
作者&投稿:依侧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



范例1 一封标准的出国留学推荐信范文:In capacity as Professor of Mathematics at Fudan University I'm writing to recommend Mr. Wang Gesintosyour PhD program in Computer Science. I have known Mr. Wang since his sophomore year of college and have acted as his thesis advisor and mentor. In my experience he is a gifted and diligent student and an admirably hard worker. Wang is an impressive student because he has been forced to overcome the significant challenge of a serious illness during his freshman year. When I first met Wang in my Discrete Math class he did not appear to be anything special to me. While his exam scores were good they were not as high as I would now expect of him. What I didn't know then was that due to his illness Wang was attempting to take all of the difficult early mathematics courses at one time including Discrete Mathematics Advanced Mathematics Linear Algebra and Possibilities. While most students found preparing for just one set of these exams difficult Wang was overwhelmed by four of them. But in the end he achieved an impressive score on the final exam which made me conscious of his unusual determination he demonstrates when confronting difficult challenges. Mr. Wang and I have often talked about a variety of mathematics and computer science concepts and problems. During these discussions I always found him to be delightfully intelligent. Not only does he quickly understand the concepts and problems presented to him he is able to analyze these problems and present solutions. But perhaps most important is that Wang's thinking is intensely rigorous. When looking at any question he carefully scrutinizes it and if he finds any uncertain issues he clears them up immediately. I believe this kind of thought is essential to become an excellent computer programmer. Serving as his thesis advisor I had a first-hand opportunity to observe the way in which Wang's mind works. In his senor thesis Mr. Wang mainly discussed two challenging questions in regards to″ANN″. In our books in China knowledge of ANN and its uses are very rare. Few people in China have studied this topic and consequently the materials that are available on ANN are limited. Working on this difficult project not only did Mr. Wang rise to the challenge but he went above and beyond the call of duty to analyze his secondary sources and test them for accuracy in practice. In this way he found mistakes in the book that we use. His diligence and hard work made me extremely proud of him. Mr. Wang is an intelligent motivated and industrious individual. Teaching and advising him has been a delightful pleasure. I know that if given the chance to study abroad in America he will arm himself to become a great programmer he dreams of being. He has the intelligence and background to achieve these goals - now all he needs is the opportunity. I ask that you look upon his application favorably and grant him a chance to study in your university.www.zhaofanwen.com 找范文。 范例2 计算机教授出国留学推荐信范文 At the request of Mr. Xizhen Chen, my former student in the Department of Computer Science, Beijing Univ. of Sciences, I am glad to write this letter furnishing my evaluation ofhis academic aptitude for your reference. Mr. Chen is interested in your graduate program in Computer Science.I came to know him in September 1987 when Mr. Chen enrolled in my class on FORTRAN IV Programming, a three semesters' course.In the class he was one of the most outstanding students. At the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be "A" according to our grading system. I also ound him good at other studies.After the class, he had personal talks with me several times. He indicated a great interest in computer hardware, In my opinion, Mr. Chen has a potential in Computer Science, which can be further developed.In view of his previous achievements in this College, I am firmly convinced that Mr. Chen will make a successful graduate student. Your favorable consideration of his admission will be highly appreciated.


数学老师推荐信范文 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都跟书信打过交道吧,书信是生活中常用的一种文体。相信很多朋友都对写信感到非常苦恼吧,下面是我为大家收集的数学老师推荐信范文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 数学老师推荐信范文1 尊敬的xxx: xx外国语学校的数学教学水平很高,在高一高二两年就完...


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大学老师推荐学生的推荐信范文 在日常生活和工作中,推荐信对我们的作用越来越大,我们在写推荐信的时候注意内容的完整。大家知道推荐信的格式吗?下面是我为大家整理的大学老师推荐学生的推荐信范文,欢迎大家分享。大学老师学生的推荐信1 我很荣幸推荐我的学生xxx申请参加您的研究生项目。xxx曾经参加过...

我是杨源源的家长。为了配合教育教学工作,特此推荐杨源源在成长中的优点、特长以及表现,供参考。一、优点:1、 热爱祖国有正义感 源源喜欢看热爱祖国的电视电影片,故事书。看到感人的情节时,总是会发出对英雄人物的称赞和对侵越者的痛恨评说。2、 诚实善良有同情心 如源源在一次爷爷给她的钱冲电话费...

保研老师推荐信(10篇) 在现实生活中,我们都可能会用到推荐信,我们在写推荐信的时候要注意内容不能虚夸和杜撰。写推荐信时总是没有新意?下面是我为大家整理的保研老师推荐信,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 保研老师推荐信1 推荐意见: 我讲授过杨雪芳同学的本科专业课课程:项目进度与质量管理、项目...

