It was evening ______ we reached the little town of Winchester. when为什么不可以

作者&投稿:漳刮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
it was evening we reached the little town of winchester~

before 和until 经常可以通用。lz说的没错,如果只从字面的意思理解,的却before 和until 都可以。但是这两个词也有特殊情况,如只能用before的情况。主要有5种。适合这题的解释是:

主句谓语动词强调动作的迟缓性,只用before,这时常伴有时间段状语或时间段暗示。For example:
It was quite a long time before he found the elephant.过了很长时间,他才找到大象。

1。主句为肯定式,谓语为终止性动词时只用before. For example:
1). He fell asleep before I could take off his clothes.
2). We arrived there before it started to rain.

2。如果强调在从句谓语动作没发生前就先发生主句谓语动作,只用before,这时常译为“未及(不等)……就……” For example:
1)We can leave early in the morning before it gets too hot.趁天还不太热,我们上午早点离开。

I would give up my job before I agree to be dismissed. 我与其被解雇还不如先辞职。

It was (not) long before…(不久)过了很长时间才…
It will (not) be long before…(不到)要过很长时间才会… For example:
It will probably not be long before they understand each other. 他们大概过不久就会互相了解。

It was evening (when we reached the little town of Winchester).
括号内是时间状语从句。It was evening 是主句。

都可以吧 只是意思不同 其实这2个词 填的时候注意语境 意思对就可以 经常2者可以互换的、

一. Before

1. The bus had left before I arrived. 我到达之前汽车已经开走。

2. She changed her hairstyle in her hometown before she came to Changing for a better job. 在到重庆来找个好些的工作之前,她在家乡改了发式。

3. Make sure to turn off all the lights before you leave the room. 离开房间前确保关掉所有的灯。

4. We had not gone far before we saw that hotel.在看见那旅馆之前我们没走多远/我们没走多远就看见了那旅馆。(before有时译作“就”。这里“看见旅馆”是已知事件。)

5. You must finish your homework before you go out to play basketball.你在出去打篮球之前必须完成作业/你必须完成作业才能出去打篮球。(before有时译作“才”。这里“出去打篮球”是已有准备的、可以预见的事。)
6. The meat dropped from his mouth into the river before he knew it.在他知道之前,那块肉已从他嘴里掉到河里/他还没弄清怎么回事,那块肉已从他嘴里掉到河里。(he knew it是可以预见到的、迟早会发生的事。)
二. When
1. when作从属连词,引导时间状语从句,表示“在……时”。从句可以位于主句之前或之后,表达的是一已知的或可以预见的事件,通过此事件的时间来告知未知的、主句事件的时间。如:

1. You were out when I dropped in at your house.我到你家拜访时你不在家。

2. What were you doing when I phoned you last night?昨晚我给你打电话时你在做什么?

3. The discussion came alive when an interesting topic was brought in.当说到一个大家感兴趣的话题时,讨论立刻活跃起来。

4. ---Can I drive on the free way, Mr. Green?

---You can when you get a bit more skilled.



2. when作并列连词,在前一分句后引出一个新的突发事件,前一分句描述新事件发生的背景,为新事件作铺垫。如:

1. We were swimming in the lake when suddenly the storm started.我们正在湖里游泳,突然风暴骤起。(前一分句常用过去进行时描述背景。“风暴骤起”是原本没有预见到的突发事件。)

2. He was walking on the street when three men jumped up and stopped him.他正在街上走着,突然三个人跳到他跟前拦住他。

3. He was about to tell me the secret when someone patted him on the shoulder.他正要告诉我秘密突然有个人拍拍他肩膀。(前一分句也常用be about to do sth.描述背景)

4. I had just locked the door when I realized I had left my keys on the kitchen table.我刚锁上门突然意识到我把钥匙忘在厨房的案板上。(前一分句也可用过去完成时描述背景)

when为什么不可以? 个人认为when和before都可以.


