
作者&投稿:油吕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

以下是修改后的结果 - 修改处为大写字母
1、We'll have that leak fixed IN no time
2、You are responsible for giving OUT and collecting the exam paper
3、We are going to do a survey AMONG students
4、Contact the teacher of your class as soon as possible
5、You should write a report BASED on the information collected recently
6、He was too tired TO KEEP walkING
7、We have to hurry up because we have little time LEFT
8、Around the world, a lot of animals are in danger
9、Twenty years ago,people in this village lived A hard life
10、Though he has been in this city for three months,he is still not used to LIVING here
11、She caught up with her classmates by workING hard every day
12、The young man devotes most of his free time to helpING others
13、A lot of deers are eating THE grass on the hill
14、Many old customs are gradually dying
15、His useful advice kept me FROM making a serious mistake
16、I don't think I CAN EVER GET USED TO the weather
17、What is the NUMBER of the books

yes . there was a view from a bedroom window . but it was a view of a motorway and the airport,

1:We all likes to see these koalas from Australia like(要看主语,只有是第三人称单数时才用此形式)

2:Jim often plays with football after school 去掉with (play football固定短语)

3:Giraffes usually eat the leafs on the top of trees 叶子leaf 的复数为 leaves

4:There is a lot of people on the streets 很多人,所以是复数are

5:Tigers like to eating small animals like doing喜爱做某事

6:Panda come from China (主语为单数,故comes)

7:Monkeys like to climb trees and eating fruit like climbing

8:Penguins from the South Pole

(be+from 来自)本题是are from

9:What do you like lions? Because they are very strong.因为。。所以。。。why

10:We are interesting in these animals
be interested in人对。。感兴趣。sth is interesting 某物很有趣。人后用-ed,物后用-ing


4: is→are
5: eating→eat
6: come→comes
7: eating→eat
8: 要么就是在from前加come,要么就是你输入错了
10: interesting→ interested


一、用词不当 因为同学们对一些词语、关联词不够理解,导致用词不当,例:抗日战争时代,家乡出现了不少英雄。“时代”用词错误,应改为“时期”,所以我们在修改这类病句的时候,一定要联系上下文,看看这个词语有没有用错。请点击输入图片描述 二、前后矛盾 在一个句子里面,如果前后的意思不明确,...

https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 1. 抓基本结构和明显错误(基本结构过于复杂时,就放弃基本结构的寻找,直接找明显的错误)。Tips: 万一看完句子后一头雾水,请不要绝望,立即进入下一步。2. 寻找选项间的差异,通过选项对比寻找解题的突破口。【想更深入了解留学后的职业发展方向吗?浏览 https:\/\/liuxu...

单句改错 这些不太会
改正:then → when 解释:前后是两个句子,所以必须改用并列连词when,翻译为“就在这时”。7. Mr More took well care of his car.改正:well → good 解释:固定短语take care of中的care是名词,所以用形容词good修饰。8. Jack's uncle joined in the army three years ago.改正:去掉in....

为你解答。改错:1、It's usually cloud(改为cloudy,形容词) and cool in western countries at this time of the year.2、There is (加上a,一个) coffee table in the room 3、Li xiaonian can drives(改为drive,动词原形) a car.句型转换:1、Two boys are in our house.(改为...

1.either改为neither either多用于肯定句,neither用于肯定句疑问句,此句为否定句 2.don't 改为not ask sb not to do something 3.have改为be there be 句式&be going to句式,其中后者的to后跟动词或be动词原型 注意两个句式中的be动词不要混淆。

5个句子改错 要原因
4.It was in the street when I met Jhon. 原因:整个句子已经说明了我在街上遇见Jhon,因为句中用了in the street来表示,就不应该在用表地点的where来引导从句,改为用表时间的when较为合理。如果要用where来引导从句,就应改为It was the street where I met Jhon. 意为这是我遇见Jhon的那...

辨析并修改病句 一、考纲要求:辨析并修改病句,病句类型有:语序不当、搭配不当、成分残缺或赘余、结构混乱、表意不明、不合逻辑。二、考点释要 本考点的考生主要立足于辨析与修改。从近年的高考试卷中可以看出本考点命题的主要方式有四种:(1)判断句子是否有语病;(2)让考生在原句上修改病句;(3...

修改这个病句时,不能因为搭配不当就把“歌声嘹亮”删去,因为整个句子是要从两个方面来表现公园的热闹非凡的,删去“歌声嘹亮”就把句子的原意给改了。这个句子可以改成“一走进西湖公园,就看到彩旗飘扬,听到歌声嘹亮”。 3、从语法角度入手,抓住句子主干。无论是单句、复句,抓住了句子主干,也就抓住了句子的基本...

改:can-could 解释:主句是过去进行时,从句也应该是过去时,保持一致。2、Since her husband had died, so she had to support her family.改:把so去掉。解释:since表示原因,不需要so再来表示结果。两个词不能同时用在一个句子中。3、He won't go out until his mother will come.改:will...

【解释】把must改为have to。这句话考查的是情态动词must与have to的区别。must解释成为说话者的主观情感,“自己必须...”,出于自愿。而have to表示客观上要求“不得不去做某事”,出于被迫,而非自愿。4.after I've finished my course,I'll can speak English fluently.【解释】去掉can。从句...

青铜峡市15979397506: 单句改错 -
全敬艾达: 1. The mall is a really funny place to go2. How much did you spend on your e-dog

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全敬艾达:[答案] 1,C,with 2,A是不是打错了.C ,much 3,D,a rest 4,B,healthy 5,C,be

青铜峡市15979397506: 英语单句改错 -
全敬艾达: 第二题that改为which,第3题some改为any第四题it删去,第五题or改为nor

青铜峡市15979397506: 英语单句改错.
全敬艾达: 1.Do morning exercises every day. everyday为形容词. 2.Don't do it like this. Do it like that. Don't中的do为助动词,后面一个do为实义动词. 3.Don't be afraid. the dogs are friendly.

青铜峡市15979397506: 英语单句改错 -
全敬艾达: 1,persuade是指已经说服某人了,而后面一句又说没有成功,所以persuade用错了,可以改为advis...

青铜峡市15979397506: 英语单句改错
全敬艾达: 第一句话最后有两处错误,正确答案应该是I don`t think he is doing it on purpose.(on purpose意为故意)第二句把been 去掉就行了

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全敬艾达:[答案] The teacher told us not to talk any more .(tell sb not to do sth) The doctor said to his wife,"Don't wait for me." He asked me who I was. Mary said that she would see you the next day.(tomorrow要变成the next day) Mother asked what was the matter.

青铜峡市15979397506: 单句改错 英语牛人快来!!帮帮啊~~~ -
全敬艾达: 1.they should have informed me of their arrival yesterday.2. If I had not missed the plane, I would have got home by now.3. How fun it is to drink some cool water in...

青铜峡市15979397506: 英语单句改错十题 -
全敬艾达: 1, doesn't 改为didn't 2, milks 改为 milk 3, taking 改为 take 4, others 改为 else 5, is 改为 are

青铜峡市15979397506: 单句改错+句型转换单句改错:① our city is biggest of the there .② the food in meiwei restaurant is more cheaper than that in yueguang restaurant 句型转换:... -
全敬艾达:[答案] 单句改错 biggest前加the 去掉more 句型转换 isn't anything with don't What would like the tallest

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