
作者&投稿:邲闵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 比喻山水美的四字词语
In summer, on the surface of the West Lake, lotus leaves and flowers are squeezed. The most striking is the white lotus, which is as pure as jade. It's so quiet and pure that it doesn't stain the mud The lotus leaf is holding the crystal dew like agate, and guarding the slim lotus and fat flower. It's a beautiful landscape painting that can't be painted by big painters.
The river runs through the mountains and walls, rushing down; the roaring river, like a waterfall hanging in the air, bangs for thousands of miles.
Waterfall water, like tens of thousands of tanks, starts at the same time, making a loud sound like a mountain crash, which makes people feel frightened.
The spring slowly came out of the ground like a crab's bubbling; its sound was like the sound of gold and stone, like a pearl falling on a jade plate.
In Guilin, people are not only "boating on the blue waves, people are swimming in the paintings." We can see all kinds of cultural relics and historic sites. There are more than two thousand stone carvings in the past, and the site of Yanguan in the ancient Han Dynasty in Lingqu, qindi, makes people stop to meditate.
From Bogda peak, clear water flows down, rolling to the foot of Tianshan Mountain, and the c *** is like an arrow pointing straight to the earth.
Thousands of peaks stand around the wild, and one water flows around the city. Guilin is built in the mountains. The green mountains and the dreamlike Lijiang River carefully care for the city in your arms.
In Guilin, the holy land of mountains and rivers, the air is so fresh; the river is so clear, the mountain is so strange. Attracted visitors to pick up the camera in their hands, "click - ---- click - ----" left a string of beautiful memories.
The waterfall is like a rolling dragon, which roars and falls from the sky.
Fog Valley in front of us, like a river full of milk, lies comfortably and gently in the arms of the mountain.
Waterfall, come closer, it's more like a curtain of water made of dense pearls.
The four seasons of the West Lake are beautiful. Spring back to the earth, walking on the white causeway of the West Lake, you can see the lake. You can only see the shimmering water, the rippling boat, and the three pools reflecting the moon embedded in the lake like jewels. How intoxicating it is to brush your cheek, brush your head and shoulders gently, and add a slight sculling sound and a beautiful piano sound in the distance!
West Lake winter is no exception. Although the flowers are all gone, the lake is still clear, and the plum blossom in full bloom is even more beautiful. In the snow, the children beside the river bank are playing happily, laughing and flying snow. Together, it becomes a wonderful symphony.
Home river like a slowly flowing light blue crystal, in the sun, with light blue silver light.
The water reflects the dark blue mountains, as if to embroider a beautiful pattern on the white belt.
Landscape, let the mountain and water blend, let the combination of flexibility and stability, let the wise and benevolent complement each other.
秋季的西湖,是一派成熟的景色。岸边十里飘香的桂花呀,真让人留恋往返;湖面上,荷叶像害羞的小女孩,都低下了脑袋,躲藏了起来,她们在提醒和等着人们去采那根下的莲藕呢。这时候,人们划着轻快的小船,哼着悠闲的小曲,轻轻地采下莲藕。那一只只莲藕呀,白白胖胖的,真象一个个 *** 的小胖娃娃,让人爱不释手。你要是从筐子里随便拣上一只,洗洗干净咬上一口,脆生生的,那味儿一直能甜到你心里。
The West Lake in autumn is a mature scenery. Ten miles of fragrant o *** anthus on the shore is really nostalgic for going back and forth. On the lake, lotus leaves, like shy little girls, all lowered their heads and hid. They were reminding and waiting for people to pick the lotus root. At this time, people rowed light boats, hummed leisurely songs, and gently picked lotus roots. That one lotus root, white and fat, is really like a naked little fat baby, which people can't let go. If you pick one out of the basket, wash it and take a bite, it's crisp and raw. It's sweet to your heart all the time.
The mountains are like a cradle, shaking the *** all mountain village in its arms into a dream.
The beautiful and winding mountains are like a sleeping dragon. Overlooking the foot, white clouds filled, surrounded by the peaks, surrounded by clouds, one by one, the top of the mountain out of the clouds, like lotus water.
The calm water is like a mirror, reflecting the surrounding scenery together, forming a landscape painting.
The river is singing and winding like a silver white ribbon, which is surging and moistening the fields by the river.
The waterfall pouring down from the top of the mountain is like a beautiful silk falling from the sky.
How beautiful the stone is. Some are like a group of calves drinking water, some are like two lions sleeping on the bank, and some are like a few bear getting ready to go ashore.
The waterfall is like thousands of meters of white practice falling from the sky. It flows down in a big way.
The waterfall falls down into the pool, and the splashed water looks like crystal jewels.
Some of the mountains here are like monkey king, some are like fairies, all kinds of beautiful.
The waves, like tens of thousands of galloping horses, rush to the bank, splashing waves several feet high and blooming thousands of white pear flowers.
I have climbed the majestic Mount Tai and visited the fragrant mountain like red leaves, but I have never seen the mountains in Guilin. Guilin's mountains are so strange. They rise up from the ground and are not connected. They are like old people, giant elephants, camels and thousands of strange peaks. Guilin's mountains are so beautiful, like green barriers, like new bamboo shoots, with bright colors and reflected in the water. Guilin's mountains are so dangerous, with towering dangerous peaks and craggy rocks. It seems that they will be planted accidentally.
Looking at the Tianshan Mountain from afar, it has been snowed for thousands of years on the top of the mountain, like an old man in white who has experienced many vicissitudes lying there peacefully.
The mountain is black and boundless, and the cliff head like a knife, axe and axe stands on the top of the sky.
See the waterfall water is not *** all, like thousands of war horses at the same time jump out, the mighty gallop.
The water of Lijiang River is so quiet that you can't feel it flowing. It's so clear that you can see the sand at the bottom of the river. It's green as if it's a flawless jade. Guilin's mountains rise one by one, unconnected, like an old man, like a Colossus, like a camel, with many peaks and thousands of shapes; the most famous Xiangbi mountain is on the Lijiang River, the city emblem of Guilin. At the bottom left of the mountain, there is a hole, which is made up of the elephant's nose and left front leg. The mountain is like an elephant sucking water in the river. The Lijiang River is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is very beautiful. Guilin is famous for its beautiful mountains, water and caves. It is known as "no mountain but no cave in Guilin".


