
作者&投稿:熊滕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 我乘公交车去上学的英文是I go to school by bus。
school的意思是学校、上学、上学阶段、上课时间、训练、教育、培养。 by buses的意思是乘公共汽车;乘公交车;坐公交车;乘坐公共汽车;搭乘公共汽车。

my home is not far away grom school.today,l go to school by bus .this is my first time get on the bus this week.l,m very happy

They go to school by bus. 他们乘坐公交车来上学 为什么不是 They a...

"I usually take the bus to school" bus 在这里只是说公交车,你还可以说public transit (公共交通,包括地铁等)。

他每天坐公交车去上学英文如下:He goes to school by bus every day。公交车,指通常情况下循固定路线,有专属路号,承载旅客出行的专用机动车辆。一般外形为方型,有窗,设置座位。在城区,公共汽车时速一般在25~50公里\/小时,在郊区可达80公里\/小时。又称为公共汽车、公汽或巴士,其中“公交”是...

Peter is always going to school by bus.

英语:Not all students go to school by bus.

我平常坐公交车去上学= I usually go to school by bus.

李明家离学校远,他每天坐公交车上学 Li Ming's home is far from school. He goes to school by bus every day.李明家离学校远,他每天坐公交车上学 Li Ming's home is far from school. He goes to school by bus every day.

我每天都坐公交车去上学 I go to school by bus every day.否定句是 I never go to school by bus。我从不坐公交车去上学。never 英 [ˈnevə(r)] 美 [ˈnɛvɚ]adv.从不,从来没有;一点也不,决不;<口>不会…吧,没有;不曾 ...

下雨天你坐公交车上学 A rainy day you go to school by bus 下雨天你坐公交车上学 A rainy day you go to school by bus

平乡县19622504950: 我坐公交车上学.翻译成英文,五种 -
宿黛康妇:[答案] 1.I go to school by bus. 2.I take a bus to school. 3.I go to school by taking a bus. 4.I take a bus to go to school. 我尽力了.

平乡县19622504950: 我坐公交车去上学用英语怎么说 -
宿黛康妇:[答案] I go to school by bus.

平乡县19622504950: 我坐公交车上学. 翻译成英文,五种 -
宿黛康妇: 1. I go to school by bus. 2. I take a bus to school. 3. I go to school by taking a bus. 4. I take a bus to go to school. 我尽力了...

平乡县19622504950: 我乘公交车去上学!翻译成英语句子 -
宿黛康妇:[答案] I take a bus to school. I go to school by bus.

平乡县19622504950: 我坐巴士上学,用英语怎么说? -
宿黛康妇:[答案] 我坐巴士上学 I go to school by bus. 或者:I take a bus to school.

平乡县19622504950: 我坐巴士上学,用英语怎么说? -
宿黛康妇: 你好我坐巴士上学 I go to school by bus. 或者:I take a bus to school.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

平乡县19622504950: 我乘坐某时的公车上学.用英语怎么说?可以是“I go to school by 4 o'clock bus.我们练习好像就出过 -
宿黛康妇:[答案] 不可以. by后直接跟交通工具名词,中间无任何词. I take the four o'clock bus to school.

平乡县19622504950: 我乘坐某时的公车上学.用英语怎么说?可以是“I go to school by 4 o'clock bus.吗?我们练习好像就出过 -
宿黛康妇: 不合适 应该是 I go o shcool by bus at 4 o'clock ~~希望对你有所帮助,望采纳~~~~~~~

平乡县19622504950: 我走路到公交车站坐公交车去上学.英语翻译. -
宿黛康妇: 我走路到公交车站坐公交车去上学.I walk to the bus station and take a bus to school.I walk to the bus stop and go to school by bus.I walk to the bus station and take a bus to school.

平乡县19622504950: lgotoschoolbybus -
宿黛康妇: I go to school by bus.中文翻译:我坐公共汽车上学.重点词汇释义:go to school:上学; 求学 by bus:坐公车

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