到外国留学,一封导师推荐信是必不可少的,它可能对我们的录取情况起着重要作用。下面由我为你提供的,希望大家喜欢。一 大学**专业06级本科生**是本人《**》课班上的学生。该生在学习该课程的过程中积极主动,认真踏实,并在本课程取得了良好成绩,在专业名列前茅。在教授该课程时,我比较注重对...

假如你是李华 你要写一封推荐信 向征集最美教师的报纸 介绍你的老师...
Ms Wells is my English teacher. She is a good teacher and she is willing to help students in their life. For example, when we don't have money to eat, she offered to lend us. So we are very happy to know her. And she's very responsible in work. She often lessons ...

宜丰县15660979937: 复试时给导师怎么写推荐信? -
宿悦贝他: 根据自己情况,务实一点,说明你对导师的尊敬和你的诚意,不要肆意夸耀自己,简单一点.相信你自己可以写出来的,最好找你现在这个老师给些建议.祝你成功!

宜丰县15660979937: 考研期间,给导师的推荐信怎么写? -
宿悦贝他: 现在联系导师是没有太大必要的,毕竟初试之前,报考的人很多,也有很多都联系了导师,而这些人中最后进入复试的比例很少,即使你联系了,导师可能也只是应付你一下,我的一些同学联系导师时,说的就是等成绩出来再说,让好好复习.当然你联系也没有坏处,也许老师真的会记住你呢?联系的方法很简单,就是简单的介绍一下你自己,学校专业等等,再说说自己在科研方面的能力,平时做过什么科研项目.最重要的是要说说对老师这个方向的兴趣,再表现一下对老师的崇拜之情,就可以了.切记,一定要简洁,不能啰嗦,他没有那么多时间看你大段的自我介绍,一般几句话就可以了.如果是复试之前联系导师,可以详细一些.

宜丰县15660979937: 导师推荐信 -
宿悦贝他: Admissions Officer Washington College of Law American University 44000 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington DC 20016-618eNovember 17,1997Dear Colleague:As Dean of the Faculty of Law at the Beijing University, probably China'...

宜丰县15660979937: 急需!艺术类考研导师推荐信 -
宿悦贝他: 考研 范 言:某某老师,我要考你的研究生 - - 然后他说:好的,你考吧!我当时的真实场景.如果是你的大学老师给你写推荐信,让他自由发挥吧,他会根据实际情况措辞的 - - -

宜丰县15660979937: 最新美国本科留学推荐信中文范文是怎样?
宿悦贝他: 我是复旦大学数学系教授,在此写信推荐王XX.我认识王XX自大学二年级,担任他的导师.在我眼中,他是一个勤奋的学生和一个令人欣赏的孩子. 他是一个令人印象深...

宜丰县15660979937: 请问直博的导师推荐信怎么写? -
宿悦贝他: 样本:自从2007年教授***同学《公共关系学》以来,我们已经认识两年了.在这两年里,我们一直保持着密切的联系,他一直跟随我参加比赛,写作书籍,参加各种比赛等等,所以我对他还算熟识.现在,我以非常诚挚的心推荐***同学,他在...

宜丰县15660979937: 求一份参加学术会议的教授推荐信(中文).老师忙让我自己写,但是我不会,谁能给我一个模板看看啊. -
宿悦贝他: 先简单写几句重视此次会议的,然后归入正题,说推荐某人参加会议,其后介绍该人在学术上的一些修为,主要与此次会议有关的.

宜丰县15660979937: 如何写教授推荐信 -
宿悦贝他: 这个要看你申请学校的要求,一种是学校有一个模版,类似于问卷调查的那种,逐项评分就好了.没有特别版本要求的就由教授自由发挥,一般分几大段:第一段教授介绍在何时教过你什么课程,以及对学生大的印象.第二段,具体介绍一下教授的课程内容和你在课堂上的表现,也是先说一下大面上的评价,比如有专研精神,思维不落俗套,敢于面对挑战等等,再举几个具体的例子来逐一说明对学生的评价.第三段,表示该生的表现属于出类拔萃的,觉得该生继续求学的愿望会得以实现,也相信录取该生一定可以给贵校的多元化注入新的活力,也很欢迎校方的任何咨询.

宜丰县15660979937: 求一个就业推荐信范文,导师写给企业领导的 -
宿悦贝他: 尊敬的先生或女士: 您好,我是XXX,XXX学校的校长.得知我校优秀学生XXX想要到贵公司工作,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰.在我看来这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来.因此,我很荣幸向贵公司强烈推荐这位优...

宜丰县15660979937: 教授推荐信的格式 -
宿悦贝他: LETTER OF RECOMMENDATIONTo whom it may concern,I am writing to ......Yours sincerely, (老师签名) XXX Wang Professor Foreign language Department XXX Business College of XXX University No.888 XXX Road 城市名,XXX Province, 330013 P.R.China Tel: 0086-0000-0000000(办公室电话) E-Mail:大概格式就这样

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