A. 将下列句子译成英语 You’d better not go swimming alone .

作者&投稿:一满 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1, many teachers continue to work, even if they are sick. (Go on) 2, through their tireless efforts finally his dream came true. (Come true) 3, we have a long history in China and its colorful culture and pride. (History, culture) 4, unless you walk along the river, you'll get lost in the forest. (Unless) 5, to reduce air pollution is everyone's responsibility. (Duty) 6, you'd better not go swimming alone. (Alone)

You should come here earlier next time.

You'd better not go swimming by yourself.

Let's start to talk about the topic.

The box is too heavy for the child to carry.

It takes my dad an hour to go to work every day.

You主语’d better not go swimming alone谓语 .你最好不要单独去游泳。注意 掌握 had better do 和 had better not do 的用法另外 表示 休闲 娱乐 等行为时 可以用 go doing 句型 但doing 是分词 不是动名词

你最好不要单独(独自)一个人去游泳。 1“You'd”是“you had”的缩写形式,“had”是为了与后面的“better”形成固定搭配“had better do sth.”,意思是最好做某事,它的否定表达方式就是本句话中的“had not do sth.”,译为最好不要做某事 2“go swimming”意思是“去游泳”,是一种常用的表达方式,类似的例子还有“go shopping(去购物)/go jogging(去慢跑)”等等。 3“alone”在本句话中的意思是单独独自


龙山县15561511981: A.将下列句子译成英语 You'd better not go swimming alone . -
禤若扶济:[答案] You主语'd better not go swimming alone谓语 .你最好不要单独去游泳.注意 掌握 had better do 和 had better not do 的用法另外 表示 休闲 娱乐 等行为时 可以用 go doing 句型 但doing 是分词 不是动名词

龙山县15561511981: A. 将下列句子译成英语 You'd better not go swimming alone . -
禤若扶济: You主语'd better not go swimming alone谓语 .你最好不要单独去游泳.注意 掌握 had better do 和 had better not do 的用法另外 表示 休闲 娱乐 等行为时 可以用 go doing 句型 但doing 是分词 不是动名词

龙山县15561511981: A. 将下列句子译成英语 I'd like to ask a favor of you . -
禤若扶济: I是主语'd like是谓语 to ask a favor of you是宾语 大家 翻译的都对 .我想求你帮忙

龙山县15561511981: 将下列句子翻译成英文.1.这是谁的伞?2.你今天上午上的是什么课?3.这个箱子有多重?4.你喜欢英语还是语文?5.你愿意乘公共汽车还是乘火车去那儿?6.... -
禤若扶济:[答案] 1.Whose umbrella is this? 2.What class did you have this morning? 3.How heavy is this box? 4.Which do you prefer,Engligh or Chinese? 5.Would you like to go there by bus or by train? 6.What a new watch it is! 7.What interesting books the children are ...

龙山县15561511981: 把下列的句子翻译成英语 -
禤若扶济: 1.These photos will be displayed in time sequence for convenience.2.you need to stop the car after the accident .3.The ideas and methods of educating the children vary from different culture.4.He is more of a poet than a musician.5.My father has ...

龙山县15561511981: A. 将下列句子译成英语
禤若扶济: My mother 是主语is是系动词 always the first是表语 to get up 是定语and the last是并列表语 to go to bed是定语 in the family是状语 . 在整个家庭里 我母亲总是最先起床最后休息. 本句 注意 不定式 的 用法 就行了

龙山县15561511981: 把下列句子翻译成英语
禤若扶济: Stop shoutting!You make me a headache." mom said angrily.You should keep practicing,though it is really difficult to improve your Calligraphy in such a short time. 应该没错吧.

龙山县15561511981: 将下列句子翻译成英文. 1.当你年轻时,你的记忆力会变得更好 2.Lily变的越来越漂亮 3.背书最 -
禤若扶济: 翻译: 1 When you are young,your ability to memorize will be stronger. 2 Lily becomes more and more beautiful. 3 The best way to recite is to read it from time to time. 4 Saving water is a great way to protect the environment. 5 It's hard to ...

龙山县15561511981: 英语翻译将下列句子翻译成英文.1.当你年轻时,你的记忆力会变得更好2.Lily变的越来越漂亮3.背书最好的的方法就是多读4.节约用水是保护环境的一种好方法... -
禤若扶济:[答案] 翻译:1 When you are young,your ability to memorize will be stronger.2 Lily becomes more and more beautiful.3 The best way to recite is to read it from time to time.4 Saving water is a great way to pr...

龙山县15561511981: 将下列句子翻译成英语
禤若扶济: 1. That distinguished actress in her unique sense of humor can make people feel happy 2. No one can, I believe that well-known performers Retention has become a dirty beard, dressed in rags of the homeless homeless 3. What a surprising scene, ...

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