
作者&投稿:和史 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第二天这个词用英语是the second day。
音标:[ðə;ði: 'sek(ə)nd deɪ ]
The e second day 初次见面
But The Second Day 但第二天
In The Second Day 在第二天
The Second Day- 认清现实
Adjust The Second Day 就调整第二天
every the second day 每第二天
on the second day 在第二天
The Second National Day 第二次国庆
The Second Day Morning 第二天早晨
1、On only the second day, prisoners staged a riot in the faux detention center, with prisoners barricading their cells with their beds and taunting the guards.
2、The second day was for Internet, again no theory but just how to do electronic banking, how to send and read e-mail and newspapers on-line.
3、I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.
4、And the king said again unto Esther on the second day at the banquet of wine, What is thy petition, queen Esther?
5、A warm afternoon, the second day of spring, but the air in the gorge had become cold and damp.

give/show/pass me the answer(s)/solution(s)

I am leaving (我要走了)


On foot 或者 walk

I'll leave now:我要走了,或者我要离开了。


在什么什么前面的英文是:in front of,ahead of。一、in front of 英 [ɪn frʌnt ɒv],美 [ɪn frʌnt əv]在…...前面 例句:I stood for a few moments in front of the nearest shop window.翻译:我在最近的一家商店的橱窗前站了一会儿。二、...

in front of 范围外的前面 in the front of 范围内的前面

在前面 [词典]ahead; at the fore; in front of; to the fore; in front;[例句]我们在前面,被挤到了舞台边上。We were at the front, crushed against the stage.

get ahead 获得成功;取得进步;走在前面; 例句: I was living in so much frustration that was may escape,to go to school ,and get ahead and do better. 我生活在如此多的挫折中,以至于我不得不去逃避,去上学,去进步,去做得更好。 扩展资料 Winners help others get ahe...

在...前面 in the front of 希望可以帮到你 望采纳

您好!在前面,in the front 在后面,at the back 在左面,on the left 在右面,on the right 希望可以帮到您

要看具体情况,如果是在什么范围里面的前面,用in the front of 如果没有地域范围的限制,那就用in fromt of

“在教室前面”in the front of the classroom 辨析:in the front of表示事物里面的前部分。例句:Our teacher usually sits in the front of the classroom.我们的老师经常坐在教室的前面。词汇解析:front 英 [frʌnt] 美 [frʌnt]n. 正面,前面;前线;幌子 v. 面对,朝向;...

在……前面 用英语怎么说?
In front of.

in front of(某物在某物前)There's a tree in front of the house.(树在房子前,不在一个范围内)in the front of(在一个范围内)There's a desk in the front of the room.在房间前部有一个桌子(在房间这个范围内)before在...之前(可时间)...

鲤城区15775979588: 走用英语怎么说{前面不加字}急急急.............我要走了,快给我答案 -
窦关金刚: I am leaving (我要走了)

鲤城区15775979588: 走的英语怎么说 -
窦关金刚: 走的英文是go 单词解析: 英 [gəʊ] 美 [goʊ] vi.走;离开;去做;进行 vt.变得;发出…声音;成为;处于…状态 n.轮到的顺序;精力;干劲;尝试 第三人称单数: goes 复数: goes 现在分词: going 过去式: went 过去分词: gone 例句: 1...

鲤城区15775979588: 走用英语怎么翻译?
窦关金刚: go

鲤城区15775979588: 走,,用英文怎么说 -
窦关金刚: GO 用中文来读就是 够

鲤城区15775979588: 我走.用英文怎么说 -
窦关金刚: 你是生气的走,还是一般的道别啊?如果生气闹别扭的话你可以这样说:Ok,I will go away!一般的走呢:I have to go;I'm flying(这是目前最In的一句)

鲤城区15775979588: 走回家 用英语怎么说?用walk -
窦关金刚: 最简单就用 walk home, 也可以说 walk back home, 中间一定不加 to 就是了.

鲤城区15775979588: “走和留”{用英语怎么说 -
窦关金刚: 我觉着应该是“go or stay” 因为,从字面上翻译,可以是“go and stay”. 但是,走和留是两个意思相反的词,一般是要用在选择性疑问句中的,所以“和”字应该用or而不是and. 英语中比较讲究词性和介词的搭配.

鲤城区15775979588: 直走,,用英语怎么说 -
窦关金刚: go straight 英 [ɡəu streit] 美 [ɡo stret] v.笔直走,正直做人 1、We just go straight up the Bristol Road我们就沿着布里斯托尔大道直走.2、Passengers with hand luggage can go straight to the departure gate to check in there. 携带手提行李的乘客...

鲤城区15775979588: 沿着小路走用英语怎么说 -
窦关金刚: 沿着小路走 keep to /walk along/ along the path例句:他们沿着小路走下去.They went down the road. 爱丽丝沿着小路走到一片树林中.The path led Alice into a woods. 然后巴里摩尔继续沿着小路走下去,查尔斯爵士的尸体就是在小路的尽头发现的.Barrymore then continued his walk down the alley. Sir Charle's body was found at the end of it .希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!

鲤城区15775979588: 在河边走用英语怎么说 -
窦关金刚: 楼主您好!翻译结果: Walk along the river bank

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