
作者&投稿:蓝安 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

waiter:may i help you?/What can I do for you?
guest:yes,i would like some food,one garden salad and one beef steak is ok.
waiter:yes,which kind of salad dressing do you like?
guest:French dressing.steak with black pepper sauce,medium well.
waiter:wait a moment please.

when the ring rang, the teacher stopped her lesson at once and said "goodbye" to us. Some students were packing their schoolbags. Some students were chatting with their friends. Some were still doing their work. For me, it was busy but happy day.



I was there a little late, the restaurant was already full of people.

It was difficult to find a place, fortunately I finally found one.

Twenty minutes after, a server came to me and asked what I wanted.

I told her to serve me a fried rice and a cola, then she went back to the kitchen.

Another twenty minutes passed, there came my lanche.

It was a really a hard experience.







I was there a little late, the restaurant was already full of people.
It was difficult to find a place, fortunately I finally found one.
Twenty minutes after, a server came to me and asked what I wanted.
I told her to serve me a fried rice and a cola, then she went back to the kitchen.
Another twenty minutes passed, there came my lanche.
It was a really a hard experience.

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