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BaoGong Park is big and good-looking, there are many trees, flowers and a Great Lakes. In the middle of the park ,there is a *** all river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the park, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers.


我最想去的地方,是象鼻山.象鼻山是桂林的象征,那里风光秀丽、景 *** 人,是个旅游的好地方.说起象鼻山它也不比黄山差,传说,很久以前,玉帝派了一头大象到人间察探.大象来到桂林后突然发现桂林非常美,于是便打算住下来,结果把玉帝交给它的任务忘得一干二净.玉帝得知此事之后,大发雷霆,将这头大象在夜间喝水时杀死,千百年后这头大象变成了山,也就是现在的象鼻山.






A place i have been to is the elephant park in Chiang Mai.Chiang mai is a popular travel destination in Thai.Thai people use the elepant to carry heavy objects and it is a type of transportation.The local guide has taken us riding the elephant to see the people how to live off of there.There was a *** all villeage that i have seen how people make diments and i have also learnt some Thai cooking skills.I really enjoy this wonderful traveling experience and i think it is necessay to go to some attracting places when you are young.


The Place I Want to Go To
My summer holiday is ing soon, I start to make some plans about my vacation. I go to travel every year, this time, I want to travel to Tibet, it is the
place I always want to go to. I have heard about Tibet many times, my mother’s friends tell me so many wonderful things in it, so I want to go to Tibet.
This summer I will go to Tibet.


I was very busy last weekend,on saturday morning ,I visted my grandparents and helped them clean the room,in the afternoon,I went to the bookstore to buy some books;on sunday,I washed many clothes in the morning,and watched TV in the afternoon,in the evening,I went to bed early.that was my busy weekend,now I hope the next weekend.

你想去的地方就是我的方向 的英文翻译

The place you wanna go is my orientation


If there is a place I can choose 。看你的百度空间里的消息和留言,我发到那儿的,这儿有字数限制


I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends






The place I want to go in China is Zhangjiajie.

Located in the northwest of Hunan Province, Zhangjiajie is one of China's most beautiful national forest parks. It is composed of impressive rock pillars, clear rivers, and dense forests. The peaks and valleys of Zhangjiajie are lush and magnificent, leaving visitors in awe.

There are many famous attractions here, such as "Tianmen Mountain," a huge natural stone arch that is 1,300 meters high and offers breathtaking views. Visitors can also explore the "Huanglong Cave," a mysterious underground limestone cave with stunning stalactites and stalagmites.

Apart from visiting these famous sites, visitors can also tour local villages, taste local cuisine, and learn about the local culture. Zhangjiajie not only boasts beautiful natural scenery but also has rich historical and cultural significance. Visitors can feel the vitality and emotional atmosphere that this place exudes.

In short, I hope to have the opportunity to visit Zhangjiajie and experience the wonderful feelings that this unique place brings.

My Travel Experience and Bucket List


As a language model, I haven't traveled anywhere physically, but I've learned a lot about different places from people's texts and stories. Based on that information, here are some interesting places I "visited" through their descriptions:

1. Bali, Indonesia:
Beautiful beaches, breathtaking sunsets, and the rich culture of Bali make it a must-visit destination. The locals are friendly and hospitable, and the traditional Balinese cuisine is delicious.

2. Paris, France:
Paris is the city of love, fashion, and art. The iconic Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and the charming cafes are just some of the highlights of this magical city.

3. Phuket, Thailand:
Phuket is a tropical paradise with stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and tropical forests. The nightlife in Phuket is also something that visitors should experience.

4. New York City, USA:
New York City is the ultimate urban experience. The famous Statue of Liberty, Central Park, and Times Square are just a few of the many attractions in "The City That Never Sleeps."


Here are some of the places that I would love to visit someday:

1. Santorini, Greece:
Located in the Aegean Sea, Santorini is known for its picturesque whitewashed villages and stunning sunsets. The island is also famous for its delicious Greek cuisine.

2. Tokyo, Japan:
Tokyo is a city that blends ancient traditions with modern technology. From the bustling streets of Shibuya to the serene beauty of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo is a city of contrasts.

3. Machu Picchu, Peru:
Machu Picchu is an ancient Incan city located high in the Andes Mountains. The site is shrouded in mystery and has a fascinating history. The views from the site are breathtaking.

