
作者&投稿:褒怀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.are they?
2.isn't it?
3.will you?
4.do you?
5.does he?
6.isn't there?
7.weren't they?
8.won't he?
9.are there?
10.were there?
11.is there?
12.shall we?
13.will you?
14.isn't it?
15.isn't it?
16.did he?
17. will you?
18.won't he?
19.was she?
20.don't you?

1.At the age of five,he loved to listen to radio music,_didn't___ __he__?
2.Nobody can stop her, __can__ __he__?
3.Let's go to the concert,_shall___ __we__?
4.There is little water in the glass,_is___ _there___?
5.She has never been to Shanghai,__has __ __she__?

当陈述部分是祈使句时,反意疑问部分一般用will you,won't you,would you。例如:

Don't be too late,will you?

Close the door,won't you?

Come here,will you?

Open your books,would you?

当陈述部分是以Let's开头的祈使句时,反意疑问部分用shall we;若是以Let us 开头的祈使句,反意疑问部分则用will you。例如:

Let's have a party tonight,shall we?

Let us have a look at you pictures,will you?

注意,如果祈使句是否定形式,那么反意疑问句只能用will you。例如:

Don't forget to bring your notebooks here tomorrow,will you?

will you?


以Let us开头的反意疑问句用will you?

I don't guess he is right,___ ___?(完成反义疑问句)
I don't guess he is right,_is__ _he__?此句为否定前移句子,你可以理解为I guess he is not right.主语为I,所以反义疑问句不看前句I guess ,而是根据 he is not right判断

完成下列反意疑问句 1. Tom didn’t watch TV last night, ___  ___? 2. There’re twenty girl students in your class, ___  ___?&#...

英语反义疑问句题,急!急!急!在线等! 用七种时态写成反义疑问句:
前肯后否、前否后肯、时态一致、结构一致 一般现在时:They aren’t students, are they ?现在进行时:She isn’t waiting for me, is she ?现在完成时:Jake hasn't finished his homework, has he ?现在完成进行时:Denis hasn't been watching TV, has he ?一般...

The children had a good time in the park的完成反义疑问句是什么?
The children had a good time in the park,hadn't they ?详细给你说一下用法:反义疑问句(The Disjunctive Question)即附加疑问句。它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的...

完成下列反意疑问句。1.It’s very hot today, ___ ? 2. He ca n speak Chinese, ___ ?3. Meimei studies in a middle school, ___ ?4. He never gets up late , ___ ? 5. Don’t go out at night, ___ ?6.He never loves cold weather , ___ ?7. You finished...

该句的反意疑问句为:Tom must be found of classic music, isn't he?使用了表推测情态动词的句子,其反意疑问句必须根据具体句意和时态,去掉情态动词后再进行相应变化。Tom must be fond of classic music 的反意疑问句其实也就是等同于 Tom is fond of classic music,所以其反意疑问...

17. You think he is a good flight attendant, don't you ?18.Nobody knows where she lives, does it ?29.They have been there twice, didn't they ?37.He has studied here for about four years, didn't he?39.Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, ...

反义疑问句回答原则如下:1、He doesn’t love her, does he?他不爱她,是吗?No, he doesn’t.是的,他不爱她。2、He wants to go, doesn’t he?他想去,对吗?No, he doesn’t.不,他不想去。3、It isn’t cheap, is it?它不便宜吧?Yes, it is.不,很便宜。4、They don...

1 He is a student , isn't he ?他是学生,对吗?Yes, he is.是的,他是(学生)No, he isn't. 不,他不是(学生)2 He isn't a worker , is he ? 他不是工人,对吗?Yes, he is. 不,他是(工人)No, he isn't. 是的,他不是(工人)...

①“It is a beautiful flower,isn't it?”②“It isn't a beautiful flower,is it?”上述两句句子的回答肯定均为“Yes,it is."否定为“No,it isn't."由上述例子可知,反义疑问句回答与句子本身所包含的中文肯定与否的含义并无太大关联,只需注意事实,肯定即用yes,否定用no,无需考虑...

融水苗族自治县18552435151: 完成下面的反义疑问句 -
闾阀维思: 1、The astronauts have gone to the space , ___haven't they___________________?2、The boy's visited Austria, _________doesn't he_____________?3、These children won't play the organ, _____will they_____________?4、His father...

融水苗族自治县18552435151: 请完成反义疑问句.Let him stay with you ,____ - _____? -
闾阀维思:[答案] will you? 这个是其使句

融水苗族自治县18552435151: 完成反意疑问句是什么?
闾阀维思: 就是完成时的反义疑问句.例如:I_have_finishd_my_homework.改为完成反义句是Have_you_finished_your_homework.

融水苗族自治县18552435151: 完成下列反义疑问句或对反义疑问句进行回答Linda ate nothing this morning,__________?The little boy needs our help,___________?You are students,_____... -
闾阀维思:[答案] Linda ate nothing this morning,__________?didn't she The little boy needs our help,___________?doesn't he You are students,__________?aren't you Your father has watched the football game,_________?hasn't he Let's go there by bus,__________...

融水苗族自治县18552435151: 完成下列反意疑问句 -
闾阀维思: 如果have在句子中是作实义动词,那么反义疑问句就应该用do/don't 例如:They have a beautiful house, don't they? 如果have在句子中是作现在完成时的助动词,那么反义疑问句就用 have/haven't 例如:You have finished your homework, haven't you? 如果句子中的结构是情态动词must/might/could/would/will/should/need+have done虚拟形式的话,这个要看情况而定例如:You look tired. You must have stayed up last night, didn't you?

融水苗族自治县18552435151: 完成下面的反义疑问句1、The astronauts have gone to the space ,______________________?2、The boy's visited Austria,______________________?3... -
闾阀维思:[答案] 1、The astronauts have gone to the space ,___haven't they___________________? 2、The boy's visited Austria,_________doesn't he_____________? 3、These children won't play the organ,_____will they_____________? 4、His father has ...

融水苗族自治县18552435151: 请帮忙做几道反义疑问句的题.反意疑问句1.She has got a copy of China Daily,________?2.She doesn't have any brothers,________?3.You needn't start to do ... -
闾阀维思:[答案] 1.hasn't she 2.does she 3.need you 4.does he 5.usedn't he 6.does he 7.doesn't he 8.do you 9.handn't you 10.can it 11.doesn't he 12.didn't he 13.didn't they 14.is he 15.can he

融水苗族自治县18552435151: 完成下列反义疑问句The weather is fine,--- - -----?He exercises every day,--- - ----?They are running,--- - ----?The boy play the guitar,--- - ----?They will come to ... -
闾阀维思:[答案] 1.isn't it 2.doesn't he 3.aren't they 4.doesn't he 5.won't they 6.is there 7.has she 8.will you 9.shall we 10.shall we 如果有不懂的地方就提出来,

融水苗族自治县18552435151: 英语反义疑问句的回答 -
闾阀维思: 反义疑问句(The Disjunctive Question)又叫附加疑问句.它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实.反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致.1. 陈述部分肯定...

融水苗族自治县18552435151: 完成反义疑问句
闾阀维思: 答案:is he? 解析:陈述部分为主语从句或并列复合句,疑问部分有三种情况: a. 并列复合句疑问部分,谓语动词根据邻近从句的谓语而定. Mr. Smith had been to Beijing for several times, he should have been in China now, shouldn't he? b. ...

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