
作者&投稿:萧终 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、音乐可以让身体放轻松,好的音乐可以纾解压力,避免因自律神经紧张失调而导致慢性疾病的产生。  2 、音乐可以敲开封闭的心灵,纾解忧郁苦闷的心情,甚至音乐还可以做到某些程度的心灵治疗。  3、 音乐可以刺激脑部,活化脑细胞,适当的音乐刺激对脑部的活动有很大的帮助,甚至达到防止老化的功效。  4 、音乐可以提升创造力、企划力以及刺激右脑,尤其是古典乐曲,对右脑的训练与发展是很有帮助的。  5 、音乐可以帮助入眠、提高免疫力、增加神经传导速率、增强记忆力与注意力,让人的身心都得到适度的发展、解放。  6、 音乐的旋律可以使婴儿呼吸平静、心跳减缓,让婴儿不再哭闹不安,也可以刺激婴儿的大脑思维能力,让他更聪明。

Music is a kind of art without any borders in the world.Most of the young people like pop music,such as dancing music,rockn'roll and rap music while the old people and the middle aged people enjoy the folk songs and jazz.Music,no matter what kind it is,can make people get energetic and refreshed.If you feel tired or upset,you may listen to some music.That will be very helpful.

Music is a port of my life.(音乐是我生活中的一部分.)
1.to use music and music
therapy to help ward off depression,to promote movement,to calm patients,to ease
muscle tension.
2.Brain Waves:music with
a strong beat can stimulate brainwaves to resonate in sync with the beat,with
faster beats bringing sharper concentration and more alert thinking,and a slower
tempo promoting a calm,meditative
and Heart Rate:breathing and heart rate can also be altered by the changes music
can bring.greatly promoting not only relaxation,but
4.State of Mind:Music can
also be used to bring a more positive state of
5.Other Benefits:lowering blood pressure,boost
immunity,ease muscle tension.
6.Early musical
training helps develop brain areas involved in language and
7.Mood boost:plugging in to your
favourite music could help melt away a bad
8.Focus:if we help our cortex to produce
faster beta waves,we will be better equipped to concentrate and focus our
9.Pick up the
pace:Listening to certain music could actually help you run
10.De-stress:Tuning in to one of your
favourite songs can be incredibly soothing and help to reduce anxiety.

好吧没人鸟我...古典主义音乐、浪漫主义音乐、巴洛克音乐、乡村音乐、爵士音乐、摇滚音乐、重金属音乐的介绍都可以,但要只英文版的这条要求不变... 好吧没人鸟我...古典主义音乐、浪漫主义音乐、巴洛克音乐、乡村音乐、爵士音乐、摇滚音乐、重金属音乐的介绍都可以,但要只英文版的这条要求不变... 展开 ...

Country music (sometimes called Country & Western) is a form of music that has been enjoyed by people all over the United States for decades. Famous singers from this genre include Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, the Judds, Dolly Parton, Glen Campbell, George Jones and Tammy Wynette, ...

the sound of music 英文简介
用大概6年级的英语水平简述thesoundofmusic要速度..谢了--是对音乐之声那个故事的英文简介..谢谢~... 用大概6年级的英语水平简述the sound of music要速度..谢了- -是对音乐之声那个故事的英文简介..谢谢~ 展开 3个回答 #热议# 公司那些设施可以提高员工幸福感?lemmenqin 2009-02-19 · TA获得超过2.2万...

Shout and response - Afro-American Music History Black musical history of migrants has more than half a millennium, this five centuries of music history is that these African people the power struggle in the history of the race.Now Black was elected as President of the United States...

light music liberhe | 发布于2010-01-24 举报| 评论 6 6 为您推荐: 轻音乐的英文 轻音乐排行榜前100首 根据英文怎么说 什么是轻音乐 轻音乐介绍英文 好听的轻音乐 慢音乐英文怎么说 轻音乐有哪些 轻音乐纯音乐 轻音乐的好处 其他...