3.描写山水的四字词语 白虹贯日、蓝天飞虹、弥天大雪形容四季特点: 春寒料峭 春意盎然 春暖花开 满园春色 春华秋实 春风化雨 骄阳似火 暑气蒸人 烈日炎炎 秋风送爽 秋高气爽 秋色宜人 冰天雪地 寒气袭人 寒冬腊月 形容繁荣兴盛景象: 济济一堂 热火朝天 门庭若市 万人空巷 座无虚席 高朋满座 如火如荼 蒸蒸日...

1、山清水秀:形容风景优美。2、水软山温:形容景色幽雅。3、眼开眉展:形容极度高兴。4、青山绿水:泛称美好山河。5、霞蔚云蒸:喻景物绚烂缛丽。6、天寒地冻:形容天气极为寒冷。7、柳烟花雾:形容春色迷蒙的景象 8、风光旖旎:形容景色柔和美好。9、名山胜川:风景优美的着名河山。10、水木清华:...

3.形容山水美丽的词语有哪些 形容山水美丽的词语有山清水秀、山清水秀【shān qīng shuǐ xiù】:形容风景优美。例句:春天,我们来到山清水秀的西子湖畔。钟灵毓秀【zhōng líng yù xiù】:钟:凝聚,集中;毓:养育。凝聚了天地间的灵气,孕育着优秀的人物。指山川秀美,人才辈出。例句:屏山岩...

7. 形容风景优美的四字词语4个 形容风景美的成语: 景色 鸟语花香 斑驳陆离 窗明几净 分外妖娆 风景不殊 古色古香 千岩竞秀 千回百转 青山绿水 如花似锦 山明水秀 山 *** 上,应接不暇 诗情画意 水木清华 水色山光 五光十色 五颜六色 五彩缤纷 秀色可餐 虚无漂缈 烟波钓徒 云蒸霞蔚 银河倒泻 月夕花朝...

2. 描写景色的四字成语有哪些 景色的描写包括山水、四季、自然现象等等,具体如下: 一、描写山:重峦叠嶂、崇山峻岭、悬崖峭壁、连绵起伏、峰峦雄伟、危峰兀立 二、描写水:滔滔不绝、一泻千里、波澜壮阔、惊涛骇浪、浊浪排空、波峰浪谷 三、描写山水:湖光山色、山清水秀、山明水秀、青山绿水、山水相依、山水一色...

山清水秀,层峦耸翠,重峦叠嶂,青山绿水,山水如画,山崩海啸,山长水远,山高水长,山光水色 表里山河 安如泰山 萍水相逢 山清水秀 水字在二位的成语 饮水思源 逆水行舟 流水不腐 细水长流 顺水推舟 混水摸鱼 萍水相逢 覆水难收 车水马龙 似水流年 万水千山 滴水成冰 滴水穿石 杯水车薪 ...

4、白山黑水 [成语解释]长白山和黑龙江。泛指我国东北地区。[典故出处]当代·唐明浩《曾国藩》第三部第四章:白山黑水之间,是我大清发祥地,你们去看看体验一下也好。5、奇山异水 [成语解释]异:新异。指奇异瑰丽的山水 [典故出处]近现代·朱自清《山野掇拾》:“所记奇山异水,或令我惊心动...

曲径通幽 层峦叠翠 怪石嶙峋 江山如画 层林尽染 海天一色 茂林修竹 空谷幽兰 崇山峻岭 水光潋滟 湖光山色 浮光跃金 美轮美奂 山高水长 松涛竹韵 芳草萋萋 海阔天空 海角天涯 三山五岳 雄险奇幽 美不胜收 一览无余 尽收眼底 流连忘返 柳暗花明 2.描写山水的词语 山清水秀,层峦耸翠,重峦...

