
作者&投稿:芒剂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

圣诞节的由来(英文):The name Christmas is short for 'Christ's Mass'. A Mass is a kind of Church service. Christmas is a religious festival. It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus.  “圣诞节”这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节日我们把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,因而又名耶诞节。怎样学好英语?点击蓝字链接,免费欧美外教教你英语学习技巧:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】课均不到20元,每天都能跟着外教一对一学习。欢迎各位来阿卡索线上课程学习,专业外教一对一上课指导,每位教师都经过严格的挑选,以最低的价格(课均20元)帮助大家缕清英语知识,还能有效提高口语水平哦。不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

Christmas, also known as Christmas, is translated as "Christ Mass", a traditional western festival, which falls on December 25 each year.
Mass is a church service. Christmas is a religious festival because it is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus, hence the name "Christmas".
Most Catholic churches hold midnight mass on Christmas Eve on the 24th, that is, in the early morning of December 25, while some Christian churches hold good news and then celebrate Christmas on December 25. Another major branch of Christianity-Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on January 7 each year.
Christmas is also a public holiday in the western world and many other regions, such as Hong Kong, Macao, Malaysia and Singapore in Asia. In fact, the Bible does not record the date of Jesus' birth. Christmas was set by later generations.


It is said that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary by Maria. God sent messenger Gabriel to Joseph in his dream, asking him not to leave her because he was unmarried. 

Instead, he wanted to marry her and name the child "Jesus", meaning that he wanted to save the people from sin.

When Maria was about to give birth, the Rome government ordered that all the people in Bethlehem must declare their domicile. Joseph and Maria had to obey. 

When they arrived at the time of the day, the sky was fainting, but two people could not find a hotel to cross the lodge. Just then, Jesus was about to be born. 

So Maria only gave birth to Jesus on the manger. In order to commemorate the birth of Jesus, the following generations set December 25 as Christmas, and celebrated the birth of Jesus with annual mass.











Christmas (Christmas), also known as Christmas, translation as the "Christ mass", western traditional festival, on December 25 every year.A mass is a kind of church service.Christmas is a religious festival, because it as the birthday of Jesus to celebrate, so the name "Christmas".


Christmas is also a public holiday and many other areas in the western world, such as: Hong Kong, macau, Malaysia and Singapore in Asia.No record date of the birth of Jesus, the bible actually Christmas is make public.


LV.5 2019-10-02
It is said that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary by Maria. God sent messenger Gabriel to Joseph in his dream, asking him not to leave her because he was unmarried.
Instead, he wanted to marry her and name the child "Jesus", meaning that he wanted to save the people from sin.
When Maria was about to give birth, the Rome government ordered that all the people in Bethlehem must declare their domicile. Joseph and Maria had to obey.
When they arrived at the time of the day, the sky was fainting, but two people could not find a hotel to cross the lodge. Just then, Jesus was about to be born.
So Maria only gave birth to Jesus on the manger. In order to commemorate the birth of Jesus, the following generations set December 25 as Christmas, and celebrated the birth of Jesus with annual mass.

Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth, but most Christians observe Christmas on December 25. On this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services. During the Christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and Christmas trees. The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ. The story of Christmas comes chiefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New Testament.
“圣诞节”这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。耶诞节是一个宗教节。我们把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,因而又名耶诞节。这一天,世界所有的基督教会都举行特别的礼拜仪式。但是有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点关联。交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,这都使圣诞节成为一个普天同庆的日子。 “圣诞节”这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。耶诞节是一个宗教节。我们把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,因而又名耶诞节。这一天,世界所有的基督教会都举行特别的礼拜仪式。但是有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点关联。交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,这都使圣诞节成为一个普天同庆的日子。


后来历史学家们在罗马基督徒习用的日历中发现公元 354年12月25日页内记录着:“基督降生在犹大的伯利恒。”经过研究,一般认为12月25日作为圣诞节可能开始于公元336年的罗马教会。12月25日原来是波斯太阳神(即光明之神)密特拉(Mithra)的诞辰,是一个异教徒节日,同时太阳神也是罗马国教众神之一。这一天又是罗马历书的冬至节,崇拜太阳神的异教徒都把这一天当作春天的希望,万物复苏的开始。可能由于这个原因,罗马教会才选择这一天作为圣诞节。这是教会初期力图把异教徒的风俗习惯基督教化的措施之一。后来,虽然大多数教会都接受12月25日为圣诞节,但又因为各地教会使用的历书不同,具体日期不能统一,于是就把12月24日到第二年的1月6日定为圣诞节节期(

History 历史
For many centuries, Christian writers accepted that Christmas was the actual date on which Jesus was born. However, in the early eighteenth century, scholars began proposing alternative explanations.

