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Sarah Connor的Que Sera

  歌名:exit-david jassy
  歌词:Verse 1:
  Could it be
  That I've just been struck by your electricity
  I can feel her voltage radiate through me

  Hey, no girl is better
  Giving me a heartattack
  I'm loving your swagger
  When you're backing it up on me like that
  You know that it's often
  Just to look at what reacts
  There's no turning back
  I know have to leave with you, you, you

  You're overloading my senses
  My system's defenses
  My heart's in a stress when I'm next to you
  There is no way I can prevent this
  Your body's relentless
  So let's make a move

  Girl we can slip right out the exit exit exit
  We can slip right out the exit exit exit
  Tonight I'm gonna treat you, leave you breathless
  But first we gotta exit exit exit

  Verse 2:
  Gotta go
  There's an urgency this emergency can't hold
  From the floor to the door
  Let's knock it out like T.K.O

  Hey no girl is better
  Giving me a heartattack
  I'm loving your swagger
  When you're backing it up on me like that
  You know that it's often
  Just to look at what reacts
  There is no turning back
  I know have to leave with you, you, you

  You're overloading my senses
  My system's defenses
  My heart's in a stress when I'm next to you
  There's no way I can prevent this
  Your body's relentless
  So let's make a move
  Girl we can slip right out the exit exit exit
  Slip right out the exit exit exit
  Tonight I'm gonna treat you, leave you breathless
  But first we gotta exit exit exit

  All night
  Been thinkin' what I'm gonna do
  Is busy setting up the mood
  As soon as we can get inside
  If you jump into my ride
  The night isn't close to over

  You're overloading my senses
  My system's defenses
  My heart's in a stress when I'm next to you
  There's no way I can prevent this
  Your body's relentless
  So let's make a move
  Girl we can slip right out the exit exit exit
  Slip right out the exit exit exit
  Tonight I'm gonna treat you, leave you breathless
  But first we gotta exit exit exit

Audrey Hannah 《It's December》

Last year, same time in December,
I had your love and I remember,
your gentle kiss and your gentle touch,
but now I seem to miss you much.
Last year, same time in December,
the nights had not been so cold.
You were holding me and I was also holding you,
you made me feel weigh I did and I miss you,
ohoho oh oho ohoh yeah, and miss you.


It’s December and I’ll be missing you.
Christmas time, come on, make my dreams come true.
I remember all the heavy touch with you.
(I) Make my wish and hope this year my gift is you.
It’s December and I’ll be missing you.
Christmas time, come on, make my dreams come true.
I remember all the heavy touch with you
(I) Make my wish and this year I will be with you, I’ll be with you.

Ohoho oh oho ohoh yeah, and miss you.
Now I’m sitting here, waiting (for) my dear,
watching in the snow falling down like last year.
Last year falling down from my eyes,
I got to make a wish for you baby:
I wish that I could be shining star, flying high in the sky,
so I can see where you are,
spending light in the night, right it could be,
this time for you, shine for you, help you bring you back to me,
ohoho oh oho ohoh yeah, bring you back to me.
ohoho oh oho ohoh yeah

一个人生活 歌曲原唱:林凡 填 词:孙维君 谱 曲:凌伟文 叶子在窗外轻轻摇动,人行道没有行人走过 镜子里的我很不像我,自从你离开了我变得很软弱 你的影子在每一个角落,好像是在提醒着我 少了你的陪伴我现在有多寂寞,我想我可以习惯一个人生活 我想我可以假装不曾爱过,冰凉的夜里让...

歌词是“这孤城,世界渐冷清”,出自陈奕迅的歌曲《倾城》倾城 歌手:陈奕迅 作曲:陈佳明 作词:黄伟文 热情就算熄灭了,分手这一晚也重要 甜言蜜语谎话嬉笑,多给我一点切勿缺少 话题尽了也不紧要,吻我至凄冷的深宵 繁华闹市灯光普照,然而共你已再没破晓 红眼睛,幽幽的看着这孤城 如同苦笑挤出的高兴...

有一首很燃的英文歌,高潮部分是like the...,like the... like the...
这首歌是《The Phoenix》,是美国摇滚乐队Fall out boy演唱的歌曲。歌词如下:Put on your war paint 披上你的战妆吧 You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down 你虽如巨石加身将我拽入深渊 Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground 但我会划亮火柴将你烧至乌有 We ...

bye bye bye 歌曲原唱:Lovestoned 歌曲语言:英语 发行国家:瑞典 When I see you,looking back at me 回头看着我,我看到你 watching as I slip through your fingers 从你指缝间划过,你能感觉到什么吗 and your eyes,have told a thousand lies 说谎无数,你的眼睛 But I can tell this ...

这首歌是《La La La Love on My Mind》(拉拉爱)。《La La La Love on My Mind》是由Bobby Ljunggren和Ingela Forsman共同所写、瑞典女歌手Ann Winsborn(安·温斯博恩)录唱的一首经典欧美爱情舞曲,也是DJ舞曲《冰河时代1》的插曲之一。La La La Love on My Mind的意思是“你是我一生所爱...

这首歌的名字是:《送别》歌词:长亭外 古道边芳草碧连天晚风拂柳笛声残夕阳山外山天之涯 地之角知交半零落一瓢浊酒尽余欢今宵别梦寒长亭外 古道边芳草碧连天问君此去几时还来时莫徘徊天之涯 地之角知交半零落人生难得是欢聚惟有别离多长亭外 古道边芳草碧连天晚风拂柳笛声残夕阳山外山天之涯 地之角知...