清涧县18647795289: 如何区分强调句和状语从句1如题2 It was evening(B)we reached the townA that B before C since D until3 It was with great joy (D)he received the letterA ... -
储庞阿思:[答案] 2It was evening (when we reached the little town of Winchester).括号内是时间状语从句.It was evening 是主句.3去掉it was和that以后句子依旧完整无误.所以用that3去掉it was和that以后句子依旧完整无误.所以用t...

清涧县18647795289: it was evening we reached the little town of winchester A. that B. until C. since D. before -
储庞阿思: 你好,很高兴为你解答.保证正确率~!正确答案是:D 【解析】:1. before 意为:在.....之前2. 这个句子不是强调句型,强调句型一定是强调句子的某个成分,比如时间状语,地点状语,主语等等.如果要选that,要在evening前面加 in the ,这样才是强调句.3. until 是“直到......才”,通常和否定句型连用,不符合题意.不懂请追问,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~~ 望采纳,祝开心~!!!

清涧县18647795289: It was evening - ------ - we reached the little town of Winchester. -
储庞阿思: 答案D 此句意为“我们到达温彻斯特(英格兰南部城市)之前就已经是晚上了”.句中的it表示的是时间,而非强调句型中的it.注意以下强调句型:It was in the evening that we reached the little town of Winchester.我们到达温彻斯特那个小镇时已经...

清涧县18647795289: it was evening we reached the little town of winchester -
储庞阿思: 二楼的答案是对的.it was evening before we reached the little town of Winchester. 意思是“我们到Winchester小镇的时候是晚上了”. 1. before 意为:(我们)在(到Winchester )之前 2. 该句不是强调句型,强调句型一定是强调句子的某个成分,比如时间状语,地点状语,主语等等. 3. 此句也不选B,until 是“直到......才”,意思不符合题意.

清涧县18647795289: It was evening - --I arrived there. a that b before c until d since 选什么 为什么 -
储庞阿思: A 我到那里的时候是傍晚.it was..that是强调句的结构.

清涧县18647795289: it was evening - ---we finally got to our destinstion. -
储庞阿思: 应该选when的 因为在这里的上文是时间, 时间后面需要跟when的, 希望能帮到你!

清涧县18647795289: it was evening -- we reached the little town.A that B until C before求答案及详解 -
储庞阿思: C 我们还没到小镇天就黑了.这不是强调句,因为强调句有一个特点,就是去掉强调结构It is/was...that句子意思及结构仍然完整.这句话如果去掉这个结构就成了:We reached the little town (in the) evening. 也就是少了in the 所以排除A.如果选B意思不通.“直到我们到达小镇天黑了.” 如果要表达“直到我们到达小镇天才黑”,应该用not....until It was not evening until we reached.....选C,从字面意思上看是在我们到达小镇前,就已经是晚上了.也就是:我们还没到小镇天就黑了.

清涧县18647795289: it was - -- - evening before we reached - -- - little town -
储庞阿思: 加the 是因为要特指 那个小城 那就排除BCD 直接选A 了 在我们到达那个小城之前就天黑了 it 在这里指的是 天 it was evening 意思是 天 是晚上了 it 作主语,was 作系动词,evening作表语,主系表结构 before we reached the little town 作状语

清涧县18647795289: 有一个句子 It was evening (that)we reached the little town of Winchester.括号里面为什么要用that 如果用when 可以不? -
储庞阿思:[答案] It was evening (that)we reached the little town of Winchester这句话应该不能用that,因为如果是强调句,那么去掉it was ..that应该还是一个句子,但这里去掉后就不是句子了,因为少了in the ,应该是in the evening...

清涧县18647795289: It was evening - ----we reached the little town of Winchester. -
储庞阿思: B 不是A IT WAS...THAT是一个从句的用法 这个用法的检验标准是如果你去掉了是不影响句子结构的 所以不能用THAT 就算它引起的一个时间从句 它也该用WHEN 所以选B


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