英语介绍广西旅游景点作文 英语介绍广西旅游景点作文初一

作者&投稿:伏裴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


来广西旅游,不仅可以领略到我国南部边陲的山水风情,还能顺便跨越国界,去邻近的越南看看。 Speak of Guangxi, first make the person think of of, would be the laurel wood of that landscape number one in the world.In fact all have everywhere on the land of south Jiang wood with laurel the similar mountain clear water show of lovely view, the yonder tree is evergreen all the year round, the yonder sea Zhan is blue to clarify, and the yonder national minority romantic feeling only has.Numerous there of, like"Liu Jiang Ren", "white lotus hole person"'s cave ruins;Virtuous sky of waterfallses of the grand view;Strong clan first the people's flower mountain mural;Great cheerful Anne works properly sightses in the they historic monument to all display faraway history in Guangxi to people.But the generation gather to reside here of strong, seedling, Tong custom culture of etc. national minority people that each special feature, and wide for spread of Liu San Jie's legend is also a people diligence in Guangxi smartness of concentrated embodiment.Come to Guangxi to travel, not only can grasp our country the landscape romantic feeling of the southern backland, return can conveniently cross over national boundary, see in close by Vietnam.


LocatedinNanpingCounty,AbaTibetan-QiangAutonomousPrefecture,JiuzhaigouRavinestretches80kilometersinonedirectionandtakesupanareaofmorethan60,000hectares.Theareaconsistsofsixscenicspots——Changhai,Jianyan,Nuorilang,Shuzheng,ZharuandHeihai.Itbecomesaworldrenownedscenicspotbecauseofitsdiversityinnaturalscenerywhichincludessnowypeaks,doublewaterfalls,colorfulforestsandgreensea.Furthermore,Tibetancustomsareanotherattraction.Itwaslistedasaworldheritagesitein1992. TheRavineboastsanumberofuniquefeatures.Themountains,lakes,naturalprimevalforest,beautifulflowersallmakeJiuzhaigouafairyland.Mountainsranging1,980toabout3,100metersinheightarecoveredbyavarietyoftreesandplantssuchasgreenconifers,luxuriantbroadleaftreesandcolorfulrareflowersandgrasses.Sceneschangeaccordingtotheseasonandtheareaisparticularlycolorfulinautumnwhenthewindmakeskilometersoftreebeltalongthelakeundulatelikeaseawave.Waterfalls,lakes,springs,riversandshoalsaddtocolorandthegreentrees,redleaves,snowypeaksandblueskiesarereflectedfromlakesandrivers.Treesgrowinthewaterandflowersblossominthemiddleoflakes. TheShuzhengScenicSpotisoneofthecentralpointofJiuzhaigou'slandscape.With40lakeswhichextendfivekilometersalongavalley,thespotcoversanareaofthreesquarekilometers.Thelakesvaryincoloraccordingtotheirdepths,residuesandsceneryaroundthem.Amongwhich,ReedLakeisanidealhabitatofbirds;SparkLakeappearstomovewhilethejade-likeRhinocerosLakeisagoodplaceforrowing,swimmingandrafting.TherearealsotheShuzhengWaterfallswhichhaveabackdropoftrees. NuorilangScenicAreaextendsfromtheNuorilangWaterfallstoZhuhai,anareaofthreesquarekilometers.The320-meter-widePearlBeachWaterfallandtheFive-ColorLakewhichhasarichlycoloredunderwaterlandscape. TheSword-ShapedRockScenicAreaconsistsofGooseLake,SuspendedSprings,SwordRock,snow-coveredMountainsandprimevalforests.Sometimesyoucanseegiantpandas.Thereisalsothe17.8-kilometerZechawaRavine,thelongestandhighestinJiuzhaigou.Attheendofitistheeight-kilometer-longChanghaiLake,thelargestinthearea.InHaizithereisaFive-ColorPond,thebrightestlakeinJiuzhaigou. Undoubtedly,themagnificentviewinJiuzhaigouwillmakeyoureluctanttoleave,anddon'tforgetthattheautumnisthebestseasontovisitit.


