
作者&投稿:淡堂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Anna: I came all this way today to give us a fresh start今天我做了做了能做的一切,只为给我们一个崭新的开始But now that you’re like wow it’s all like warm in my heart可是现在你却让我的心如此温暖Elsa: I'm so glad you like it sis 'cause this is the real me看到你喜欢我很开心,因为这才是真正的我You have no idea how great it feels to be free你无法想象这感觉有多美好Anna: We've been falling out for way too long, so let’s forget who’s right我们已经争吵了太久,那么让我们别去管谁是正确的吧Elsa: And forget who’s wrong也别去管谁是错的Both: Okay!好Elsa: Why don’t you stay, there’s room for family in my court你为什么不留下,观众席上有家人的位置Both: Cause life’s too short因为人生太短暂Anna: To always feel shut out and unloved by the sister I long to know不应该总是觉得被我一直渴望了解的姐妹拒之门外Both: Life’s too short人生太短暂Elsa: To never let you celebrate me, the true queen of the ice and snow所以我要接受你对我的祝贺,祝贺我是真正的冰雪皇后Anna: Wohohooo呵呵Both: I never understood, but now I do我之前不懂,可现在明白了Life’s too short to miss out on a sister like you人生太短暂,我不能失去你这样一个姐妹Anna: So you’ll come back, then.那你会回来?Elsa: Back?回来?Anna: To thaw the fjord, it’s frozen over, no one can get in or out?回来溶解被完全冻住的没人能出入的峡湾Elsa: Oh.哦Anna: Sooo....怎么样?Elsa: I don’t believe you!我不相信你!Anna: What?! I just assumed that you would have to...什么?我觉得你必须要去……Elsa: That I'll shove on the gloves, that’s how your story ends?!我就会再回到手套上去,这就是你想要的?Anna: It does ! It's just like it was, except for we’ll be best friends是啊,就像以前。只不过这回我们会成为最好的朋友

1.your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大
There is beauty in it...它会带来幸福
But also great danger.也会带来灾难
You must learn to control it.一定要学会掌控你的魔力
Fear will be your enemy.记住,恐惧是你的敌人

2.Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打开大门,让我揭开你的秘密
and exploit your riches.榨干你的财富

3.But it's only for today.♪但是只有在今天
It's only for today! It's agony to wait.♪-只有在今天! -跟痛苦说再见

4.Are you okay? - I've never been better.你还好吗? -我好得很呢!
This is so nice.我今天好开心
I wish it could be like this all the time.真希望永远都能像今天一样
Me too...我也希望...

5.I've been searching my whole life to find my own place.

6.Why? Why do you shut me out?!不 为什么?为什么要把我拒之门外?
Why do you shut the world out?!为什么要把自己和整个世界隔绝?!
What are you so afraid of?!你到底在害怕什么?

7.It's time to see what I can do,♪现在开始放下一切
To test the limits and Break through.♪挑战我的突破和极限
No right, No wrong, No rules for me...♪没有规则,没有界限
I'm free!♪自由的天地!

8.Please don't shut me out again.♪请别再把我拒之门外
Please don't slam the door.♪别再关上门
You don't have to keep your distance anymore.♪你不必和我保持距离
Cause for the first time in forever,♪这是我生命里第一次
I finally understand.♪终于懂你心
For the first time in forever, We can fix this hand in hand.♪
这是我们两人第一次 姐妹同心渡难关

9.We can face this thing together...♪我们一起携手面对..

10.But only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.但解救冰封的心,只能靠一个发自真爱的行动

11.Don't let them in don't let them see♪-别让人知道 别让人发现
I'm getting what I'm dreaming of.♪多年梦想终实现
Be the good girl you always have to be.♪-做个好女孩,就像你的从前

12.I'll bring her back, And I'll make this right.我会带她回来 把一切恢复原样

13.I don't want you getting hurt.我不能让你受伤
She's my sister,她是我的姐姐
She would never hurt me.她永远不会伤害我

14.Do you understand?懂我的意思吗?
So how exactly are you planning to stop this weather?

15.he whole thing will be fixed!♪问题全部解决了
We aren't saying you can change him.♪我不是要你改变他
Cause people don't really change.♪人的天性改不掉
We're only saying that love's a force.♪我只是说爱的力量
That's powerful and strange.♪强大又奇妙
People make bad choices if they're♪压力 恐惧 疯狂
mad or scared or stressed.♪会冲昏你的头脑
But throw a little love their way...♪当你让爱情生效

Some people are worth melting for.

You can not marry the man you just met.

I will be right here.

do you want to build a snow man.

don't be the monster they fear you are.

Cause for the first time in forever, My dream into reality.

