
作者&投稿:望狱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

tropical cyclone

Severe atmospheric disturbance in tropical oceans.

Tropical cyclones have very low atmospheric pressures in the calm, clear centre (the eye) of a circular structure of rain, cloud, and very high winds. In the Atlantic and Caribbean they are called hurricanes; in the Pacific they are known as typhoons. Because of the Earth's rotation, tropical cyclones rotate clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Northern. They may be 50–500 mi (80–800 km) in diameter, and sustained winds in excess of 100 mph (160 kph) are mon. In the eye, however, the winds drop abruptly to light breezes or even plete calm. The lowest sea-level pressures on Earth occur in or near the eye.

热带气旋 tropical cyclone




展开全部 Hurricanes are tropical storms. The warm humid air of the tropics rises. As the air rises, it cools, and the moisture condenses to cloud and rain drops. Heat energy is released in the condensation process. Tropical storms usually occur in late summer and fall when the oceans in the northern hemisphere are at their warmest. When a hurricane makes landfall it loses the tropical moisture, which is the fuel that feeds the storm. Hurricanes weaken rapidly over land, due to the quick loss of water.A hurricane causes massive destruction to anything along its path. A hurricane can cause severe weather and wind speed which leaves damage for miles and miles. Flooding, loss of homes, businesses, and even someone's life....


When I lived in my hometown, I liked raining so much, because sometimes I could see the rainbow, it is so beautiful and attractive. I remembered the first time when I saw the rainbow. It was a stuffy afternoon, when I took a nap, I heard it rained, but there was sunshine in the sky. After an hour, the rain stopped. I walked out of my house and took a look at the sky, I saw a long colorful bridge in the sky. It appeared clearly, so close to me, it seemed that I could walk it to the sky. Now I live in the city, but I never see such beautiful rainbow again. The city's buildings cover the sky.


It is fast fortable and convinient to travel by plane. It is also timesaving. Eg, if you want to go to Yuannan, it only take you over three hours by plane but you should spend more than thirty hours to go there by train. The beautiful hostess will take care of you on the plane so you don't need to worry anything. But of course every coin has o sides, traveling by plane sometimes delay by bad weather so you have to wait for a long time in the waiting hall. And you have to shut off your cell phone on the plane. Sometimes you can't enjoy the beautiful scenery.


dear jane I was shocked how is going about you? Many years ago you came to my hometown found that it is very poor and the environment is very bad,garbage was everywhere.but now I will happy to tell you that my hometown is not derty any more,it have a big change. first,the factory made the air pollut is dispeer,people grow many trees an the mountain,now it is very beautiful. second,penople did not get the strang ill any more,and they lived happely.the more important is people's aware of protect the environment is strengthen,they will more love our hometown than befor. Wheree you to eback to visit my hometown,you will amarze the change of it. I wlii waiting for your ing. Yours LliHua 这个对付高中作文应该是没问题了,但是希望你以后能自己多练习,老师留作业的目的是提高你的能力 而不是应付交差哦 最后会害了自己要把作文分拿高 你可以把我写的一些词语换掉 例如 people 有很多可以代替的 村民 什么的 这样会提高你的作文质量 字要写工整也很重要 加油.【如有相同答案,请看回答时间进行采纳】【满意请及时采纳我的答案!最好再点一下“赞同”】【谢谢!】


When spring is over, the summer begins. Chinese ancestors found the regular rule and they treated the fifth or sixth of May as the Beginning of Summer. From that day, the weather will bee hot and most people start to wash their winter clothes. Beginning of Summer is not an official day that will be celebrated by the public

英文作文 关于龙卷风袭击城市的

Tornados touched downA large tornado and several *** aller tornadoes hit the Kansas City metro area late Sunday afternoon, destroying dozens of homes.The funnel of one tornado was reported to be 400 yards wide. Early reports indicated injuries, but there were no details available. There were no immediate reports of deaths.Local television stations reported a tornado on the ground in southern Leavenworth County, Kansas, moving toward the Missouri border. Live images from news helicopters showed significant damage to homes. Large trees were toppled and roofs were blown off.The tornados touched down in open farmland, and the only reported damage was a car hit by flying debris, meteorologist Joe Harris said. There were also reports of baseball-size hail south of Haskell County.

展开全部I went to see my grandma today. She is 70 years old and was an English teacher before she got retired. She is a very kind lady and always helps me in my English whenever I am with her. I helped her to clean the windows because it would be too dangerous for her to reach high. My grandma was very happy and she cooked me very nice lunch. I love my grandma....

转载请注明出处 » 飓风的英文介绍

风的英文是Wind。Wind的解释 Wind是一个英语词汇,它的基本含义是指自然界中的气流。这个词在日常生活中十分常见,尤其在描述天气、气候、自然现象等方面。例如,我们经常听到“微风”、“狂风”等词语,用来形容风的不同强度和状态。Wind的发音 Wind的发音相对简单,音标为\/wɪnd\/。在发音时,注...

风wind gust (需要详细资料请追问)短语 魔法风MAGIC WINDS;MGICWINDS 风荷载wind load 瑞士风AOS;AIR-O-SWISS 盛行风prevailing wind;dominated wind;Wind prevailing 风河Wind River;Wind River Systems 自由风XFREE;Freewinds;Boheme;Freestyle music 风袋air sleeve;wind sock;wind sleeve;cone...

<THE WIND> 风 (Part I)Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌?Neither I nor you; 谁也没见过,不论你或我;But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际,The wind is passing through. 风正从那里吹过。(Part II)Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面孔?Neither you...