求一首英文歌,有一句是 I listen to heart,but... 女声,有几句挺高...
正确歌词:I’d listen to her,出自碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯演唱歌曲《If I Were a Boy》。《If I Were a Boy》原唱:碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯 填词:BC·简,托比·盖德 谱曲:BC·简,托比·盖德 歌词:If I were a boy 如果我是个男孩 Even just for a day 哪怕只是一天 I’d roll out of...

求一首粤语歌曲。女唱主。单个的。 歌词里面高潮我只听到一句: 还是越来...
这首歌是《越难越爱》。《越难越爱》-吴若希 填 词:张美贤 谱 曲:徐洛锵 世界上哪里去找热望热似火 不褪落 我对你心跳的感觉 高低跌荡 最困惑那半秒钟念在有你的 宽广的肩膊 有勇气踏前觅幸福 从无回望 再计算也没一种方法 定论什么 讲对或错 只需知道 别连累你对我失...

歌手:张学友 作曲:谷村新司 作词:潘源良 让晚风轻轻吹送了落霞,我已习惯每个傍晚去想她 在远方的她,此刻可知道 这段情在我心,始终记挂 在这半山,那天我知我知快将要别离没说话 望向她,却听到她说不要相约 纵使分隔,相爱不会害怕 遥遥万里,心声有否偏差 正是让这爱试出真与假,遥远的...

有一首男人唱的歌 歌词里边有一句是在路上,在路上...
“在路上,在路上”出自歌曲《在路上》。《在路上》作词:叶风 作曲:卢中强 编曲:李斌 演唱:老狼,叶蓓,卢中强,川子,马条,钟立风,许飞,桂雨濛 像音符一样苏醒,整片天空做背景 背起行囊的这个剪影旅程孤独而坚定 一边走一边唱出的歌曲,配这场没有剧本的电影 我或许是边走边在等你,等一些无法...

北仑区17224229486: 问首歌,求歌名 -
谷美止咳: Corazon de Melao-----张学友

北仑区17224229486: 问首歌谁知道歌名字 -
谷美止咳: 歌名:倒带 作词:方文山 作曲:周杰伦 歌手:蔡依林 专辑:城 堡 我受够了等待你所谓的安排 说的未来到底多久才来 总是要来不及才知道我可爱 我想依赖而你却都不在 应该开心的地带 你给的全是空白 一个人假日发呆 找不到人陪我看海 我在...

北仑区17224229486: 问首歌有人知道这个歌吗
谷美止咳: 跟歌里唱的一样,歌名就叫 Cotton Eye Joe 是REDNEX唱地,REDNEX是美国的五人组合. 这首歌是94年欧美9个国家的舞曲金榜冠军 If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe ...

北仑区17224229486: 问首歌,是周杰伦的一首
谷美止咳: 影子的《唱给谁听》 不要像周杰伦的风格都说周杰伦唱的.! 推荐Jay风格歌曲<夏天的味道>陆虎唱的.!

北仑区17224229486: 问首歌的名字 -
谷美止咳: 墨尔本的翡翠 林颐 作词、作曲:黄志远 歌词编辑:叶泽生 卖力地为你唱只迷人情歌 慢慢地步入你的星座 故事情节总会坎坷 惟独有你靠在我身旁 尽力地为你抹去眼角泪光 尽力地避及猛风海浪 烦俗世间太旁徨 无奈青春不够耐看 惟独青春不够耐看 我深怕我会连累你 让你翻山倒海般痛悲 自问已经筋竭力疲 没有力气竭斯底里 我奋力追 追到没法追 追到没法分清我是谁 不止我一人感到疲累 翻天的雨水能令你我都粉碎 我继续追 伤痛亦要追 跟接下去想不想都退 不管你的人被谁占据 都请你原谅我 始终带不到墨尔本的翡翠 始终爱不起,雾与火的差距

北仑区17224229486: 问首歌的名 -
谷美止咳: Energy 作词:Ceui 作曲:Ceui / 小高光太郎 编曲:小高光太郎 歌:Ceui 译者:Hinaki 暗を照らす星よ 远く歌う海よ 出会った二人の未来を 永远に誓って yami wo terasu hosi yo tooku utau umi yo deata futari no mirai wo eien ni chika te 照耀暗...

北仑区17224229486: 问首歌的歌名
谷美止咳: 歌曲名:浪迹天涯 歌手名:黄格选 专辑名:风云争霸主题曲

北仑区17224229486: 问首歌! -
谷美止咳: I miss you 罗百吉

北仑区17224229486: 问首歌的歌名前段时间播放的一部电视连续剧的片尾曲,前面几句好像是
谷美止咳: 这歌叫《舍不得》,好多人都唱过! 如果要是电视剧的话,就是电视剧《天高地厚》 的主题歌!王筝唱的! 歌词: 总是等到来不及才忏悔 明明知道不可能还追随 为了她的美,无怨无悔 用尽这一声去追随 舍不得就别走啊 走了就不能回啊 这么好的一个家 怎么可能忘了啊 舍不得就别走 留下和她相爱吧 舍不得就别走啊 太多话都没说啊 一个人的天涯 会不会冷啊 为何总是等到来不及才忏悔 为何明明知道不可能还追随

北仑区17224229486: 问首歌的名字.. -
谷美止咳: 歌曲:我会好好的 歌手:王心凌 专辑:cyndi with u LRC歌词 HOT • 搜索 "我会好好的"mp3 • 下载"我会好好的"铃声 打印预览 我会好好的花还香香的 时间一直去回忆真...

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