
作者&投稿:捷顷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Evidence is increasing that common influence influenza viruses are becoming resistant to the may main drug used to treat them. The drug is oseltamivir, also known as tamifluTamiflu.

The most common seasonal flu virus found in the United States this year is type AH1N1A(H1N1). During the last flu season, 12% of H1N1 viruses tested in the United States were resisten resistant to tamifluTamiflu. This year, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say , resistance is close to 100%. Still, they say early reports show that flu activity has been low so far this year.

The research team is reporting its findings in the Journal of The the American Medical Association. Alicia Fry led the team. Doctor Fry says , it is better to prevent the flu than to have to treat it, and . And the best form of prevention, she says, is getting vaccinated each year against influenceinfluenza. Viruses change, or mutate, so flu vaccines must be reformulated each year to target the most common threats.
研究小组在《美国医药协会》杂志上发表了他们的研究结果。Alicia Fry领导该小组。Fry博士称,比起治疗流感,想办法预防它会更好。同时,她说,预防的最好办法是每年接种一次流感役苗。病毒会转变会变异,因此流感役苗也需要每年变换以应对最常见的威胁。

My home is on the first floor. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. I’m a child. I have a nice bedroom. In my bedroom, there is bedroom, a closet, an air- conditioner and so on. My closet is green. My bed is blue. I love my bedroom very much. 我的家就在它的第一层。有两间卧室,一间厨房和一间客厅。我是一个孩子。我有一个漂亮的卧室。在我的卧室里,有一个卧室,一个衣橱里,空气-调节器等。我的壁橱里,是绿色的。我的床是蓝色的。我非常喜欢我的卧室。

My house is very beautiful and big . lt has two floors
.there are a living room and a kitchen and a dining room in
the first fioor . my family often watch tv toghether in the
living . there are twobedrooms and a study room in the second fioor . l often play computer in the study room .
l love my house very much !


这个智能房屋系统没有照相机、射频识别芯片或者麦克风,它是通过什么来识别主人习惯的?它其实是拥有很多感应器,可以感应到移动物体 、灯光和温湿度等等,它甚至可以打开药瓶和打开烤箱开关。拉什迪说:“这套智能房屋系统不会让房屋的主人感到自己的隐私受到侵犯。”据拉什迪介绍,他们还发明了几种算法来处理感应器输出的信息。一种算法可以让感应器描绘出主人在屋内走动的图案,另外一种算法可以让感应器搞清楚事情的先后顺序,还有一种算法可以让感应器知道主人什么时候吃晚饭。
American scientists have invented a smart home system, can understand human behavior through "learning", according to the preferences of the owner to make breakfast, become the master of the second. The intelligent house system can help those who take care of patients with dementia or poor self-care ability of daily living, or let the normal people enjoy life fast. If the owner because of carelessness and let the fire has been open, intelligent home system can sent voice signal to prompt the owner, to avoid danger.Study on testStudy and test of intelligent home computer system Casas is in the school of a house. Continuous analysis of massive data sensor of Casas system, after approximately 1 months of "training" on the understanding of their living habits. Once the end of such "training", Casas can be identified the following complex information: kitchen at 6:00 in the morning to the lamp lit, coffee pot has been boiling away, and the oven is working, and the information before no "teach" it.The intelligent housing system, RFID chip no camera or microphone, it is through what used to identify the owner? It is, in fact, have a lot of sensors can be sensitive to moving objects, lighting, temperature and humidity, and so on, it can even open the bottle and switch to open the oven. Rushdie said: "this intelligent housing system will not let the owners feel that their privacy is violated." According to Rushdie introduction, they also invented several algorithms to process the output of the sensor information. A algorithm for sensor depict the master in the house to move around in the pattern, also an algorithm can have the sensors of figuring things out of sequence, and a kind of algorithm can have the sensors know when the master of the house to eat dinner.

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吴尚莪术: 智能家居,或称智能住宅,在英文中常用Smart Home.与智能家居的含义近似的还有家庭自动化(Home Automation)、电子家庭(Electronic Home、E-home)、 数字家园(Digital family)、家庭网络(Home net/Networks for Home)、网络...

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吴尚莪术: 至于怎么讲???你这样说:Smart Home, SH.智能家居是以住宅为平台,利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、 智能家居-系统设计方案安全防范技术、自动控制技术、音视频技术将家居生活有关的设施集成,构建高效的住宅设施与家庭日程事务...

疏勒县19830341556: 智能家居控制系统是什么?智能家居控制系统有哪些? -
吴尚莪术: 智能家居控制系统(英文smarthome control systems,简称SCS),是以智能家居系统为平台,家居电器及家电设备为主要控制对象,利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、安全防范技术、自动控制技术、音视频技术将家居生活有关的设施进行高效集成,构建高效的住宅设施与家庭日程事务的控制管理系统,提升家居智能、安全、便利、舒适,并实现环保控制系统平台.智能家居控制系统是智能家居核心,是智能家居控制功能实现的基础.1、凯图的EC-NET智能控制系统2、快思聪3、邦奇4、路创等等.

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吴尚莪术: 智能家居行业 Smart home industry

疏勒县19830341556: 智能家居有哪些优势? -
吴尚莪术: 智能家居(英文:smart home, home automation)是以住宅为平台,利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、 安全防范技术、自动控制技术、音视频技术将家居生活有关的设施集成,构建高效的住宅设施与家庭日程事务的管理系统,提升家居安全...

疏勒县19830341556: 智能家居是什么 -
吴尚莪术: 对于生活和工作都十分快节奏的上班族来说,处理家务的时间和精力十分有限.因此良好的家居生活体验也就直接决定了我们生活质量的高低.而相对于传统家居生活而言,基于新技术而衍生的智能家居生活则能让我们的家居体验迈入一个全新...

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吴尚莪术: 以下回答仅供参考: 1 智能家居(英文:smart home, home automation)是以住宅为平台,利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、 安全防范技术、自动控制技术、音视频技术将家居生活有关的设施集成,构建高效的住宅设施与家庭日程事务的管...

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