关于高中学习方面和课余生活方面的英语作文 加翻译

作者&投稿:刀油 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

您好:Suggestion on study vary depending on different individuals and different needs. Now I'd like to share some suggestions.
First of all, focus on your work immediately, Some students fail to be absorbed, which means they will switch their attention to other things when studying. Please bear it in mind that you have to be absolutely occupied in your job for the first 15 minutes. Then you attention will be fixed and difficult to slide for the following 45 minutes.
Secondly, find a method that suits you. As is commonly seen, some students work harder than the majority but performed worse. The only account for that is they don't work scientifically enough. If you lack exercises, find more exercises to finish. If you are unfamiliar with the concepts in the textbook, resort to your textbooks. Analyse your problem and find a suitable approach, and then you can make progress.
In addition, reflect from time to time. There is always room to make progress. The only thing that matters is that you should take time, slow down and think about what you can improve. Then set off and move on.
If you take my suggestions, I believe you can make a difference.


My after school life and ultimately a small daily diary. Previously, I have some inertia, I did not want to write, just want to play, but mother told me: "Just write a little diary every day, you can put a good word accumulation, good sentence, paragraph good use of it, when you write a small essay, you do not think difficult, grow up, you can turn these small diary, you will find very interesting childhood! "Now, I like a changed man, writing a daily diary is small, but now I write more progress , I was gratefully of my school life are:! insist on practicing the piano for an hour a day practicing on Sunday two pencil word,
Half an hour a day reading, spend 15 minutes every morning, listening to English, did not forget to exercise every day, "" colorful and have a regular after school life, not only increased knowledge, stronger physique, but also cultivate a sentiment, I think the benefit.

As I am in high school now, I have class from Monday to Friday, so I am busy with my study, I don’t have much time to play. My life after class is enriched, one the one hand, I need to finish my homework, this is the first thing I need to do, only when I finish my homework, will I go to play with my friends happily. On the other hand, I will ask my friends to go out for fun or I just stay at my bedroom to play computer games. I am so satisfied with myself, because I study hard and play hard. As a student, I need to study。



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