4. Reykjavik, Iceland:
Reykjavik is the northernmost capital city in the world. It is known for its hot springs, glaciers, and the Northern Lights. The city is also home to a lively cultural scene.


Based on what I've learned about these places, here are some advertisements I could write:

1. Bali, Indonesia:
"Escape to Paradise. The stunning beaches and rich culture of Bali are waiting for you. Experience the beauty of Bali for yourself and discover why it is one of the world's top destinations. Book your trip today!"

2. Paris, France:
"Fall in love with the City of Love. Paris is a city like no other, with iconic landmarks, famous fashion, and delicious cuisine. Discover the magic of Paris for yourself. Book your trip today!"

3. Phuket, Thailand:
"Unwind on a Tropical Island. Phuket is a paradise that will leave you speechless. Relax on a beach, explore the island's lush forests, or party all night in the exciting nightlife scene. Book your trip to Phuket today!"

4. New York City, USA:
"Experience the Ultimate Urban Adventure. New York City is a city that never sleeps, with countless attractions to explore. Visit the Statue of Liberty, take a walk in Central Park, or shop till you drop on Fifth Avenue. Book your trip to NYC today!"

5. Santorini, Greece:
"Discover the Beauty of Greece. Santorini's whitewashed villages and stunning sunsets will take your breath away. Indulge in delicious Greek cuisine and immerse yourself in the laid-back island lifestyle. Book your trip to Santorini today!"

6. Tokyo, Japan:
"Experience Ancient Traditions and Modern Technology. Tokyo is a city of contrasts that will surprise and delight you. From the neon lights of Tokyo's bustling streets to the peaceful beauty of the Imperial Palace, you'll never run out of things to see and do. Book your trip to Tokyo today!"

7. Machu Picchu, Peru:
"Unlock the Secrets of an Ancient City. Machu Picchu is an awe-inspiring site located high in the Andes Mountains. Explore the ruins of this ancient Incan city and immerse yourself in its fascinating history. Book your trip to Machu Picchu today!"

8. Reykjavik, Iceland:
"Discover the Wonders of the Arctic North. Reykjavik is a city like no other, surrounded by hot springs, glaciers, and the Northern Lights. Experience the unique beauty of Iceland and its lively cultural scene. Book your trip to Reykjavik today!"


去丽江古城必去的地方 你又去过吗



上海迪士尼乐园是中国内地首座迪士尼主题乐园,欢迎来到一个前所未见的神奇世界。 乐园分为米奇大街、奇想花园、梦幻世界、探险岛、宝藏湾、明日世界和迪士尼皮克斯玩具总动员七大主题园区。 乐园内拥有世界上最大的迪士尼城堡“奇幻童话城堡”,游客可以在乐园内与众多迪士尼朋友互动,感受独特的沉浸式体验。



天津有哪些好玩的地方值得一去 天津自驾游必去的6个景点排行榜_百度知 ...
天津集中国魅力旅游城市、中国优秀旅游城市于一身,有着非常多著名的景点。那你知道天津有哪些好玩的地方值得一去?今天小编就给大家推荐天津自驾游必去的6个景点,一起来看看天津自驾一日游最佳景点都有哪些地方吧。天津自驾游必去的6个景点1、天津博物馆 天津建城时间是明永乐二年,它是中国古城中唯一...


中国秋天最美的十个地方 你都去过哪些呢
中国秋天最美的十个地方 NO.1 喀纳斯 如果你爱一个人,就带她去喀纳斯吧,让她得到生命中最幸福的沉醉;如果你恨一个人,就送他去喀纳斯吧,让那令人目眩的颜色烫伤他遥远的记忆。NO.2 九寨沟 童话般的绚丽色彩,使你更加地妩媚;那蓝蓝的池水,使你更显得柔美。蜿蜒在九寨沟森林中的栈道,仿佛是一...

新密市19852205222: 去过的地方,或者想去的地方,作文300字选 -

新密市19852205222: 向大家介绍你去过的一个地方或者想要去的地方的作文 -
单有八味: 春游大清谷6月1日,我们来到了大清谷.一听名字,就知道,清谷一定是一个绿色的世界. 果然,一走进大清谷,在我眼前的就是“绿”,一股凉意扑面而来,我情不自禁地地抖了一抖.近处是柳树,不断飘出的柳絮在半空中飘飘扬扬的,怎么也下...

