
作者&投稿:仲虽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.I helped Linda to do her homework.
He helped the old man to go across the road.
She helped me to do the washing.
The polioce helped to find the missing girl.
The dog helped blind man to find the way home.
2.Medicines are helpful to the patient.
Fire is helpful to human beings.
Mechines are helpful to the workers.
A computer is helpful to a white collar(白领)
Planting more trees is friendly to fight against soil erosion(土壤侵蚀)
3.She is friendly to her classmates
The new teacher is friendly to us
The lion is friendly to its trainer
The colleages are friendly to me
The students are friendly to their new friends from American
4.I'm glad to help you.
I'm glad to give you a hand
I'm glad to have you come to my birthday party
I'm glad to stand here
I'm glad to make friends with you

1.As soon a I got onto the bank, the ice broke.
We'll let you know as soon as a table is available.
But as soon as a good young player emerges he is always compared to Maradona.

2.I don't think that would be a problem.
I don't think that he is real.

I don't think that I will fail because I have a seamless plan.


3.Not until we lose health do we know its value.

It was not until 1991 that the property bubble burst.


It was not until 1454 that the first book was printed in Europe.


4.the sadness of love is that one insist staying , but the other insist leaving .


I have one hand loose but the other is tied.


There are two mans and first one wants fishing but the other one wants swimming.


5.This box is too large to be put into my bag.


All over cities, it seems that people are too tired and too hurried to be polite

Finally, if institutions are too complex to supervise, they are also too complex to exist.

基本句型一: S +Vi (主+谓)
基本句型二: S+Vt+O (主+谓+宾)
基本句型三: S+LinkV+ P (主+谓+表)
基本句型四: S +Vt+InO +DO (主+谓+间宾+直宾)
基本句型五: S+Vt+O+C (主+谓+宾+宾补)

基本句型一: S+Vi (主+谓)
S Vi (不及物动词)
1. The sun │was shining. 1. 太阳在照耀着。
2. The moon │rose. 2. 月亮升起了。
3. We all │breathe, eat, and drink. 3.我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。
4. Who │cares? 4. 管它呢?
5. What he said│does not matter. 5. 他所讲的没有什么关系。
6. They │talked for half an hour. 6. 他们谈了半个小时。
基本句型二 S+Vt+O(主+谓+宾)
S │Vt(及物动词)│ O(宾语)
1. Who │knows │the answer? 1. 谁知道答案?
2. She │thanked │her mother. 2. 她感谢了她的母亲。
3. He │is making │a cake. 3. 他正在做蛋糕。
4. He │enjoys │reading. 4. 他喜欢看书。
5. They │ate │what was left over. 5. 他们吃了剩饭
6. He │said │"Good morning." 6. 他说:“早上好!”
7. I │want │to have a cup of tea. 7. 我想喝杯茶
8. He │watches │TV. 8. 他看电视。
基本句型 三 S+LinkV+ P(主+谓+表)
系动词分两类:一类表示情况如be, look, keep, seem等;
另一类,表示变化如get, grow, become, turn等。
be 本身没有什么意义,只起连系主语和表语的作用。其它系动词仍保持其部分词义。
S │LinkV(是系动词)│ P(表语)
1. This │is │an English-Chinese dictionary. 1. 这是本英汉辞典。
2. The dinner │smells │good. 2. 午餐的气味很好。
3. He │feels │a little tired.

I love you dog.

10 但是不论简答或详答的主词都要以代名词代替疑问句的主词. 11 穿插一般疑问句和命令句来变换句型。也可以用简单、复合或者复杂句来增加句子结构的种类。 12 英语中WH移位对肯定句变疑问句是属于强制性的。 13 美国讲英语的人经常在说话时使用反诘问句. 14 本文从语义、语用的角度对...

这三个复句各包含两个分句。同一复句里的分句,说的是有关系的事。一个复句只有一个句终语调,不同于连续的几个单句。参看〖分句〗。 复句造句: 1、这是一个并列关系的复句。 2、请记住每一个转折复句的精确结构。 3、是用“如果”,“当时”,“然后我”知道吗?请记住每一个转折复句...

造句8:她气质不好、再怎么模仿明星、也只不过是东施效颦罢了。 造句9:很正常,孩子接触到大量的信息,记住了一些只言片语,但还不理解它们的含义,只是随便组合,模仿着说出来,大人听来就是奇怪的话了。 造句10:模仿给出的句子,以“我喜欢”开头,再造两个句子,使整个句式形成排比。 造句11:不要试着模仿别人,试着...

either or和neither nor的区别是什么?
either用在否定句的句末,表示"也"的意思。例如:If you don\\'t go there. I won\\'t, either. 如果你不去那里,我也不去。二、neither...nor...neither...nor...表示"既不……也不……"。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如:She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既...