Nanning, the capital city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is the political, economic and cultural center of the region.Pleasant climate endows the city with evergreen trees and fragrant flowers all year round, hence the name 'Green City.'Nanning welcomes visitors from all over the world. Its beautiful subtropical scenery and exotic ethnic minority culture have been attracting millions of tourists for years. Qingxiu mountain is the most moutain in Nanning.This mountain is easy to go by local bus and taxi. After reach the entrance. You can warm up by walking up. A lot of interesting spot to visit i.e. Chinese Temple, Thai (Buddha) temple, Pagoda, park and senery. Its a nice place to visit with green, quiet,clean.

描写桂林的英语作文 字数在100左右,要详细描写桂林的景色

Guilin is in the north of Guangxi.The population in the city of Guilin is more than six hundred thousand.There are famous and beautiful sceneries in Guilin.
If you come to Guilin,you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are.Every year many tourists come to Guilin for a visit.You can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River.You can also visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses.
You will enjoy yourself if you go to Guilin.
Guilin lies in the north of Guangxi.There are more than 600,
000 people in the city.Guilin is famous for its beautiful sceneries in the world.
ff you come to Guilin,you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are.Many tourists come and visit Guilin every year.There you can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River and visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses.
Welcome to Guilin for a visit.


Nanning, the capital city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is the political, economic and cultural center of the region.Pleasant climate endows the city with evergreen trees and fragrant flowers all year round, hence the name 'Green City.'Nanning welcomes visitors from all over the world. Its beautiful subtropical scenery and exotic ethnic minority culture have been attracting millions of tourists for years. Qingxiu mountain is the most moutain in Nanning.This mountain is easy to go by local bus and taxi. After reach the entrance. You can warm up by walking up. A lot of interesting spot to visit i.e. Chinese Temple, Thai (Buddha) temple, Pagoda, park and senery. Its a nice place to visit with green, quiet,clean.

我特别喜欢旅游 上次去合浦旅游的时候 收集了合浦一些必去的景点资料 现在我把合浦十大必去景点的资料分享给需要的小伙伴们 1 文昌塔简介文昌塔的取名 是取南方丁火文明之义 文昌塔现为广西南部宝塔之冠 这对研究古代文化艺术及建筑力学都有较大的价值

巴马十大旅游景点 1. 虎踞龙盘—— 北海龙门山景区 北海龙门山景区位于广西北海市北部,是国家AAAA级旅游景区,也是广西最具特色的山水风景区之一。景区包含芦笙岩、龙门岩、千佛岩等众多山脉景点,是休闲、游玩、探险的最佳场所。2. 鸟语花香—— 兴安秧田景区 兴安秧田景区位于巴马县境内,是广西第一个...

【最佳旅游时间】5~10月 2、簕山古渔村 【景点介绍】簕山古渔村位于防城港市港口区企沙半岛东南面, 是一个面积约480亩的半岛村落。村庄始建于明朝时期,已有300多年历史,是广西现存最完整的古渔村村落之一。簕山古渔村旅游资源丰富,壮阔的滨海原生态森林里有古榕树、银叶榕、车辕树等珍奇古树,村庄...


桂林资源县十大旅游景点有资源灯谷景区、双龙风雨桥、桂林资江景区、宝鼎瀑布景区、资江漂流景区、资源天门山、八角寨景区、小九寨沟景区、五排河漂流风景区、猫儿山景区。1、资源灯谷景区 位于广西壮族自治区桂林市资源县滨江路。是一个集河灯文化、民俗文化、山水文化于一体的河灯文化主题旅游景区。在景区内...

