这道题怎么做:A study shows that s

作者&投稿:镡省 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
这个作业怎么做?A study shows that a~


1. Yes. 2. It's a health condition that cause difficulty in breathing. 3. She found she had asthma when she got to Califomia. 4. If you have trouble breathing when you wake up in the moming, it means that your asthma is getting worse. 5. Don't be afraid if you have asthma. / You can still have a normal life with asthma. / You can take part in sports with serious asthma. (答案不唯一)


蚌埠市19476845672: “这题怎么做”用英语怎么说? -
壹哀益贝: 一般外国人都是说,我不会这道题,可以帮帮我吗?I don't know how to work out this question. Can you help me?work out是解决的意思.最后记得和他说声Thank you!采纳我,给我点赞

蚌埠市19476845672: 设某哈夫曼树中有199个结点,则该哈夫曼树中有()个叶子结点. -
壹哀益贝:[选项] A. 99 B. 100 C. 101 D. 102 答案:B 我想知道这道题怎么做.谢谢.

蚌埠市19476845672: 这道题怎么做:句型转换. 1. Sh 句型转换. 1. She sings very well. (改为同义句)     She is - ___ - ____ - singing. 2. Peter does some housework on ... -
壹哀益贝:[答案] 1. good at 2.doesn't do 3.Does fly 4.How often 5.take bus

蚌埠市19476845672: 这道题怎么做:假如你正忙于做作业, 假如你正忙于做作业,同学来请教问题.下列哪种回答最恰当[ ] -
壹哀益贝:[选项] A. 等我把这道题做完了再一起讨论,好吗? B. 对不起,我的学习成绩不好,你还是另请高明吧. C. 等我做完了作业再来问不行吗? D. 你耐心地等我把自己的作业做完了再来教你.

蚌埠市19476845672: 这英语题怎样做
壹哀益贝: How to study English? Study English,You do need to use English with speakers who are not teachers of English. This isn't easy, since everyone feels constrained speaking English with friends with whom it would be natural to use a shared mother ...

蚌埠市19476845672: 已知丨a丨=7丨a丨 - 丨b丨=2且丨a+b丨= - (a+b)求a - b的值 -
壹哀益贝: ∵|a+b|=-(a+b) ∴a∵|a|=7 ∴a=-7 ∵|a|-|b|=2 ∴|b|=5 ∴b=-5 即:a=-7,b=-5 a-b=(-7)-(-5)=-7+5=-2

蚌埠市19476845672: ...studnet.A:to studyB:studying这题我知道应该选A.但是B,为什么不行?动词ing形势是可以做宾补的.问下:The teacher doesn't have to make Tom to study.... -
壹哀益贝:[答案] 好久没有来回答问题了.这个问题不能用语法来解释.在英语国家,很少有人知道语法规则的内容,只有专门研究语言学的人才能对此有一定了解.在习惯上,只要大家能看得懂,能听得懂,都可以过得去.汉语里也有这样的例子:“大...

蚌埠市19476845672: 这道题怎么做?有好评 连词成句 -
壹哀益贝: Is there a bookstore near here?************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************************

蚌埠市19476845672: 这道题怎么做:书面表达 假定你 -
壹哀益贝: Dear Velinda,Glad to hear from you. I'd like to tell you what I have planned for your Chinese study.We can begin our Chinese class in my study at 3 pm. every Tuesday during the winter holiday. The class lasts until 5 o'clock. In the class, we will ...

蚌埠市19476845672: ABCDE是五种常见物质,它们之间的转化关系如图……这道题怎样做?这是转化关系图其中:A是非金属单质,B是A的氢化物回答1、若X是氧气,Y是水,... -
壹哀益贝:[答案] 1.硫酸(A:S) 硝酸(A:N2) 2.S 相关反应 2H2S+SO2==2S↓+2H2O SO2+H2O===H2SO3 2H2SO3+O2====2H2SO4

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