
作者&投稿:鄣钧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Combining artistic skills with figure skating is a sport ice. Heineken taxiing athletes in a variety of positions agility and spin moves under score referees decide rankings. Figure skating competitions, including single skating, ice dance and double slide. Two single skating men and women, in addition to completing graphics Free Figure regulations, but also by the demand music players, in a specified time to complete a Free Figure action. Graphic ice slid off the various provisions in the graphic pattern; Free Figure rotation is combined with agility and the various steps, with the rhythm and beats of the music. at the time skidded off the graceful movements. Graphics is the single skating 17, a total of 82 kinds of slide, the slide only nine games graphics. will be divided into three groups. Using the method of drawing lots from a group which identified two of the three graphics Games. Free Figure provides a total of four groups, each of the seven moves. Competition is only one of each slide Guojihualian provided by the group. Double slide in addition to the morning skating movements, it also includes 84 rotating, lift, jump, and 84 other 84-step coordination. with the completion of action. Allowed to dance with their typical 84-slip movement, allowing the ice to do some pace and profile of performances. Origin and Development of figure skating to speed skating at the same time, however, changes with tricks. There are nearly 100 years of figure skating. Since the 18th century, European metal fabrication industries, metal ice skates instead of ice skates bone system, but did not add the following ditch channels. Therefore only spiral slide, the first big knees, Yan balance, and various simple Kirikae further action. Nevertheless, the ice Huayanghua law was a matter of great interest. American Ballet performing artists try to put Jackson Hayes rubbed skating movement and dance as one. given a figure skating with a new outlook. In 1863, he went to Europe, Stockholm, Berlin, Budapest, St. Petersburg. ;1868 Helsinki and other cities for the tour, he came to the world the city of Vienna, Austria. Along with his music market in the ice, wearing skates, in the spring of 1730, then the most popular dance posture Martinsen Kadri dance groups and dance cards, In particular, he performed tons SJS rotation to the quick pace and beautiful dancing sensation Vienna, Joseph King Austria life much appreciated. So many people have worshiped him as a teacher, established the figure skating club and began a special exercise. There has also been some competition. In 1868, held the first American representatives of American skating, figure skating competitions and decisions on some of the methods. Since then, more extensive campaign of figure skating. Austrians were first held in 1872 in the world figure skating tournament. 1882, Austria Hanakuri ice skater Sykora skating rink in Vienna, according to his wife and leapt into the outstretched hands in public, They are new to the scene and coordinated with the action attracted. After 84 slide was born. 1892 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands held the first joint meeting of representatives of national skating association. Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Britain, Sweden, and other representatives from 16 countries attended the meeting and formulated the rules of the game. Speaking at a rate of the world and decided to speed skating, figure skating championships and the European supply skating, speed skating championships. Establishment of the International Federation, at a venue in Davos, Switzerland, and provides Congress is held once every two years. Russia was held in St. Petersburg in 1896 in the first men's World Figure Skating Championships, then only four participants. 1906 in Davos, Switzerland, at the first world women's single figure skating championships. 1908 Olympic figure skating tournament held in London, the Russian player Nanzishanrenhua BA Ning won the championship. In this year's competition, he designed and produced the first modern supply-skating knife. Since the reform of ice skates, skating to supply technology for the development of new prospects. The same year, held in St. Petersburg, Russia in the first 84 World Figure Skating Championships. 1952 in Paris, France at the World Ice Dance Championships. As for the 4982 World Figure Skating Championships from 1896, has held 72 sessions; Winter Olympics figure skating competition has been held for 13 to 1980. Frequent international competitions, greatly promoting the widespread launch of the ice sports.

Figure skating
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Figure skating is an Olympic sport in which individuals, pairs, or groups perform spins, jumps, footwork and other intricate and challenging moves on ice. Figure skaters compete at various levels from beginner up to the Olympic level (senior), and at local, national, and international competitions. The International Skating Union (ISU) regulates international figure skating judging and competitions. Figure skating is an official event in the Winter Olympic Games. In languages other than English, figure skating is usually referred to by a name that translates as "artistic skating".

Major international competitions are sanctioned by the ISU. These include the Winter Olympic Games, the World Championships, the World Junior Figure Skating Championships, the European Figure Skating Championships, the Four Continents Figure Skating Championships, and the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating.

The sport is also associated with show-business. Major competitions generally include exhibitions at the end in which the top-placing skaters perform for the crowd by showing off their various skills. Many skaters, both during and after their competitive careers, also skate in ice skating exhibitions or shows which run during the competitive season and the off-season.








17日18:00 男子自由体操决赛 17日18:43 女子跳马决赛 17日19:29 男子鞍马决赛 17日20:15 女子自由体操决赛 18日18:00 男子吊环决赛 8-18 18:43 女子高低杠决赛 - 国家体育馆 8-18 19:29 男子跳马决赛 - 国家体育馆 8-19 18:00 男子双杠决赛 - 国家体育馆 8-19 18:43 女子平衡木决赛 ...