Some people are worth melting for.
You can not marry the man you just met.
I will be right here.
do you want to build a snow man.
don't be the monster they fear you are.
Cause for the first time in forever, My dream into reality.

let it go`

The movie "frozen" tells a moving story about a kind girl called Anna helping her sister Elsa feel love in the world, and bring back the frozen summer.讲述自幼拥有冰雪魔力的王后艾莎因为一次意外令自己的王国——阿伦黛尔永远地被冰天雪地覆盖,为了寻回夏天,艾莎的妹妹——小公主安娜和...

Princess Aisha is the queen of kingdom Arendelle. Viewed from the outside, her elegant, restrained, there is the king of the phase. But she has been living in fear, inner struggle with the powerful secret - she was born to call the wind call has snow magic, this ability ...

冰与火电影英语手抄报英语电影手抄报 特殊的英语寒假作业让孩子们以我最喜欢的英文电影为主题制作手抄报 关于英语的电影有哪些手抄报关于英语的手抄报 请问这是什么动画片里的人物?是华特迪士尼影业第53部经典动画长片电影《冰雪奇缘》里的女主角:艾莎(Elsa)百度链接:这里还有些同人图:电影海报:

2、艾莎(Elsa)配音:伊迪娜·门泽尔 ;周帅(大陆配音) ;松隆子(日语配音)阿伦黛尔王国的长公主。从外表上看,她优雅、矜持、有王者之相。但她却一直生活在恐惧中,内心与强大的秘密搏斗——她生来就拥有呼风唤雪的魔力,这种能力美丽,又极度危险。登基大典上的意外导致她的魔法失控,使得王国被...



[2]该影片于2014年3月3日(北京时间)获得第86届奥斯卡金像奖动画长片奖以及原创歌曲奖。本片最新票房总收入达到10.72亿美元(其中北美3.98亿,国际6.74亿),正式超越《玩具总动员3》的10.63亿,成为有史以来全球最卖座动画片!中文名冰雪奇缘 外文名Frozen 其它译名冰雪大冒险,白雪皇后,魔雪奇...


冰雪奇缘 http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/496206364274428244.html 冰雪大冒险 即 冰雪奇缘 (2013年迪士尼3D电脑动画电影) 。《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen),2013迪士尼3D动画电影,迪士尼成立90周年纪念作品,改编自安徒生童话《白雪皇后》。阿伦戴尔有两位公主,时值幼年:长公主艾尔莎(Elsa)沉稳优雅,小公主...


江川县18943609698: 冰雪奇缘 好词好句 -
逄选丽生: 1.let it go 2.It's time to see what I can do.

江川县18943609698: 冰雪奇缘,魔发奇缘,经典中英台词各要5句,急!!满意提20,中英!! -
逄选丽生: 冰雪奇缘

江川县18943609698: 请问冰雪奇缘的短语和美句有哪些?O(∩ - ∩)O谢谢 -
逄选丽生: keep one's distance from 可以指保持实际距离,也可以指保持心理距离 On three. = On the count of three. 数到三 Get it together 振作!= Get yourself together. look to somebody for something/look to somebody to do something指望,依靠某人做...

江川县18943609698: 《冰雪奇缘》《里约大冒险》《飞屋环游记》中20个英语好句子带 -
逄选丽生: Love is putting someone else's needs before yours—爱就是把某个人看得比你自己重要.

江川县18943609698: 大家有木有冰雪奇缘的经典台词,中英文的,最好五句以上,时间紧迫,发就采纳 -
逄选丽生: 1.在迷人的阿伦黛尔,诞生了一位神秘的女王,她天生拥有呼风唤雪的魔力,却被恐惧孤独地包围.魔力被一直隐藏,却终有释放的一天. 1 in the charming Allen Dale, the birth of a mysterious queen, she was born with a suction call snow magic,...

江川县18943609698: 选自冰雪奇缘的句子 -
逄选丽生: Some people are worth melting for. 有的人值得你去融化.Love is putting someone else's needs before yours—爱就是把某个人看得比你自己重要.But only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.但解救冰封的心,只能靠一个发自真爱的行动.

江川县18943609698: 冰雪奇缘中英台词 -
逄选丽生: 最低0.27元/天开通百度文库会员,可在文库查看完整内容> 原发布者:hfwqw51♪BornofcoldandWinterairAndmountainraincombining,♪天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰2♪Thisicyforcebothfoulandfair.♪冰雪严寒只等闲3♪...

江川县18943609698: 冰雪奇缘的英文台词啊!求!!!!!
逄选丽生: he snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有A kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土And it looks like I'm the queen;我就像是一个皇后The wind is howling like this swirling storm ...

江川县18943609698: 小熊维尼里有什么好词好句 -
逄选丽生: 小熊维尼里的好词好句: 1. Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day. 河流知道这一点:无需匆忙.我们总有一天会到那里. 2. Don"t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things ...

江川县18943609698: 英文电影里的好词好句,越多越好 -
逄选丽生: A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败.《老人与海》Love means never having to say you ' re sorry.爱就是永远不必说对不起.《爱情故事》Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'...

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