新密市19852205222: `你去过哪些风景优美的地方?(我是要作文100字左右) -
单有八味: 风景优美的地方 我去过厦门,那里风景优美,物产丰富,是个可爱的地方,也是观光旅游的好去处,但最有纪念意又的要数五里山炮台. 五里山炮台,临近大海,风光秀丽,炮台四周绿树成阴,鲜花朵朵,它是我国古代为了抵抗外国侵略者而...

新密市19852205222: 写一篇日记,题目是你想去哪里的一篇日记 -
单有八味: 我最想去的地方是心湖公园,那里一年四季景色诱人. 心湖公园有一个的湖,那个湖像大大的心字.周边有许多凉亭,就像正要远行的白帆. 春天,树木抽出新的枝条,长出嫩绿的叶子.小草从地里探出脑袋.早上,人们早早的就来到心湖公园锻炼身体、欣赏风景. 夏天,太阳像一个大火球挂在天边,大家都来心湖公园的树下乘凉、下象棋.河里长满了荷花. 秋天,桂花树芬芳扑鼻,有些树上的叶子纷纷扬扬的飘落下来,就像一只只黄蝴蝶在空中飞舞. 冬天,一大片一大片的雪花从空中落下来,整个公园白茫茫的.一朵朵梅花像正在燃烧的火焰.孩子们在堆雪人、打雪仗、、、、、、开心极了! 啊!多么美丽的心湖公园,我爱你!

新密市19852205222: 写一篇你去过的地方30字 -
单有八味: 秋天是一个如诗如画的季节,正是秋游的好时光.10月9日天气晴朗,万里无云,老师带着我们去中山舰博物馆游览. 到了目的地,同学们下了车,映入眼帘的是一座小山丘,山丘下面是一个美丽的湖,湖水清澈见底,湖面上映出岸边树木的倒...

新密市19852205222: 描述一个你去过的和喜欢的城市或小镇 -
单有八味: 一直喜欢烟雨朦胧的地方、有石桥、古道、晒太阳的阿婆、最好还能有点回旋的传说、 乌镇就是个不错的选择啊、在浙江、是一个小家碧玉的江南小镇、白墙青瓦、乌篷船邂逅着弄堂深巷、喜欢这种安静、 湖南西部沱江畔有一个凤凰古城、嫣...

新密市19852205222: 价绍你去过的地方作文三年级上册 -
单有八味: 我去过很多、各种各样的地方,可我最喜欢去的一个地方就是动物园. 就在这个暑假里,我和妈妈又到物园去游玩了一次. 动物园是一个很特别的地方,一进门,就闻到一股臭臭的味道,可是我却非常兴奋,径直跑到我最喜欢的后山去看猴子...

新密市19852205222: 写一篇我去过的地方怎样吸引人作文350字 -
单有八味: 我去过的地方 我去过很多地方,千岛湖、朱家尖……可我最喜欢的还是千岛湖.那儿各种各样的动物应有尽有,多得数也数不清,真是动物的天堂呀!先说一说蛇岛吧!我来到门前面,小心翼翼地把头伸进去,真是不看不知道,一看吓一跳.迎面扑来一条又粗又长的蛇,我绕到它的背后,抓住它的尾巴.那条巨蛇猛一回头,舌头用闪电般的速度从嘴里伸出来,把我吓了个心惊肉跳.我们又来到鸟岛.那里的天空中,各种各样的鸟一会儿飞到东,一会儿飞到西,活跃得不得了.在细细的棕树干里,栖息着许多鸟儿,它们有的在上面立着不动,像是在发呆,有的在枝干上准备起飞,样子像雄鹰.千岛湖,我不会忘记你的.虽然我只呆了短短的一天,但是你给我的记忆,却是永久的.

新密市19852205222: 写一个你想去过的地方的作文240字 -
单有八味: 第一次在电视上看到海洋馆,我就被那神秘的海底世界所深深地吸引住了,总嚷着要妈妈带我去看看.国庆放假我终于如愿以偿的去了富国海底世界.一大早我们就来到了海洋馆.这里有两个馆,我们先去了一号馆.下了自动扶梯,首先引入...

新密市19852205222: 写一篇你去过的地方和你想去的地方,并且为它打广告,英语作文带中文翻译 -
单有八味: BaoGong Park is big and good-looking, there are many trees, flowers and a Great Lakes. In the middle of the park ,there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with ...

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