
作者&投稿:年宇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 温柔、体贴、撒娇、任性、独立、爱美、另类、 耐心、窈窕、慧质、温柔、善良、体贴、高雅、 美丽、朴实、简朴、寒酸、纯情、青春、淡雅、 稳重、端庄、清澈、苗条、娇小、贤惠、纯洁、 漂亮、大方、善良、可人、单纯、天真、活泼、 文静、体贴、美丽、魅力、秀雅、奔放、性感、 知性、贤淑、贤惠、聪明、伶俐、热烈、妩媚、 秀丽、清秀、青纯、优雅、高贵、另类、天真、 善良、可爱、热情、活泼、高雅、纯朴、素雅、 修长、性感、迷人、动人、细腻、孝顺、勤劳、 利落、干净、直率、理智、聪敏、腼腆、羞涩、 泼辣、随和、


Sometimes, late at night, my brother sits in his darkened room watching television without any sound and laughing hysterically. His giggling is punctuated by one-sided, incoherent conversations that he holds with the voices he hears in his head.Doug is 30 years old, and for the ...

looks的意思是外观或外貌。以下是对looks这个词汇的详细解释:1. 基本含义:“Looks”是一个英语词汇,通常用来描述一个人的外貌或外观。它可以涵盖一个人的整体形象,包括面容特征、身材、穿着风格等。2. 语境中的使用:在日常对话中,人们可能会用“looks”来赞美他人的外貌,例如:“You look great ...

用英语描述一个人的性格 急求!
He is a very responsible and warm-hearted class president. He is not only responsible, but also very talented. He can play basketball very well and he is also excels in all his tests. He is very popular among the students. He is very friendly and always happy to help out....

a good relationship and many close friends. The person who influenced my thoughts, words and deeds most deeply was my favorite person, mother.在被母亲照顾的日子中,我学会了待人接物的方法,让我拥有好人缘和许多知心好友,影响我的想法、言行举止最深的一个人,是我最爱的人,妈妈。

a person that looks like me 和我相似的一个人 we look kind of alike 同样的, 相似的 same kind of 同样的

独自一人的英语表达是:alone 或 by oneself。alone是一个形容词,表示“单独的,独自的”,可以在句子中直接用来描述一个人的状态。例如:她独自一人坐在公园的长椅上,望着湖水发呆。可以翻译为:She sat alone on the bench in the park, staring at the lake.而by oneself则是一个...


但她小时候许多的愿望在我的身上却成为了现实,我们每天吃的是大米白面,每天起床都会有一个鸡蛋和一杯牛奶放在我的面前,在学校,我们有宽敞的教室,我们有漂亮的衣服,我们生日的时候总是有大大的蛋糕,一个人吃都吃不了……Time flies, now grandma's grandson is 10 years old. A lot of the...

大鼻子的英语是big nose。在英语中,描述一个人的鼻子大小通常使用词汇big或large。当用英语描述一个人有大鼻子时,可以使用big nose或large nose这样的表达。这个表述是基于外貌特征的,通常在形容一个人的相貌时使用,但需要注意的是,在不同的文化背景下,大鼻子可能具有不同的寓意。在世界各地,大...

乌尔禾区14789588440: 用英文描述一个人 -
訾杰七味: Liu Xiang (Simplified Chinese: 刘翔, pinyin: Liú Xiáng) (born July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China) is a hurdling athlete. In 2002, Liu launched his career in fine style by winning the first IAAF Grand Prix in Lausanne with a world youth and Asian ...

乌尔禾区14789588440: 用英语描写一个人 -
訾杰七味: 原发布者:ruilinmama英语人物描写

乌尔禾区14789588440: 英语,描述一个人.描述Sam.词数40个左右..圆脸,一双大眼睛,小鼻子,宽嘴巴.小耳朵,短头发 描述啊,可以加些词语..不要用翻译机那玩意 谁都会.. -
訾杰七味:[答案] Sam has a round face,fitted with big eyes and a small nose.His mouth is quite wide,with his small ears and short hair,he looks quite cartoon.

乌尔禾区14789588440: 如何用英语描写一个人 -
訾杰七味: 他的样子,比方她有双大大的眼睛阿什么的,红红的脸蛋.然后性格,平易近人或者有点小暴躁,然后稍微的举个小例子说明他的平易近人或者暴躁,小例子就不用for example了,就可以说such as 然后一句话结束 一分钟差不多了

乌尔禾区14789588440: 怎么用英语形容一个人,了不起,是无敌的!比如说这个人就站在你面前,然后你要夸奖他!你很了不起!你是无敌的!……请多举几个例子! -
訾杰七味:[答案] 1,sb could not be undone或者could not be defeated,是无敌的,不可能被打败的意思 2,incredible,wonderful,outstanding ,excellent,都有表示了不起的意思

乌尔禾区14789588440: 英语,描述一个人. -
訾杰七味: Sam has a round face, fitted with big eyes and a small nose. His mouth is quite wide, with his small ears and short hair, he looks quite cartoon.

乌尔禾区14789588440: 怎样用英语去描述一个人 -
訾杰七味: My friend, Shirney. She is a girl, not very tall, but she is tall enough ,she is a slim girl. She has got short black . If you ask me what is she like ? Then , I will tell you she is very kind , so cute and generous, she likes smile, that's what she attracts me a lot. ...

乌尔禾区14789588440: 怎样用英文介绍一个人的特点
訾杰七味: 她最为突出的特点是诚实. Her predominant characteristic is honesty.她具有亚洲人的特点. She has Asiatic characteristics.他有个不大讨人喜欢的特点,就是爱当众责备妻子. One of his less attractive traits is criticizing his wife in public.

乌尔禾区14789588440: 如何用英语描述一个人 -
訾杰七味: My friend ZhangSan is an energetic person with dark skin and black short hair. 描述顺序是由我及外,由里及表

乌尔禾区14789588440: 请问怎么用英语来形容他呢?他是一个什么样的人呢?一个男人在事业上很成功,又欣赏伟人. -
訾杰七味:[答案] successful

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