
作者&投稿:军委 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ style的第三人称单数是:styles。
Noun:how something is done or how it happens;"her dignified manner"
"his rapid manner of talking"
"their nomadic mode of existence"
"in the characteristic New York style"
"a lonely way of life"
"in an abrasive fashion"

a way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period;"all the reporters were expected to adopt the style of the newspaper"

a particular kind (as to appearance);"this style of shoe is in demand"

the popular taste at a given time;"leather is the latest vogue"
"he followed current trends"
"the 1920s had a style of their own"

(botany) the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma
editorial directions to be followed in spelling and punctuation and capitalization and typographical display
distinctive and stylish elegance;"he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer"

a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving;"he drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus"

a slender bristlelike or tubular process;"a cartilaginous style"

Verb:designate by an identifying term;"They styled their nation `The Confederate States'"

make consistent with a certain fashion or style;"Style my hair"
"style the dress"

make consistent with certain rules of style;"style a manuscript"

Thestyle of something is the general way in which it is done or presented, which often shows the attitudes of the people involved.
e.g. Our children's different needs and learning styles created many problems...
e.g. Belmont Park is a broad sweeping track which will suit the Europeanstyle of running...
If people or places havestyle, they are smart and elegant.
e.g. Bournemouth, you have to admit, hasstyle...
e.g. Both love doing things instyle...
Thestyle of a product is its design.
e.g. His 50 years of experience have given him strong convictions aboutstyle...
50 年的经验使得他在款式上有自己的独到见解。
e.g. Several styles of hat were available.
In the arts, a particularstyle is characteristic of a particular period or group of people.
e.g. ...six scenes in thestyle of a classical Greek tragedy.
6 个古典希腊悲剧式的场景
e.g. ...a mixture of musical styles.
If something such as a piece of clothing, a vehicle, or someone's hairis styled in a particular way, it is designed or shaped in that way.
e.g. His thick blond hair had just been styled before his trip.
e.g. ...classically styled clothes.
6. see also: old-style;self-styled;styling
If you say that something isnot someone's style, you mean that it is not the way in which they usually do things, or it is different from the sort of thing they usually like.
e.g. Mr Blair was not off guard. That is not hisstyle...
e.g. To be honest, the house is not quite ourstyle.
The letter is written in formal style.
I wouldn't tell lies to you; that's not my style.
The style of this skirt is just in season.
Her clothes are always in style.
We have vases in various styles.
用作名词(n.)He is a very popular writer, but I don't like his style.
他是个很受欢迎的作家,但我不喜欢他的文风。The letter is written in a formal style.
这封信是用正式文体写的。Flattery is not his style.
他从不对人阿谀奉承。What style of furniture do you like?
你喜欢什么式样的家具?They sell shoes in all styles.
他们出售各种最新款式的鞋。Her dress is out of style.
她的穿着不时髦。He has great style.
他很有风度。When they got married they decided to do it in style, and gave a big party.
他们结婚时决定讲究气派摆一番排场,于是搞了一个大型婚宴。用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.Italian experts styled the new cars.
意大利专家设计了这类新型汽车。They styled their house in the Portuguese manner.
他们仿照葡萄牙的风格设计自己的房子。1Her hair was styled by a famous hair dresser.
她的发型是由一位著名的发型设计师设计的。The dress is carefully styled for maximum comfort.
这件服装是为了获得最大限度的舒适而设计的。These chairs are styled for comfort.
这些椅子设计得坐起来舒服。用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.We style him peasant poet.
我们称他为农民诗人。He styled his poem doggerel.
他把他的这首诗歌叫做打油诗。1Should Cook be styled a genius?
库克该不该称为天才?Should he be styled “Right Honourable” or “Mister”?
应该称他为“阁下”还是“先生”?A married woman is styled “Mrs.”.
结过婚的女人称为“夫人”。This department is officially styled “Textile Import and Export Corporation”.
用作名词 (n.)动词+~change one's style of living改变生活方式come into style流行起来keep to the style of保持…的作风make a style of one's own创立自己的风格形容词+~beautiful style风度优雅high style时髦样式affected style矫揉造作的文体the western style西式,西洋风格介词+~in〔out of〕 style时髦〔不时髦〕~+介词a style of…的风格〔作风,文体〕用作动词 (v.)~+名词style dress设计礼服style hair设计发型style house设计房子style room设计房间style a country命名一个国家style an island命名一个岛style a tribe命名一个部落~+副词style carefully精心地设计style fairly可以被正当地称为style officially正式命名style popularly普遍称为~+介词style in按照…设计七、词语用法
stylish、sty、stylet、styles、Styless、stylene、stylewis、Style ham、stylelike、stylebook、styleless、stylewise