求轻音乐,secret garden,班得瑞的英文介绍
2006-10-06 求音乐组合SECRET GARDEN的英文介绍 2012-10-08 班得瑞(Bandari)和神秘园(Secret Garden... 2 2009-03-27 轻音乐 secret garden 2007-07-18 找一首好听的轻音乐的介绍,好像叫“秘密花园” 18 2008-08-05 求班得瑞与神秘园曲子的英汉对照 3 2008-06-09 翻译一篇关于班得瑞的英文介绍。

需要一点音乐的历史或人对音乐的喜好,还有创作音乐的灵感有关的英语文章.告诉我在哪里找也行.谢谢.我要的是英语^^... 需要一点音乐的历史或人对音乐的喜好,还有创作音乐的灵感有关的英语文章.告诉我在哪里找也行.谢谢.我要的是英语^^ 展开 5个回答 #热议# 职场上受委屈要不要为自己解释?syf129 2008-05...

推荐两篇 一 Traditional Chinese music has tonality, just like Chinese language. In Chinese language, there are four tones in one pronunciation: flat, sliding from lower to higher pitch, or sliding from higher to lower, or combination of the two. These four tones make Chinese ...

Heavy metal (often referred to simply as metal) is a genre of rock music[1] that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the United Kingdom and in the United States.[2] With roots in blues rock and psychedelic rock, the bands that created heavy metal ...

有关音乐的英语句子,人(英文) 30 多多益善... 多多益善 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 说说这一年,有哪些人让你心生感恩?haizutianxia 2009-11-21 · TA获得超过1898个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:625 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:351万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 不知道你要的...

吴中区15929759635: 跪求英语作文音乐的好处,尽快 -
郗莫拉西: Music is a kind of art without any borders in the world.Most of the young people like pop music,such as dancing music,rockn'roll and rap music while the old people and the middle aged people enjoy the folk songs and jazz.Music,no matter what kind ...

吴中区15929759635: 跪求英语作文音乐的好处,尽快帮我写一个听音乐的好处,比如说音乐是全世界通用的语言啦之类的英语作文,不用多,三四句就行了, -
郗莫拉西:[答案] Music is a kind of art without any borders in the world.Most of the young people like pop music,such as dancing music,rockn'roll and rap music while the old people and the middle aged people enjoy the folk songs and jazz.Music,no matter what kind it is,...

吴中区15929759635: 关于喜欢音乐的好处英语作文 -
郗莫拉西:[答案] Manystudies have been conducted to find the deeper benefits of listening to and playingmusic.From sci-fi notions of increased fetal development to everyday emotionalhealing,the growing field of music therapy is presenting increasing amounts ...

吴中区15929759635: 用英语说明听音乐对人的好处.再加上一些真情实感之类的,像:Music is a port of my life.(音乐是我生活中的一部分.) -
郗莫拉西:[答案] 1.to use music and music therapy to help ward off depression,to promote movement,to calm patients,to ease muscle tension.使用音乐和音乐疗法帮助抵御抑郁症,以促进运动,平息患者,缓解肌肉紧张.2.Brain Waves...

吴中区15929759635: 求一篇以【Do you like music】为题100字左右的英语作文,内容就是音乐给学生带来的好处,感受 -
郗莫拉西:[答案] Everybody likes music. When we walk we listen to music; when we work, we listen to music; and even when we sleep, we listen to it. Why we human beings are so obsessed about music? I think the reason i...

吴中区15929759635: 请以“the role of music ”为题写一篇100词左右的文章.我是高一的! 音乐可以使我们放松身心;音乐可以振奋并鼓舞人心,帮助我们走出困境;音乐可以帮... -
郗莫拉西:[答案] 这里回答字数有限制 (仅 100个汉字).我把依题目要求写好 的作文发在我的博客上了.共101 英文字.供你参考.

吴中区15929759635: 求高中英语作文 音乐在我们日常生活中扮演着很重要的角色…急请根据以下提示以“the role of music”为题写一篇100词左右的文章.音乐可以使我们放松身... -
郗莫拉西:[答案] Rich and sensitive to human feelings, life, bit by bit will toggle our heartstrings, moved and caused the initial human desire. So... blood boiling. 人类的感情丰富而敏感,生活的一点一滴都会拨动我们的心弦,引发人类最 初的感动和想望.于是有了音乐,...

吴中区15929759635: 请大家写一段英语小文章,一分钟左右,有关音乐对生活的影响
郗莫拉西: Music is a mobile sculpture, sculpture is the solidification of the music. Music can add a bit busy daily lives and elegant poetry, When we came home from work, a Mozart's Serenade Ruhuan dreamlike, floating in the air reverberated in the ear, ...

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