绍兴旅游景点介绍英语翻译 介绍绍兴景点的英语作文

作者&投稿:邹将 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


A 2500 history of the ancient city of culture, is a "museum without walls", "stars celebrities township", the world writer Lu Xun 's hometown. Here is the famous Jiangnan, wine, Qiao xiang, known as "Oriental Venice" reputation, and won the UN Habitat Award City -- Shaoxing number of bridge is 5.5 times that of Venice, the average per 1000 square meters has 6.3 bridges.


1st, Lu rapid native place : The Lu rapid native place already became an alone south of Yangzi River character and style the historical block, becomes original taste and flavor to explain the Lu rapid work, savors the Lu rapid writing local scenery, felt Lu Xun to live in the past the situation real place. A narrow qingshiban road nearby two, as soon as slides the whitewashed wall black eyebrow coloring tile, the bamboo filament Taiwan gate, the Lu rapid ancestral place, the Lu rapid former dwelling, all the various grassy plants garden, three taste reading rooms, during the Xianheng hotel alternation, a creek winds through before the Lu rapid former dwelling gate, the boat covered with black matting in the river bank swayingly, those images and scenes has no alternative but to let the human remember in the Lu rapid work some scenes. Protects and restores Lu Xun the native place to become after carefully three-dimensional explains the Chinese modern times big literary giant Lu Xun place, becomes the Zhejiang Shaoxing “treasure of the town city”.
2nd, Jianhu : Located at Shaoxing west end 1.5 kilometers place. The Eastern Han Dynasty Yonghe year, Guiji grand minister superintendent Ma Zhenzong accepts the north slope, Shui of Weihu Guiji two county 36 source, east to Cao'e Jiang, west to Puyang Jiang, long 127 miles, area approximately 206 square kilometers, but the irrigated farmland 9000 area units, two county common people are big its advantage. After Tang middle period, the level of the lake silts up gradually. In the lake the dike bridge along with supposes, when fishing boat sees, far mountain all around, Shui Qingru the mirror, may be called the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River the model.
3rd, Orchid Pavilion country forest park: honors the mountain ridge range, the luxuriantly growing forest tall bamboo (in park high mountain ridge, peaks and ridges folds green jade). The calligraphy Holy Land, the Chinese and foreign famous (becomes a favorite story Jin Dynasty calligrapher Wang Xizhi who write "Orchid Pavilion Collection Foreword" story in the Chinese art history, occurs in Orchid Pavilion). The celebrity ancient grave, left a good name for hundreds of generations (in the scenic area to excavate is more than the 2500 year south of Yangzi River first big grave--Prints the mountain to jump over king the mausoleum, is the Zhejiang Yuyao after Kaboto, the Liangzhu Culture ruins another significant archaeological discovery, in 1998 is listed as " the national ten big archaeology recent discoveries ").


Shaoxing lies in northern Zhejiang Province on the southern shore of the Hangzhou Bay. A famous ancient city south of the Yangtze River and the hometown of Lu Xun (1881-1936), China's great twentieth century writer, it was the capital of the State of Yue of the Spring and Autumn Period some two thousand years ago. Shaoxing is a town of rivers and canals, arch bridges and boats. Tourists will find a number of interesting places to visit in the city and its vicinity.

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