
作者&投稿:钊建 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

每个人的一生都会遇到许许多多的事。当然,我也不例外。 我的一生中遇见过伤心的事,后悔的事,高兴的事。因时间的飞逝,我也渐渐的淡忘了。可有一件事,像是刻在了我的心里,使我终生难忘! 那还是我小学的时候,一次放假。我便约了几个小伙伴,一起去爬山。 那天,我们各自带着自己喜欢吃的东西来到山上游玩。不一会儿,我们就爬到了山顶。好大的风啊,我们坐在石头上。一边吃东西,一边说笑话。 往下一望,啊。好多房子啊。我们便开始寻找自己的家了。这时听见一个人喊:“看,那边有一个果树林。肯定很凉爽。我们去那边玩吧。”我们几个人一起看着那里,确实在山腰上发现了一片果树林。于是我们就商量着去那片果树林里玩。 来到了果树林,树上竟然摘满了橘子。我带头爬到树上去摘橘子,刚摘没几个,啪啪!一根树枝短了,我一紧张,失去了平衡。往后一躺,摔了一个四脚朝天。这时从远处走来一位老爷爷,看了看我,又看了看地下的橘子。顿时恍然大悟,刚张开口想要说什么,我知道老爷爷要批评我了,我便准备低下头去,接受这位陌生的老爷爷的批评。刚刚想到这里,便听见了一个沙哑的声响说:“小朋友,你们刚才的事。我都看见了,你没摔坏吧。用不用上我家里去檫点药呀?”我回过神来,慌慌张张的说:“不用了。”便拉着小伙伴走了。 现在我想起来,我到别人的树林里去偷橘子而摔了一跤,他竟没骂我活该,还问我摔着没有。我连一句谢谢也不说一声,就慌慌张张的走了。现在想起来,真后悔。以后哪天要有时间,我一定要上他家去道歉! Each person's life may come across many things. Of course, I was no exception. My life encountered a sad thing, regret things, happy things. Of time passes, I have gradually faded. May have a thing, such as engraved in my heart, so that I will never forget! That is still my primary school, a holiday. I have about a couple of junior partner, and go and climb mountains. On that day, we each like to eat things with his own play to the mountains. A moment later, we climbed to the summit. A big wind ah, we are sitting on a rock. While eating, while jokes. I looked down, ah. A lot of house ah. We then began to find their own home. Then heard a man shouting: "Look, over there there is a forest of fruit trees. Definitely very cool. Wanba we go over there." We looked at with a few people there, indeed the discovery of a mountainside forest of fruit trees. So we are going to discuss the Napian fruit forests play. Came to the fruit trees full of orange trees, even Zhai. I take the lead climb Quzhai oranges, not just picked a few, pops! A branch short, I have a nervous, lost his balance. Lying next one, threw a four-foot overturned. Then came a grandfather from a distance, looked at me, then looked at the ground floor of the orange. Suddenly understood why, just want to say what Chang openings, I know that grandfather want to criticize me, I bowed his head ready to go, to accept the unknown grandfather criticism. Just think of where they heard the sound of a hoarse, said: "Look, you have just the thing. I have seen, and you did not broke bar. Use do not need to go to my house, Sassafras Point medications do you take?" I fascinating stats, panic, saying: "No need." junior partner will be pulling away. Now I think of it, I went to the woods to steal someone else's oranges and a fall, he called me Jingmei deserve, but also asked me Shuaizhao not. I did not say a word of thanks on the panic's gone. Now think of it, I really regret it. After which day to have time, I must apologize, he's home!

An Unforgettable Travel
My families plan to visit the interesting place of Shanghai.We are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghainese's lips.It is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so it's very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away it.As we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the Huangpu River through the window.At the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city.
This is the trip l never forget.一个令人难忘的旅行我的家庭计划参观上海.有趣的地方是东方明珠电视塔,一个著名的旅游胜地,它在上海标志.这个宏伟的建筑位于浦东新区,是最高的建筑,因此它很容易看到这种建筑,即使您不在这几英里.

last summer,i went to beidaihe for my holiday with my family.we took a train because the way is not far.

we lived in a big hotel where could see the sea .we stayed there for three days.

the first day,we went for a walk along the seaside,and then we went swimming and took a lot of interesting photos there.the second day,we went to a famous market and bought many keepsakes.

i was going to bring these keepsakes for my friends.the last day,we had a good picnic on the seaside with the natives.they acted all kinds of programmes and made us feel happy.

it’s a very good journey,and we all enjoyed ourselves on those days.if i have another holiday,i will go there again.




An unforgettable experience

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住饺选灵: My Most Unforgettable Thing Everyone has his most unforgettable thing. Last week, I came across a stray dog when I was taking a walk in my neighborhood. It was a cold day, and there was nobody around. I stopped and he looked at me helplessly....

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住饺选灵:[答案] 每个人的一生都会遇到许许多多的事.当然,我也不例外. 我的一生中遇见过伤心的事,后悔的事,高兴的事.因时间的飞逝,我也渐渐的淡忘了.可有一件事,像是刻在了我的心里,使我终生难忘! 那还是我小学的时候,一次放假.我便约了几个小伙伴...

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住饺选灵:[答案] just for ur reference... As a student ,I don't have any great event to talk about ,but here I want to share my experience of ... Today,I looked at my graduate photos again ,and ,I smiled . He once hesitated ,struggled,feared and doubted,like an ordinary man ...

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住饺选灵: 你好! 难忘的一次经历 An unforgettable experience

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住饺选灵:[答案] An unforgettable thing during Summer vacation It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my ...saw my relatives and helped people. 暑期难忘的一件事 今天天气不错,太阳天.当我早上醒来,我决定去看看爷爷奶奶,所以...

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