 Isaac Newton argued that the date of Christmas was selected to correspond with the winter solstice,which in ancient times was marked on December 25.

 In 1743, German Protestant Paul Ernst Jablonski argued Christmas was placed on December 25 to correspond with the Roman solar holiday Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and was therefore a "paganization" that debased the true church.

 In 1889, Louis Duchesne suggested that the date of Christmas was calculated as nine months after the Annunciation (March 25), the traditional date of the Incarnation.

圣诞节的来历:It is said that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary by Maria. God sent messenger Gabriel to Joseph in his dream, asking him not to leave her because he was unmarried.?Instead, he wanted to marry her and name the child Jesus, meaning that he wanted to save the...

Legend has it that this day is the day of the birth of Jesus. the virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus in the stable. Jesus redeemed the world and was crucified with blood. in order to commemorate all that Jesus had done to save the world, the world set December 25 as Christm...


圣诞节来历英文:It is said that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born by the Virgin Mary.God sent a messengerGabriel.To tell Joseph in his dream that instead of rejecting Mary because she was unmarried and pregnant.he would marry her and call the child Jesus.m...


圣诞节由来:Jesus was born of the virgin Mary and named the child "Jesus", which means that he should save the people from their sins.In order to commemorate the birth of Jesus, the following people set December 25 as Christmas and celebrated mass every year to commemorate the ...

有用英文介绍圣诞节的由来如下:Christmas origins Every year on December 25 in the world the majority of Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus day.Christmas did not start the church, about 100 years after Jesus ascended to heaven only. It is said: the first Christmas in the year...

圣诞节的来历英文版:Every year, December 25 is the day Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus, known as "Christmas".Christmas, also known as Christmas and the Birthday of Jesus, is translated as "Christ Mass", a traditional Western Festival and the most important festival in ...

圣诞节的来历(简短) 英语
圣诞节来历: Christmas also referred to as Christmas Day or Christmastide, is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. His birth, which is the basis for the Anno Domini system of dating, has been determined by modern ...

圣诞节的由来:It is said that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary because of the birth of the Holy Spirit.God sent the messenger to tell Joseph in his dreams, and told him not to ask her because she was pregnant without marriage.Instead, she would be married to her and call...

弥渡县15134676744: 用英语说圣诞节的由来 -
江牵亮博:[答案] 12月25日的圣诞节是庆祝基督教创始人耶稣基督生日的日子, 是美国最大、人们最喜爱的节日. 据基督教徒的圣书《圣经》说,上帝决定让他的独生子耶稣基 督投生人间,找个母亲,然后就在人间生活,以便人们能更好地了 解上帝、学习热爱上帝...

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江牵亮博:[答案] 圣诞节来历:Christmas also referred to as Christmas Day or Christmastide,is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.His birth,which is the basi...

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江牵亮博:[答案] Christmas (Christmas) also known as Christmas, translated as 'Christ's mass', western traditional festivals, in December 25th each year. Mass is a liturgical church. Christmas is a religious festival, because regard it as to celebrate the birth of Jesus, ...

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江牵亮博:[答案] Christmas (pronounced /krisməs/), also referred to as Christmas Day, is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 that commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.[2][3] The day marks the begin...

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江牵亮博:[答案] What is Christmas?The word Christmas comes from the words Cristes maesse,or "Christ's Mass." Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus for members of the Christian religion.Most historians pe...

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江牵亮博: 圣诞节的由来英文版 Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian religion, is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States. According to the Bible, the holy book of Christians, God ...

弥渡县15134676744: 关于圣诞节的来历英文(大约30 - 50个单词) -
江牵亮博:[答案] What is Christmas?If Gorg can assimilate all of that and make sense of it in a week,then obviously he is a member of a highly advanced species!You may find that you yourself don't know the answers to ...

弥渡县15134676744: 用英语介绍圣诞节的由来和特点谢谢快一些,简短一些急!大概3~4行 -
江牵亮博:[答案] Christmas (christmas) is an important Christian festival, scheduled for December 25 each year to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, but also the universal celebration of the secular holidays.There...

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江牵亮博: the name christmas is short for "christ\'s mass". a mass is a kind of church service. christmas is a religious festival. it is the day we celebrate as the birthday of jesus. there are special christmas services in christian churches all over the world. but ...

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