翻译邀请函模板 谢谢

作者&投稿:潜度 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)








The 1 International (China) original design competition
(02.A) review committee B) review committee C) jury invitations
(03.A) award cooperation B) award cooperation invitation letter
4 invites Mr. / Mrs. to serve as the 2018 International (China) original design competition appraisal committee position, invites.
5 invited your unit 2018 of the first International Joint Liaison Office (Chinese) original design contest, we hereby invite.
6 Organizing Committee of the first international (China) original design competition
07.A) invites judge B to take up the post
08.A) invites unit B) to close up our partnership
The 1 International (China) original design competition
(02.A) review committee B) review committee C) jury invitations
(03.A) award cooperation B) award cooperation invitation letter
4 invites Mr. / Mrs. to serve as the 2018 International (China) original design competition appraisal committee position, invites.
5 invited your unit 2018 of the first International Joint Liaison Office (Chinese) original design contest, we hereby invite.
6 Organizing Committee of the first international (China) original design competition
07.A) invites judge B to take up the post
08.A) invites unit B) partnership

尊敬的xx,(dear xx)
出于xx目的/为了。。。(in order to), 我将会在xx时间xx地点举行xx活动,(i will be holding at xx on xx). 作为我们家庭的亲密的朋友,我和我的父母真诚邀请您的加入,和我们一起分享我们的喜悦。(as you are a close friend to our family, my parents and i would very much like you to join us in and share our joy.)我们的聚会在xx开始,聚会活动有xx,xx 和xx.( the occasion will start atxx, and acitivities include xx, xx and xx. )另外,还会有xx活动。(in addition, there will be xx. )我相信您一定会度过一段美好的时光。(i am sure you will enjoy a good time.)
您的莅临将为我们的家庭活动增添光彩。(my family would feel honored by your presence.)
您的yours sincerey,
李明li ming.

潍坊市15398216148: 翻译以下请柬成为英语,由于汉字是自己写的,所以可以随便更改,最好可以加入新的句子.谢谢请柬我们很想邀请您到我们中国来和我们一起过中国的传统... -
人冰断血:[答案] {词翻译分三段翻译的}请柬第1段:我们很想邀请您到我们中国来和我们一起过中国的传统节日--春节.我们为你安排日程如下:十二月二十八:到达北京,我们接您到北京大酒店下榻.十二月二十九:带您参观北京长城.十二...

潍坊市15398216148: 翻译邀请函模板 谢谢 -
人冰断血: 尊敬的xx,(dear xx)出于xx目的/为了...(in order to), 我将会在xx时间xx地点举行xx活动,(i will be holding at xx on xx). 作为我们家庭的亲密的朋友,我和我的父母真诚邀请您的加入,和我们一起分享我们的喜悦.(as you are a close friend to ...

潍坊市15398216148: 求翻译:邀请函的翻译,要求人工翻译,谢谢邀请函兹邀请您和您的夫人于8月1日至5日来我校法学院进行学术访问并作学术报告.我方将承担差旅,食宿等费... -
人冰断血:[答案] The Invitation You and your wife are kindly invited to visit our law school and to present your Academic Lecture from 1st to fifth of August. Your travelling expenses and accomondation will be in our account for this visit.

潍坊市15398216148: 请帮忙翻译邀请信,谢谢! -
人冰断血: nvitationDear sir / madam:My name is XXX, gender: female, birth date: XX year XX month XX day, place of origin: Hainan I Wanning City, ID number: XXXXXXX, Tel: XXXXX, we now invite my friendMr. Rodney back to Chinese Guangzhou ...

潍坊市15398216148: 英语邀请信格式 最好有范文(有中文翻译) -
人冰断血:[答案] 邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑.例如:“I'd like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I'd like you ...

潍坊市15398216148: 求英语邀请信模板 -
人冰断血: 邀请信模板1:Dear ______,I will be holding ________ at ______ on _________ in order to _________ _. As you are a close friend of our family, my parents and I would very much like you to join us in _________ and share our joy.The ...

潍坊市15398216148: 英文邀请人家吃饭的邀请函格式是怎样的 -
人冰断血: Dear Uncle Yang,I would like to invite you to the international food festival in our school on Sunday,June 15th.Our students will sell many delicious foods.Hope to see you then!sincerely,Mary 这是邀请函的范文.首先在第一行不空格写对方的名字,然后在第而行空大约有一个单词左右的距离写邀请正文,最后写期望对方可以到来.结尾写自己的姓名.

潍坊市15398216148: 英语邀请函50字带翻译怎么写? -
人冰断血: Dear Petty, I hope you didn't make any plane for this weekend. You know I am moving into the new house, and I sincerely invite you to come to my new house. I will hold a celebration party on Saturday night. The scenery here is fantastic that I am ...

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