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双城市18576167873: 形容山水美景的成语! -
之哪君力:[答案] 青山绿水 山水宜人 依山傍水 湖光山色 山清水秀 高山流水 山环水抱 嵩山峻岭 碧波荡漾锦绣河山 高耸入云 水天一色 波光粼粼 湖光山色 重峦叠嶂 山明水秀 高山流水 白练腾空 烟波浩渺

双城市18576167873: 形容山水美的四字词语有哪些.例如山清水秀 -
之哪君力:[答案] 大好河山

双城市18576167873: 描写山美丽的四字词语有哪些? -
之哪君力: 1、 山清水秀 【拼音】: shān qīng shuǐ xiù 【解释】: 形容风景优美. 【出处】: 宋·黄庭坚《蓦山溪·赠衡阳陈湘》:“眉黛敛秋波,尽湖南,山明水秀.” 2、 层峦叠嶂 【拼音】: céng luán dié zhàng 【解释】: 层峦:山连着山;迭障:...

双城市18576167873: 描写山水的四字词语 -
之哪君力: 描写山水的四字词语有:一、湖光山色 [ hú guāng shān sè ] 1. 【解释】:湖的风光,山的景色.指有水有山,风景秀丽.2. 【出自】:宋·吴自牧《梦梁录·五代人物》:“杭城湖光山色之秀,锺为人物,所以清奇特,为天下寇.”3. 【示例】...

双城市18576167873: 形容风景很美,像画一样的四字词有哪些? -
之哪君力: 1、风景如画 [ fēng jǐng rú huà ] 比喻风景像画卷一样优美,富有意境. 2、江山如画 [ jiāng shān rú huà ] 山川、河流美如画卷. 形容自然风光美丽如图画. 3、分外妖娆 [ fèn wài yāo ráo ] 形容景色异常艳丽. 4、引人入胜 [ yǐn rén rù shèng ] 指风景或文艺作品特别吸引人. 5、赏心悦目 [ shǎng xīn yuè mù ] 指看到美好的景色而心情愉快.

双城市18576167873: 形容有山有水的美景——成语中文4个字是湖*** -
之哪君力:[答案] 青山绿水 山水宜人 依山傍水 湖光山色 山清水秀 高山流水 山环水抱 嵩山峻岭 碧波荡漾

双城市18576167873: 形容山水美的成语20个 -
之哪君力: 山清水秀,层峦耸翠,重峦叠嶂,青山绿水,山水如画,山崩海啸,山长水远,山高水长,山光水色锦绣河山 高耸入云 水天一色 波光粼粼 湖光山色 重峦叠嶂 山明水秀 高山流水 白练腾空 烟波浩渺 千山万水 跋山涉水 山光水色 山明水秀 山高水长 山高水低 穷山恶水 水秀山明 山光水色 山明水秀 山清水秀 山明水秀 湖光山色 水软山温 崇山峻岭 高山深涧 峰峦雄伟 锦绣河山 高耸入云 水天一色 波光粼粼 湖光山色 重峦叠嶂 山明水秀 高山流水 白练腾空 烟波浩渺 山清水秀 山光水色 江山如故 江山如画 绿水青山 名山胜川 崇山峻岭 表里山河 巴山蜀水 大好河山 登山临水 湖光山色 名山大川 千山万壑 峰峦雄伟 水平如镜

双城市18576167873: 形容美丽风景的四字词语有哪些? -
之哪君力: 名胜古迹 风景优美和有古代遗迹的著名地方 春暖花开 本指春天气候宜人,景物优美.现也比喻大好时机. 洞天福地 原为道家语,指神道居住的名山胜地.后多比喻风景优美的地方. 风清月皎 轻风清凉,月光皎洁.形容夜景优美宜人. 福地洞...

双城市18576167873: 形容形容风景优美的四字词语 -
之哪君力: 山清水秀、 姹紫嫣红、 鸟语花香、 湖光山色、 春暖花开、 水天一色、 万紫千红、 百花齐放、 春意盎然、 青山绿水、 繁花似锦、 草长莺飞、 春和景明、 花红柳绿、 郁郁葱葱、 水木清华、 春色满园、 花团锦簇、 百花争艳、 春色撩人、 五彩缤纷、 红情绿意、 春山如笑、 莺歌燕舞、 秋高气爽、 世外桃源、 流水桃花、 春深似海、 五光十色、 重峦叠嶂

双城市18576167873: 形容风景优美的四字词语 -
之哪君力: 美不胜收,景色迷人,风光旖旎,山清水秀, 花团锦簇,树影婆娑,山峦起伏,流水孱孱, 风光秀丽,绿水青山,层峦迭嶂,层林尽染, 怪石嶙峋,古树参天,山泉汩汩,碧树掩映, 绿树红花,山光秀色,亭亭相依,繁花似锦.

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