英语作文,克服困难,以Never Give Up为题,80~120词左右

作者&投稿:林欣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
以《Never give up》为题的英语作文90词左右~

Never Give Up
“Every night in my dreams, I see you. I feel you, that is how I know you go on, far across the distance and spaces between us. You have come to show you go on…”
What a nice song the radio is broadcasting! You’re right, it’s the song named “My Heart Will Go On”. It was sung by the Canadian singing star Celine Dion for the film Titanic. Titanic is such a wonderful film. It received my prizes. I was once moved to tears by it.
It’s a film about how the ship Titanic sank into the sea. It is very exciting. But I was more interested in the stars of the film, Jack and Rose’s story. We can learn some deeper things from it.
After the ship hit an iceberg and sank into the sea. Jack and Rose, and many other people fell into the cold sea water. As the weather was getting colder and colder, they were stepping into death. Jack still asked Rose to promise him not to give up the hope of life. At last, Jack was dead, but Rose had a narrow escape, because she listened to Jack and didn’t give up.
“Really? It seems so hard to believe,” you may think.
Maybe once there were many successes just behind you, and if you hadn’t given up, you would catch them easily. But you lost them, because you didn’t hold on.
So never give up, even though there are many more difficult things waiting for you. Just face them heroically, and you will surely win.

Mike used to be a very naughty student. He seldom paid anttention in the class and always lazy to do his homework. Therefore he did not do well in his study. His parent often angry with him because he failed in most of the subjects. So Mike planned to give up with his study and decided to find a job. However, the headmaster did not aloud him to do so because he knew Mike is actually a clever student. So he advised Mike to not give up and continue with his study. He also asked other teachers and students to help Mike in different subjects. Mike decided to strive for a better result because he did not want to disappointed his kind friends and teachers. Since that, he studied hard and slowly showed some improvements in all subjects. Now, Mike is one of the best students in his class. He does well in every subjects especially English. He appreciates the advice of his headmaster that asked him not to give up easily.

Mike used to be a very naughty student. He seldom paid anttention in the class and always lazy to do his homework. Therefore he did not do well in his study. His parent often angry with him because he failed in most of the subjects. So Mike planned to give up with his study and decided to find a job. However, the headmaster did not aloud him to do so because he knew Mike is actually a clever student. So he advised Mike to not give up and continue with his study. He also asked other teachers and students to help Mike in different subjects. Mike decided to strive for a better result because he did not want to disappointed his kind friends and teachers. Since that, he studied hard and slowly showed some improvements in all subjects. Now, Mike is one of the best students in his class. He does well in every subjects especially English. He appreciates the advice of his headmaster that asked him not to give up easily.

从那天起,我改掉了一有困难就找人帮忙的毛病,养成了独立解决问题的好习惯。当遇到困难的时候的作文(三) 困难是人生中经常会遇到的事情,但是,只要你勇敢地去挑战它,你就会露出胜利而灿烂的笑容,克服困难,你就会走向成功而胜利的道路。——题记 去年在心品训练营的时候,第一个训练项目就把我...

困难,就像是我人生路上的一块碍脚石,我必须使出全部力气吧它抛得远远的,才能继续前进。然而,因为走的路不同,困难的大小也不同。我的人生路上一定会充满许多的坎坎坷坷,但是,这些困难不会让我屈服,而是让我学会如何去克服困难。这里给大家分享一些关于以克服困难为 作文 600字,供大家学习。 以克服困难为作文60...

篇一:克服困难,我能行 我有一个坏习惯,就是写完了题不检查,总是得不了100分。妈妈对我说:“写完了题要检查,要养成检查的好习惯!”这次又考试了,老师把卷子发下来,我很快就写完了。刚想玩就想起了妈妈的话,于是我就检查了,知道老师说:“交卷!”我才停下了检查。卷子判完了,我...

现在,我在“自信”和“勇敢”二人的帮助下克服了一个又一个困难,我高兴,我自豪,因为我也在一次次胜利中逐渐成长为一名小男子汉。关于不怕困难的作文二:我战胜了登山的困难 困难往往就是成功的绊脚石,如果能够跨过它们,不被它们绊倒,那你就成功了。遇到困难时,不同的人对同一件事的反应也是不...

虽然这次微波炉事件在很多人眼里都算不上困难,但我却记忆深刻。这件事让我明白,不管遇到什么困难,多思考,多请教,我们总能克服它。 【篇二】小学关于克服困难的作文600字 巴尔扎克曾说过:“困难,对于弱者是一个万丈深渊,对于强者却是一笔财富。”是啊,如果一个人屈服于命运,屈服于困难,那么他只能是个弱者。 伏...

引导语:相信很多人都写过作文,而写作文亦是每个学生的必备技能之一,那么要怎样写一篇以“克服困难”为题的作文呢?接下来是我为你带来收集整理的文章,欢迎阅读! 克服困难作文一 上个星期五,妈妈因禁不住我的软磨硬泡而给我买了一辆崭新的自行车。 我手握着车把,按捺不住激动的心情,一屁股坐在车上,学着妈妈的...


在美丽的银树和弟弟的欢声笑语中,才知道,放鞭炮那么有趣,如果我不战胜困难,恐怕就不会有现在的喜悦了。 人生总会有困难,战胜它,收获的,就是阳光。 关于战胜困难的作文5 困难,我们每个人都经历过,可每个人面对困难的方法却不尽相同。有的人面对困难时因为胆怯,所以就直接放弃了;有的人面对困难时坚强,最终把...


在平平淡淡的日常中,许多人都写过作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?以下是我帮大家整理的克服困难优秀作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 克服困难优秀作文1 小树只有经过暴雨的洗礼,才会长成参天大树;花朵只有经过雨露的滋润,才会散发阵阵清香;人...

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