了我可以不用那么早地起床了,睡个舒服觉,然后起床,洗脸刷牙、吃早餐(牛奶、面包),吃过早餐,约上同学去山上打雪仗. School is over,and it is in winter .Oh,I am very very happy,

通化市13218138521: 开学有口语考试,我需要准备些什么? -
只威因力: 你是上大学了吧?没关系的 别担心 一般开学的口语考试都不是很难的 基本都是分3个部分 1:让你读一段文章 听你的口语发音和流利程度 2:给一个小话题 让你准备1分钟 然后说3分钟 比如what's your hobby?之类的话题 3:可能会问你些问题 ...

通化市13218138521: 大学英语口语考试怎么准备? -
只威因力: 首先 把基础 语法练好,考试 一般 先问你的个人情况. 其次 ,你可以买一些关于 考级口试的书 看着例题 多读多背多记, 我就是 考试前 花了整整 两星期 把基本的问题都记住, 多背了点范文. 考试时记住要多说,但是 一定要把正确的说出来, 哪怕简单但可以不失分,要广泛拓展思维 等... 你注意了这几点, 考试就应该没有问题了 . 还有 就是千万别紧张( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊! 一定要仔细听好老师问的题目, 她说的话 一般都能让你事先了解考试题目要点 ,你根据那中心 就能更好说出了...

通化市13218138521: 中南大学大一英语口语考试怎么准备,难吗? -
只威因力: 不难,就是对话or讨论or回答问题,会先给个话题(现场抽),言之有理就可以.注意不要冷场,不要说废话,如果要给出理由的话就一条一条来,不用太多.老师不会难为你的.

通化市13218138521: 大学生口语考试 2分钟演讲 一般什么话题,怎么准备,快,加分 -
只威因力: 如果大家都不是英语专业的不会太难的,多准备些身边的话题,试着平时用英语跟同学讲话,你会发现很多简单的单词却不会. 至于话题:可以准备一些百搭的素材,比如准备一个老师的事迹,对应题目可以是我最敬仰的人,我最喜欢的老师,...

通化市13218138521: 大一英语口语考试怎样准备 -
只威因力: 外教会给出一个话题的,然后按照那个准备就好.我们的外教就是这样进行考试的.

通化市13218138521: 英语口语考试,有三个话题,第一个话题你觉得什么是成功,第二个话题你觉得有钱就是成功吗?第三个话题是 -
只威因力: 1I think that a person get his attention accomplished is success2.in some way,possessing much money means the success3l think the success is not assure,every people has different oppnion

通化市13218138521: 提高英语的听力、词汇 -
只威因力: 早上7:——8:30听voa,听的时候要专注,要听懂读的内容 中午12:——12:30,记一下voa里面的新单词和新短语,记完后过二分钟马上睡觉. 晚上10:00---11:00,再将早上听的听力听一遍,还是要听懂里面的意思. 坚持一个月左右,你的英语会飙升的很快,不信就试试!!

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