What is pragmatic failure 语用失误【不当】及举例.



词序不同,但学生中从未见有按汉语语序说成“Morning good”者, 原因就在于一开始就是整句学,整句用。 入门阶段应强调套用句型,“照葫芦画瓢”,不要让学生离开葫芦去“造”瓢。 要多做填充、问答、转换之类的练习。 通过这类练习理解句型,熟悉句型直到熟练地运用句型。 另一种情况是由于母语习惯而不自觉地产生...


上林县17369957839: 英语句型造句,每个句型造五个句子,周六晚要!1.It is adj for sb to do sth.2.be found of doing sth.3.like doing sth.4.if引导的状语从句 -
嬴蓝复方:[答案] 1、①It is difficult for him to speak English fluently.②It is happy for him to stay with his family.③It is worthy for him to help others.④It is just impossible for she to see that and not weep.⑤It...

上林县17369957839: 用英语的五种基本句型造各造5个句子 -
嬴蓝复方: S十V主谓结构 He runs quickly. 他跑得快. S十V十P主系表结构 He is older than he looks. 他比看上去要老. S十V十O主谓宾结构 I saw a film yesterday. 我昨天看了一部电影. S十V十O1十O2 主谓双宾结构 He gave me a new book and an old book to me. 他给我一本新书和旧书. S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构 They made the girl angry. 他们使这个女孩生气了.

上林县17369957839: 用英语句型造句,每个句型造五个句子 -
嬴蓝复方: 1.I helped Linda to do her homework.He helped the old man to go across the road.She helped me to do the washing.The polioce helped to find the missing girl.The dog helped blind man to find the way home. 2.Medicines are helpful to the ...

上林县17369957839: 用简单句的5种句型造5个句子 -
嬴蓝复方: 感叹句 what a beautiful girl! 祈使句 open the door please. 疑问句 what is your name? 肯定句 i know her name, 否定句 i do not know her name.

上林县17369957839: 英语造句一共造五个句子,分别用上以下几个句型:1.…the same as …2.to help do ...3...make..do..4...to help with ..5...to make ...(period of time ) -
嬴蓝复方:[答案] 1.my age is the same as him. 2.You can help me to finish this hard work. 3.my mother make me clean my room. 4.Miss Li helps me with my English 5.It takes about 1 hours from my home to the school by bus.(最后一句是你打错了吗?应该是take吧~)

上林县17369957839: 英语简单句的基本句型造句各位英语好的同学们,请帮我一个忙,用五个英语的基本句型分别造3个英语句子,不要太深,到初三为止的英语水平就可以了,... -
嬴蓝复方:[答案] 1 I am happy.He is a student.She looks tired.2 I work.He is standing.You are sitting.3 I study English.I cook dinner.He is having lunch.4 He teaches us English.We call him Da Mao.He bought me a card.5...

上林县17369957839: 用英语的五种句型造句,一个句型一个,顺便把翻译跟是什么句型给打上吧,谢谢哈.... -
嬴蓝复方: 主+谓:He laughed happily.他高兴地笑了.主+谓+宾:I love you forever.我爱你一生一世.主+系+表:That sounds good.那听起来不错.主+谓+宾+宾补:You always make me happy.你总是让我很开心.主+谓+间宾+直宾:I bought her an iphone6 yesterday.昨天我给她卖了一部iphone6.

上林县17369957839: 麻烦大家帮我用五种简单句(英语)的类型造句= - =感激不尽!就是那个什么主+谓 主+谓+宾 主+谓+宾(补)……等等一系列一共是五个,请帮我用这五种类... -
嬴蓝复方:[答案] 1.主语+ 系动词 + 表语 These books are great. 2.主语 + 谓语 + (状语) The first book came out in 2003. 3.主语 + 谓语+ 宾语 My father loves pictures of cars. 4.主语+ 谓语+ 简接宾语+ 直接宾语 His hobby has brought him enjoyment. 5.主语+ 谓语+ 宾语...

上林县17369957839: 用5个英语句型造句? -
嬴蓝复方: 1.How happy I am/How happily the girls sing.我真高兴/这些女孩子唱的真开心2.What a beautiful girl she is.她是多么漂亮的女孩子啊.3.Thank you for helping us.谢谢你帮助我们4.So do I.我也是5.I wish I could speak English better and better.我希望我的英语越学越好.

上林县17369957839: 英语造句(5个) -
嬴蓝复方: yesterday he could not sing,but now he can sing well.I wish I could not speak English, ie but I can.I can hear the radio very well; could not you turn it up a bit?I'm sorry to if I could not , I would, but I can, so I won.I could not have sworn I left the ...

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