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不完全等价。"He wants to read books"的意思是“他想要阅读书籍”,而"He wants books"的意思是“他想要书籍”,语义不同。前者强调的是他想要阅读书籍的行为,后者则只是简单的表达他想要书籍的事实。

He wants to read books. 意思是他想要读书,强调的是“读书”的动作。
He wants books. 意思是他想要书,没有强调具体要做什么。

watches TV和watch TV的区别:watches是单数第三人称形式,用在单数名词、单数概念主语,和单数第三人称(he, she, it)后面。watch是动词原形,前面的主语一般是第一二人称单数,其他复数人称,及可数名词复数,复数概念的短语之后。

33.He wants to say something () I don't wa
选D。限制性定语从句先行词是something,关系代词前没有介词,一般不用which,故A错。这里表示的是“他想说我不想听的东西”,而hear of是“听说”的意思,意思不符,故B错。what不用语引导定语从句,故C错。限制性定语从句先行词是something,关系代词前没有介词,一般用that,由于本句中关系代词中...

wants.t o.be.是什么意思
wants to be 想成为 双语例句 1 He wants to be accepted as one of the boys.他想被人看作一个男子汉。2 He not only wants to be taken seriously as a musician, but as a poet too.他不仅希望被人当成一个真正的音乐家,还希望被看成一个诗人。

amy wants to eat t_ very much
things ---如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。

riot tonight 今晚就让我们放纵一下 a pack of lions tonight 今晚就让我们像狂野的狮子 In this world he who stops 在这个世界 一旦他停止 won't get anything he wants 他就不会有任何收获 Play like the top one percent 百里挑一 竭尽全力 till nothing's left to be spent 全情投入 We...>> ...

除了go to the cinema,看电影的英语还有see a movie;see a film。

S2: Polly says that she wants to go home as soon as possible. T: I will go to Beihai soon. S3: Polly says that she will go to Beihai soon. Explain the grammar The Object Clause in Chinese, get the students to understand it. Do Exercise 2 in the workbook to help the student...

he wants to be an( )because he wants to explore t
he wants to be an (astronaut ) because he wants to explore the world。

i want someaⅴegetαblebhotdogcrice选择
1:选词填空.(want wants)Amy( wants )a sandwich.Dean( wants )a pizza.Carol and Mike(want )some fried rice.Mary( wants )a hotdog.John( wants )some noodles.Mary and Carol(want )some fish.I want to have a garden.What seeds did you get?I'm not growing flowers.Do you ...

He asked me if he could12 e in,他问我他是否能进来。3宾语从句应注意的问题 1.时态的一致主句的时态与从句的时态一致 a.宾语从句中如果主句是现在的时态包括一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时,从句的时态可根据实际情况而定。I know he lives here.我知道他住在这儿。I know he lived here...

增城市13839676521: he wants read some books.还是he wants to some books.是用read 还是to -
欧油泰尼: want to do sth.这个结构所以用to read

增城市13839676521: 他想要读书 用英语怎么说 -
欧油泰尼: He wants to read some books、 短语:want to do sth,想做某事、

增城市13839676521: he wants read some books.这句话对吗 -
欧油泰尼: he wants to read some books.是在正确的.你的那句肯定不对.

增城市13839676521: he wants to read ( ) book in the library -
欧油泰尼: 选 C因为 book 这里是可数的单数,只能选 every~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问者在客户端上评价点“采纳”即可~~ ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~ ~如还有新的问题,请另外向我求助,答题不易,敬请谅解~~

增城市13839676521: he wants - ----(read) an english newspaper. -
欧油泰尼: he wants to read (read) an english newspaper.want to do sth 想要做某事望采纳,谢谢

增城市13839676521: he want to read a book , - --------is most unusual for him. that this which what -
欧油泰尼: He wants to read a book , ---------is most unusual for him. 这是一个非限定性定语从句,that 是一个关系代词,代指前面的a book.this和that是指示代词,不能够用来引导定语从句,which不能够引导非限定性定语从句.that this which wh

增城市13839676521: wants +人名+to这个短语是什么意思
欧油泰尼: 你想说的是:want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事【这个句式是主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语,是不定式做直接宾语】 例句: He wants you to see him in London without fail.他要你务必在伦敦见他.拓展:【1】want sb done 想要某人被…… I don...

增城市13839676521: He wants to join the reading club .join为什么不加s 不是单三吗?还有read为什么加ing? -
欧油泰尼:[答案] join前面有to所以不加s read 加ing是修饰club

增城市13839676521: 句子改错:He wants to know are you reading. -
欧油泰尼: 不对,改为:He wants to know whether you are reading.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答

增城市13839676521: 什么时候在句子中用''wants to'',什么时候用''want to'' -
欧油泰尼: 主语是第三人称的一般现在时的句子中,如she he it , 或者是某人名字(一人)...

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