
作者&投稿:庾命 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

spoon    英[spuːn]    美[spuːn]    

n.    勺子; 勺; 匙; 调羹;    

vt.    用勺舀;    

spoon 双语例句

1. After waiting for her to accept a spoon, and then water added to the list of categories.


2. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she thinks she can do whate ever she like


3. He was born with a silver spoon.


4. spoon的翻译

4. A spoon of salt in a glass of watermakes the water undrinkable.


5. To the propel; be raddled in purple. spoon in his mouth.


6. spoon的解释

6. Rarest are the Nordmann`s greenshank, whose 1, 000 surviving pairs breed on Sakhalin; the tiny but striking spoon-billed sandpiper from north-east Siberia; 

and the much larger black-faced spoonbill, whose population has doubled to over 2, 000, thanks to better protection of its wintering sites.


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Zixian Pan 或者你也可以写成Pan Zixian两个都可以的。

The winner of the match is the first to win 2 sets.History:Badminton traces its history to a game called Poon, which was played in Pune, India in the 19th century by British military officers stationed there. This game was taken by retired officers back to England where it ...

...to go Blue boost into an ice poon 这两个任务是什么,怎么...
这是滑雪大冒险里的任务。Bust 3 clouds with blue boost,3 to go:在蓝色加速状态下穿过三多云,还有三朵需要完成 Blue boost into an ice poon:在蓝色加速状态下进入冰湖。两个任务都可以借助商店里的道具——Blue boost完成。

这种语言的语法结构融合了中文和南亚语言的特点,词汇中既有源自闽南语的“Steady poon pee pee”(意为非常镇定),也有可能源自马来语和爪哇语的“yaya papaya”(用来形容自大的人),以及马来语中“sotong”(鱿鱼)的变形“Blur like sotong”(意指一无所知)。新加坡式英语的灵活性和实用性使其不...

be impressed by\/with sth 表示的是某事给"谁"留下了深刻的印象,主语是sb;be impressed on\/upoon sb 表示的某事使某人铭刻于心,或者某人深深地意识到某事,主语是sth;一般时态为过去式;如:I was impressed by\/with your efficiency.His words was impressed on\/upon my memory.

看不懂你这个题目是什么意思啊,只能按照我理解的来了 it: fit bit hit sit cat: fat mat bat hat rat sat ate: late mate date rate wate noon: moon loon boon poon soon an: can ban fan man pan ran yet: set met bet let wet lay: say may day gay pay yard: card gard...

杨紫琼介绍 用英语
she retired from acting after marrying Poon. Three years later, the couple divorced and Yeoh returned to acting in 1992. Her first movie after the comeback was Police Story 3: Supercop, which was partly shot in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Ascension to fame Yeoh started her film career...

圣诞岛(英语:Christmas lsland)是澳大利亚位于印度洋的海外领地,面积135平方公里,位于印度洋东北部,为火山岛。北距印尼首都雅加达约500公里,东南距澳大利亚西岸的珀斯约2,600公里,东距科科斯(基林)群岛975公里。有大概1,493人居住在圣诞岛,大部分居住在岛北部的几个定居点:飞鱼湾、银城、Poon ...

August 6, 1962, Michelle Yeoh was born in a noble family in Ipoh, Malaysia, excellent family environment. Grandfather 杨锦坤 created in the nineteen-thirties nearly hit a bus company in Malaysia, his father Yang Jiande young professional in London to study law, while studies after ...

椒江区17170875812: spoon 怎么发音啊? -
湛治肾复: P在S后面发浊辅音B 念成,SBOON

椒江区17170875812: 勺子用英语怎么说 -
湛治肾复: spoon[英] [spu:n][美] [spun]n.匙,调羹; 一匙的量; 匙状物,匙桨;vt.用汤匙舀取; 向上击;[例句]He stirred his coffee with a spoon.他用一把小勺搅着自己的咖啡.

椒江区17170875812: spoon的音标和口语读音分别是什么??(初中英语) -
湛治肾复: 音标:/spu:n/ 口语读音:/sbu:n/ sp中的p发/b/ st中的t发/d/ 如student sk中的k发/g/ 如sky p,t,k 受s 的影响,发音时发与之相对应的浊辅音/b/, /d/,/g/

椒江区17170875812: 汤匙英语怎么读 -
湛治肾复: spoon 核心词汇 英 [spuːn] 美 [spuːn] n. 匙;调羹;匙状物

椒江区17170875812: 勺子用英语怎么读啊啊 -
湛治肾复: spoon 斯布恩

椒江区17170875812: 英语中什么是爆破音,有哪些?spoon该怎样读,是p是b的音吗? -
湛治肾复:[答案] s后面都是爆破音 不仅p是读成b,如果有c的话也要读成g,k也要读成g 如:scare school script sky

椒江区17170875812: spoon的读音和glue的读音一样吗? -
湛治肾复: 不一样, spoon 读 / spu:n/ glue 读/glu;/ 读音完全不同,

椒江区17170875812: 勺子这个单词怎么拼呢 -
湛治肾复:[答案] 勺子的英语有几个 ladle 大汤勺 soup spoon 西餐喝汤用的勺子 spoon 普通勺子 scoop (比如 ice scream scoop) 冰淇淋勺

椒江区17170875812: 勺子和盘子用英语怎么说 -
湛治肾复:[答案] 勺子 spoon 盘子 plate

椒江区17170875812: 调羹的英语翻译 调羹用英语怎么说 -
湛治肾复: spoon 英 [spu:n] 美 [spun] n. 匙,调羹;一匙的量;匙状物,匙桨 vt. 用汤匙舀取;向上击 vi. 轻轻向上击;用匙状假饵钓鱼;痴爱,迷恋 第三人称单数: spoons 复数: spoons 现在分词: spooning 过去式: spooned 过去分词: spooned 双语...

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