非常完美10月17日孙克杰离开非美, 骑自行车时的英文歌曲

作者&投稿:长沙琳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey

Kiss me hard before you go

Summertime sadness

I just wanted you to know

That, baby, you're the best

I got my red dress on tonight

Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight

Done my hair up real big beauty queen style

High heels off, I'm feeling alive

Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare
Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere
Nothing scares me anymore
1, 2, 3, 4
Kiss me hard before you go

Summertime sadness

I just wanted you to know

That, baby, you're the best

I got that summertime, summertime sadness
S-s-summertime, summertime sadness
Got that summertime, summertime sadness
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

I'm feelin' electric tonight

Cruising down the coast goin' 'bout 99

Got my bad baby by my heavenly side
I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight

Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare
Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere
Nothing scares me anymore
1, 2, 3, 4
Kiss me hard before you go

Summertime sadness

I just wanted you to know

That, baby, you're the best

I got that summertime, summertime sadness
S-s-summertime, summertime sadness
Got that summertime, summertime sadness
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Think I'll miss you forever

Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky
Later's better than never

Even if you're gone I'm gonna drive, drive, drive
I got that summertime, summertime sadness

S-s-summertime, summertime sadness
Got that summertime, summertime sadness
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Kiss me hard before you go

Summertime sadness

I just wanted you to know

That, baby, you're the best

I got that summertime, summertime sadness
S-s-summertime, summertime sadness
Got that summertime, summertime sadness
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh


Red one

Let’s go to the beach, each
Let’s go get away
They say, what they gonna say?
Have a drink, clink, found the Bud Light
Bad bitches like me, is hard to come by
The Patrón, own, let’s go get it on
The zone, own, yes I’m in the zone
Is it two, three, leave a good tip
I’ma blow all my money and don’t give two shits
I’m on the floor, floor
I love to dance
So give me more, more,
‘Til I can’t stand
Get on the floor, floor
Like it’s your last chance
If you want more, more
Then here I am
Starships were meant to fly

Hands up and touch the sky
Can’t stop ‘cause we’re so high
Let’s do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky

Let’s do this one last time
Can't stop...

(We’re higher than a motherfucker)

(We’re higher than a motherfucker)

(We’re higher than a motherfucker)
Jump in my hooptie hooptie hoop
I own that

And I ain’t paying my rent this month
I owe that

But fuck who you want, and fuck who you like
That's our life, there’s no end in sight
Twinkle, twinkle little star

Now everybody let me hear you say ray ray ray
Now spend all your money cause today's pay day
And if you’re a G, you a G, G, G
My name is Onika, you can call me Nicki
Get on the floor, floor
Like it’s your last chance
If you want more, more
Then here I am
Starships were meant to fly

Hands up and touch the sky
Can’t stop ‘cause we’re so high
Let’s do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly

Hands up and touch the sky
Let’s do this one last time
Can't stop...
(We’re higher than a motherfucker)

(We’re higher than a motherfucker)

(We’re higher than a motherfucker)

Starships were meant to fly

Hands up and touch the sky
Can’t stop ‘cause we’re so high
Let’s do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly

Hands up and touch the sky
Let’s do this one last time
Can't stop...

(We’re higher than a motherfucker)

(We’re higher than a motherfucker)

(We’re higher than a motherfucker)

Say yes - Leon Yap

Say yes Say yes ...

Say yes Say yes ...

I'm driving slowly through the rain downtown
To forget about the love that we used to have
In my mind in my mind
Still got this picture of you
Got these memories I can't erase
Thinking of you
Oh I'm so sorry
Oh Did you wrong
Oh Baby listen cuz I want you to know
Say yes Say yes

I just need one more chance
To show you are the best
Say yes Say yes

Till you here in my arms
Girl you know I wont rest

I try to get myself together
Figure out how to live without you here
In my heart in my heart
Still got these feelings for you
Gotta live with the pain and
Deal with my own shit
Oh I'm so sorry
Oh Did you wrong
Oh Baby listen cuz I want you to know
Say yes Say yes

I just need one more chance to show you are the best
Say yes Say yes

Till you here in my arms
Girl you know I won't rest

There you are walking down on the street
Try to call but I just don't know how to breath

Then you turn around and look me straight in my eyes

Baby let me hear you
Say yes Say yes

Say yes Say yes

Say yes Say yes ...
I just need one more chance to show you are the best
Say yes Say yes ...
Till you here in my arms
Girl you know I won't rest



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1989年1月27日的性格 命运 星座
不过,却会极为孩子气地定期爆发情绪!适合你的恋爱对象:2月22日3月21日3月30日4月20日5月28日6月27日7月26日8月25日9月15日10月14日10月23日10月24日 适合你的朋友对象:1月6日1月24日2月11日2月29日3月1日4月27日5月17日6月16日7月24日8月5日8月23日10月21日 ...

灵山县18859364091: 孙克杰为什么不在非常完美了 -
尉转利肝: 你好!很高兴为你解答. 非常完美孙克杰24岁,来自台湾,是一名篮球家教参加了 非常完美20140314期录制. 如果认为对你有点启发的话,请点击右下角的采纳,谢谢!

灵山县18859364091: 2015年十月十七号非常完美孙克杰离场歌曲 -
尉转利肝: 孙克杰走时的英文歌:歌名:See You Again 歌手:Carrie Underwood

灵山县18859364091: 为什么孙克杰最近没上非常完美被牵走了吗 -
尉转利肝: 没有被牵走,只是没来录影

灵山县18859364091: 非常完美中的男嘉宾孙克杰牵手了吗 -
尉转利肝: 在贵州卫视《非常完美》最新一期8号男嘉宾孙克杰被第一个上场的女嘉宾雷诺莎告白,而很多观众在节目播出以后都非常好奇孙克杰雷诺莎是否牵手成功.

灵山县18859364091: 非常完美男嘉宾孙克杰什么时候被牵走的,他有对女生表过白吗? -
尉转利肝: 他有对女生表白过

灵山县18859364091: 非常完美里面的孙克杰他之前和那个天津的女生牵手成功了吗 -
尉转利肝: 没有,这节目有点假

灵山县18859364091: 非常完美电视剧孙克杰告别离开舞台 -
尉转利肝: 孙克杰离开非常完美的歌:歌曲:See You Again 歌手:Carrie Underwood

灵山县18859364091: 非常完美孙克杰牵手成功是哪一nian -
尉转利肝: 牵手成功确实感动了很多人, 在这之前更是因为他有着酷帅外表的他也 是很多女嘉宾心中的理想对象,有很多女嘉宾都向他告白过. 而有一期节目中,穿着短旗袍登场的华筱绾有个很江湖气的名字, 也有着江湖侠女敢爱敢恨的内心世界.

灵山县18859364091: 2015年10月17号非常完美孙克杰开场短片中放的英文歌名字叫什么 -
尉转利肝: Lampshades On Fire - Modest Mouse Mmm buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh-duh-dah Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh-duh-dah We're all goin', we're all goin' Well, the lampshade's on fire when the lights go out The room lit up and we ran about Well,...

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