2、独秀峰 坐落在漓江之畔的独秀峰·王城景区,是以桂林“众山之王”独秀峰为中心,明代靖江藩王府为地域范围的精品旅游景区。这里有国内保存最完好的明代城墙,有保护最完整的明代藩王府,是国家重点文物保护单位,园内自然山水风光与历史人文景观交相辉映,可以毫不夸张地说——“阅尽王城知桂林”。登临...

8、左江风景区 简介 龙州左江风景区,位于广西崇左市西南部,距离广西首府南宁市180公里,距离越南高平66公里,是一个原始自然生态保护得相当完好的风景区。犹如一条青罗带从龙州蜿蜒流过,在古城龙州显露出了她最美丽的风姿。自古以来素有:“北有漓江,南有左江"的美誉,明代著名旅行家徐霞客游览左江后,不禁赞叹左江”...

桂林景点大全 桂林十大旅游景点


贺州旅游景点介绍文案图片 贺州市旅游宣传广告语

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无质丁溴: LocatedinNanpingCounty,AbaTibetan-QiangAutonomousPrefecture,JiuzhaigouRavinestretches80kilometersinonedirectionandtakesupanareaofmorethan60,000hectares.Theareaconsistsofsixscenicspots——Changhai,Jianyan,Nuorilang,Shuzheng...

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西城区17023509281: 假如去年暑假你和家人去广西桂林旅游了,请写一篇80词左右的英语短文,介绍一下你的旅游经历.提示:How was your trip? How long did you stay there? ... -
无质丁溴:[答案] The most interevSting place;a wonderful trip to;interesting places;in different shapes;delicious food;had a great time

西城区17023509281: 用英语介绍广西的旅游 -
无质丁溴: 广西壮族自治区的峰林是发育完美的热带岩溶地貌的典型代表.它们平地拔起,气势超群,造形奇特.形态最典型、风景最秀美的是桂林、阳朔一带的石灰岩峰林,曾被明代旅行家徐霞客誉为“碧莲玉笋世...

西城区17023509281: 今天请你做导游,带领外国朋友到桂林观光.请根据中文提示和英文词语,写一篇意思连贯的英语短文,向外宾介绍我们美丽的桂林.中文提示:桂林位于广西... -
无质丁溴:[答案] 表急 偶试试 Guilin, a city famous for its beautiful scenery is located in the north of Guangxi Province. The green mountains, crystal water and clean environment all attract thousands of tourists to c...

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无质丁溴: The city Arcade Wuzhou) as the gateway to the Guangxi water, after 20 years of the last century, the original square style housing has been unable to meet the needs of the growing prosperity of the commercial development of, arcade gradually ...

西城区17023509281: 介绍一下桂林的景点80字左右英文啊
无质丁溴: 靖江王城、花桥、骆驼山、木龙湖景区、木龙湖景区、古东森林瀑布群景区、桂林海洋世界丰鱼岩、龙胜温泉穿岩古榕、伏波山独秀峰印象刘三姐、叠彩山、芦笛岩、龙脊梯田、荔浦、猫儿山、漓江民俗风情园、徐悲鸿故居、桃花江遇龙河、草坪、愚自乐园、七星公园、阳朔西街、漓江、乐满地休闲世界、资江漂流、阳朔攀岩莲花岩、书童山、榕湖与杉湖月亮山、尧山、碧莲峰、兴安灵渠

西城区17023509281: 英语介绍桂林旅游景点 -
无质丁溴: Guilin Is A Iiving canvas Of China”scharmingscenery,romanticlandscapeandisaspirituallandofpeaceLingcanalintheqindynastyguilinhastheMostKastregionIntheWorldwhencomesToGuilinWhereIsWaterAndBeautyPlaceWelcometoguilin

西城区17023509281: 桂林的景点英文介绍 -
无质丁溴: Guilin Introduction Guilin is a key tourist city of well-known culture and history in china . More people come to Guilin for a visit,deeply impressed and giving high praises. Guilin is situated along the Lijiang River,which is a attractive in itself.The beauty ...

西城区17023509281: 求:用英语介绍桂林旅游景点的短文 -
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