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平罗县13228506610: 请问关于跳水和体操,花样滑冰组合动作的英语表达哪里能有? -
施芸灵孢:[答案] 英语词典

平罗县13228506610: 体操和跳水有哪些动作 -
施芸灵孢: 女子体操动作:跳马 第一组 科尔布特 前手翻转体360――前空翻转体360 第二组 丘索维金娜I 前手翻-屈体前空翻转体360 伊多基莫娃 前手翻-直体前空翻 王惠莹 前手翻-前空翻转体180 丘索维金娜II 前手翻-直体前空翻转体540 达维多娃 前手翻转...

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施芸灵孢: 1.体操 gymnastics 2.游泳 swimming 3.击剑 fencing 4.举重 weightlifting 5.棒球 baseball 6.篮球 basketball 7.排球 volleyball 8.乒乓球 table tennis 9.足球 soccer 10.跳水 diving 11.马球 polo 12.水球 water polo 13.垒球 softball 14.网球 tennis 15.赛艇 ...

平罗县13228506610: 在体操、花样滑冰、跳台跳水比赛中,常常听到“转体三周”“转体两周半”的说法,像这种动作表示的是多大角? -
施芸灵孢:[答案] 如果是逆时针转体,则分别是360°*3=1 080°和360°*2.5=900°;若是顺时针转体,则分别为-1 080°和-900°.

平罗县13228506610: 协调性较高的?哪些奥运会项目是动作复杂多样?哪些奥运会项目是动作
施芸灵孢: 在某些动作复杂多样、协调性较高的运动项目,如体操、跳水、花样滑冰、球类、撑竿跳高等中占有很大比重,其内容分基本技术和高难技术两类

平罗县13228506610: 什么是“跳水”? -
施芸灵孢: 跳水是一项优美的水上运动,它是从高处用各种姿势跃入水中或是从跳水器械上起跳,在空中完成一定动作姿势,并以特定动作入水的运动. 跳水运动包括实用跳水、表演跳水和竞技跳水.跳水运动在跳水池中进行.跳水运动员从1米跳板,3米跳板,或从3米,5米,7.5米和10米跳台跳水.跳水运动要求拥有空中的感觉,协调,柔韧性,优美,平衡感和时间感等素质. 竞技跳水是一项由个人参加的竞赛项目.跳水运动员本人由跳台或跳板腾空,运动员可以直接入水或在空中做各种难度的体操花样动作,以干净利索而优美的姿势入水.我国出色的跳水运动员有田亮,郭晶晶等.

平罗县13228506610: 有关运动的英语单词 -
施芸灵孢:[答案] 乒乓球Table tennis 篮球Basketball 体操Gymnastics 跑步Running 自行车Cycling 滑雪Skiing 1.体操 gymnastics 2.游泳 swimming 3.击剑 fencing 4.举重 weightlifting 5.棒球 baseball 6.篮球 basketball 7.排球 volleyball 8.乒乓球 table tennis 9.足球 soccer ...

平罗县13228506610: 体育项目的别称:例:跳水——空中芭蕾,体操—— ,举重—— ,游泳—— ,足球—— .请帮忙解决,急 -
施芸灵孢: 跳水——空中芭蕾体操——跳动音符举重——力挺江山游泳——蛟龙戏水足球——绿茵逐鹿

平罗县13228506610: 奥运有什么项目(列举6个) -
施芸灵孢: 田径、赛艇、羽毛球、棒球、篮球、拳击、击剑、足球、举重、手球、曲棍球、柔道、现代五项、垒球、跆拳道、网球、乒乓球、射击、射箭、铁人三项、帆船、游泳、花样游泳、跳水、水球、体操、蹦床、艺术体操、场地自行车、公路自行车、山地自行车、小轮车、障碍马术、舞步马术、马术三项赛、静水皮划艇、激流皮划艇、古典式摔跤、自由式摔跤、室内排球、沙滩排球、北欧两项滑雪、单板滑雪、跳台滑雪、高山滑雪、雪车、速度滑冰、短道速滑、俯式冰橇、冰球、冬季两项、越野滑雪、冰壶、自由式滑雪、花样滑冰、无舵雪橇.记得采纳啊

平罗县13228506610: 跳台和跳板有什么区别? -
施芸灵孢: 跳水分为跳台跳水和跳板跳水.跳水运动员从1米,3米跳板,或从3米,5米7.5米和10米跳台跳水.跳水运动员由跳台或跳板腾空,运动员可以直接入水或在空中做各种难度的体操花样动作,以干净利索而优美的姿势入水.参加跳板项目的男子...

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