英文中的风被表示为 "wind",其发音在英式英语中为 [wɪnd],美式英语中为 [wɪnd]。这个词不仅指代自然界的气流,作为不可数名词时,用来描述风速和强度,如强劲或柔和。在特定情况下,也可用作可数名词,如指特定的风类型或方向时,常与不定冠词搭配,如"a wind" 或 "the winds"。

wind,英 [wɪnd],美 [wɪnd]n. 风;(随食物或饮料)吞下的气;呼吸;气息;管乐器;<口>空谈 v. 使喘不过气来;(给婴儿轻轻拍抚后背)使打嗝;吹(号角等);(路、河等)蜿蜒;缠绕;给…上发条;可上发条;倒(磁带、胶卷等);转动(把手)n. 弯曲;弯曲处;缠绕;转动...

风的英文是wind。短语:wind tunnel风洞、风;trade wind信风、贸易风、信风贸易风、风;Gone with the Wind乱世佳人、飘、浊世佳人;wind instrument管乐器、吹奏乐器、吹管乐器名称英文翻译、风速计;wind farm风力发电厂、风电场、风力发电站。katabatic wind下降风、下坡风、下吹风、重力风;Candle in ...

1.有没有关于风的英文诗歌 THE WIND 风 (Part I) Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌? Neither I nor you;谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the leaves hang trembling,但在树叶震动之际, The wind is passing through.风正从那里吹过。 (Part II) Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面...

1级: Light air 软风 2级: Light breeze 轻风 3级: Gentle breeze 微风 4级: Moderate breeze 和风 5级: Fresh breeze 清风 6级: Strong breeze 强风 7级: Moderate gale 疾风 8级: Fresh gale 大风 9级: Strong gale 烈风 10级: Whole gale 狂风 11级: Storm 暴风 12~17级:...

最通用的英文单词是:wind 从风力强度来看,breeze最低(微风),基次是gale(大风、季节风)、storm(暴风)、hurricane(飓风)-cyclone(气旋、旋风)-typhoon(台风)-whirlwind\/tornado(龙卷风)还有些与风有关的单词如:gust(阵风)、monsoon(季候风、季风)从天文角度来说,风分为以下12级,英文...

风的英文:wind 读音:英 [wɪnd] 美 [wɪnd]n. 风;(随食物或饮料)吞下的气 v. 使喘不过气来;(给婴儿轻轻拍抚后背)使打嗝 n. 弯曲;弯曲处;缠绕;转动;上发条 词语用法:1、wind的基本意思是“风,气流”,指由于空气的自然流动而产生的现象,风速可大可小,风力可强可弱...

海门市18851233251: 飓风的介绍 -
独祝益母: 飓风(拼音:jù fēng,英文:Hurricane),大西洋和北太平洋地区将强大而深厚(最大风速达32.7米/秒,风力为12级以上)的热带气旋称为飓风,也泛指狂风和任何热带气旋以及风力达12级的任何大风.飓风中心有一个风眼,风眼愈小,破坏...

海门市18851233251: 有关飓风的英文资料 -
独祝益母: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ all about hurricanes.

海门市18851233251: 用英语介绍风(4句话以内) -
独祝益母: 飓风 tropical cyclone Severe atmospheric disturbance in tropical oceans.Tropical cyclones have very low atmospheric pressures in the calm, clear centre (the eye) of a circular structure of rain, cloud, and very high winds. In the Atlantic and ...

海门市18851233251: 写出五种不同类型的"风"的英语表达! -
独祝益母: wind风 breeze微风 gust阵风 tornado龙卷风 gale一阵强风 cyclone旋风 typhoon台风 hurricane飓风

海门市18851233251: 请给出一些描述天气的英文词汇或短语 -
独祝益母: 天气: 1. weather 2. wea Examples: 1. 天气怎么样? What's the weather like? 2. 炎热天气一直持续到十月. The hot weather extended into October. 3. 寒冷的天气抑制了植物的生长. Cold weather constrains the plant's growth. 4. 因为天气不好,...

海门市18851233251: 形容天气的英语单词? -
独祝益母: sunny warm hot cool cold rainy windy cloudy snowy foggy 晴朗的 温暖的 热的 凉爽的 寒冷的 下雨的 有风的 多云的 下雪的 有雾的

海门市18851233251: 描述天气的英语词汇 -
独祝益母: 气候 climate 天气 weather 台风 typhoon 龙卷风 tornado windy 刮风的 cloudy 阴天的 sunny 晴朗的 snowy 下雪的 showery 阵雨 foggy 有雾的 storm 暴风雨 sand storm沙尘暴 thunder雷冰雹 hail 雪 snow 雨 rain shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 thunder ...

海门市18851233251: 天气相关的英语词汇. -
独祝益母: downpour, shower 暴雨storm, tempest 暴风雨lightning 闪电land wind 陆风hurricane 飓风cyclone 旋风typhoon 台风whirlwind 龙卷风gale 季节风gust of wind 阵风breeze 微风fog 浓雾dew 露水humidity 潮湿freeze 冰...

海门市18851233251: 我要一些描述天气的英语单词 -
独祝益母: Dew 露水 Fog 雾 Frost 霜 Hail 冰雹 Snow 雪 Snowflake 雪花 Thunder 雷 Wind 风 Land wind 陆风 Mist 薄雾 Cloud 云 Haze 霾 Rain 雨 1)Rainfall 降雨 2)Downpour 暴雨 3)Shower 阵雨 4)Storm tempest 暴风雨 5)Thundershower雷阵雨 6)Drizzle 毛...

海门市18851233251: 关于风暴的介绍 最好是英文的 有具体例子更好 -
独祝益母: storm, disturbance of the ordinary conditions of the atmosphere attended by wind, rain, snow, sleet, hail, or thunder and lightning. Types of storms include the extratropical cyclone, the common, large-scale storm of temperate latitudes; the tropical ...

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