第三人称单数 freestyles复数freestyles


元宝区13925291037: style是什么意思? -
仲孙琛丁那: 方式;样式;时髦等 style 音标:英 [staɪl] 美 [staɪl] 释义:n.方式;样式;时髦;仪表,品位vt.设计;称呼;为…造型 vi.使符合流行式样;用刻刀作装饰画 第三人称单数: styles 复数: styles 现在分词: styling 过去式: styled 过去分词: ...

元宝区13925291037: style怎么读 -
仲孙琛丁那: style[英][staɪl] [美][staɪl] 生词本 简明释义 n.方式;样式;时髦;仪表,品位 vt.设计;称呼;为…造型 vi.使符合流行式样;用刻刀作装饰画 复数:styles第三人称单数:styles过去式:styled过去分词:styled现在分词:styling 易混淆的单词:...

元宝区13925291037: style的意思?
仲孙琛丁那: style: [ stail ] n. 风格,时尚,字体 v. 称呼,设计 [ 名词styler ] [ 过去式styled 过去分词styled 现在分词styling 第三人称单数styles ]

元宝区13925291037: style是什么意思啊??? -
仲孙琛丁那: n. 风格; 时尚; 说话的态度,文体; 仪表,品位 vt. 设计; 称呼; 为……造型 vi. 使符合流行式样; 用刻刀作装饰画 复数: styles 过去式: styled 过去分词: styled 现在分词: styling 第三人称单数: styles

元宝区13925291037: style中文是什么意思
仲孙琛丁那: 风格的意思.

元宝区13925291037: style中文是什么意思 -
仲孙琛丁那: n.文体;风格;式样;时尚;类型 用作名词 (n.)1.The letter is written in formal style.这封信是用正式文体写的.2.I wouldn't tell lies to you; that's not my style.我不会跟你撒谎,那不是我的风格.style海词讲解:style作名词时意思是“风格”,转化成动词意思是“设计”.还可指“称呼,命名”,即给某人或某物以名称.style多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以名词充当补足语的复合宾语.可用于被动结构.

元宝区13925291037: 格调,档次的单词有哪些 -
仲孙琛丁那: 可以用 noble高尚 vulgar低俗 style 英[staɪl] 美[staɪl] n. 方式; 样式; 时髦; 仪表,品位; vt. 设计; 称呼; 为…造型; vi. 使符合流行式样; 用刻刀作装饰画; [例句]Our children's different needs and learning styles created many problems 孩子们不同的需求和学习方式给我们带来了许多问题. [其他] 第三人称单数:styles 复数:styles 现在分词:styling 过去式:styled过去分词:styled

元宝区13925291037: breed,kind,style有什么区别啊 -
仲孙琛丁那: breed 是繁殖 估计你说的是brand 表示品牌 比如nike buick kind 是最通俗的用法,指种类.比如几种菜,几种水果 style 指格调.比如穿衣服的品味,或者艺术的偏向

元宝区13925291037: styles是什么意思 -
仲孙琛丁那:n.方式; 样式; 时髦; 仪表,品位 vt.设计; 称呼; 为…造型; vi.使符合流行式样; 用刻刀作装饰画; 变形 复数: styles 过去式: styled 过去分词: styled 现在分词: styling 第三人称单数: styles style的例句 The letter is written in formal style...

元宝区13925291037: style is never for file 是什么意思? -
仲孙琛丁那: style is never for file 全部释义和例句>>风格是从来没有的文件 style 英[staɪl] 美[staɪl] n. 方式; 样式; 时髦; 仪表,品位; vt. 设计; 称呼; 为…造型; vi. 使符合流行式样; 用刻刀作装饰画; [例句]A style of life extensively underpinned by public money 极度依赖公款支出的生活方式 [其他] 第三人称单数:styles 复数:styles 现在分词:styling 过去式:styled 过去分词:styled

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