
作者&投稿:诏战 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In a hot summer,leaving our city in din,going to the hailin island with no turning back which is one of the top 10 of China's island tour.we felt so excited.
11 of our colleagues with our family gathered and set out at 9 o'clock in the moning from our corporation.In the happy laughters and cheerful voices we imperceptibly got the detination-zhapo in about 4 hours.after ensconsing,we went to a 4-A level scenic spots-the big horn bay coastal beach center with the guiding of our giude. What a boundless ocean and a terrific water park!stepping on the golden sand,
walking on the beach.swimsuit, barefoot and seawaves really relaxes us.a precious necklace behind us was our footprints. now, no matter the emerald or other gems are not comparable to the sea,cause it really out of the range that language can express.one felt extremely spirit and heartseas when a breeze blowing gently on one's face. The golden beach, passion, and the oceanwaves,how seamless the picture is!
Is the sands are golden that waiting for people to pick up?
Two day's exciting is so instantaneous.listening, paddling, riding, catching crabs,and picking up the jellyfish constitute our perfect journey!every fragment melts into our own mind at this moment.
now,is the well-being,a unforgettable trip commemorate the time past and golden,goodbye!my journey


Please actively participate in this meaningful and significant dinner party, which is devoted to send our heart-felt blessing and gratefulness to one of our nice workmate, who is about to leave, for her contribution and efforts on the work with us; on the other hand, it is to express our welcome and encouragement for our new colleagues. I will confirm whether you are most available on 6th or 7th and then inform you of the specific imformation of time and room number in the restaurant.

1. Chen Xu shared with us her "Feasibility & Site Selection" experiences and insights, and reminds us that attention.

During Chen Xu also made several of her experience in the work should pay attention to the point of view:

1. Most of the topic presented could be found in some file

2. Do PL, send an e-mail is best / written this to see what people see what.

3. EDC do FEASIBILITY, PPS support to do before you say hello.

2, Martim to share his training in Beijing, "stop thinking" course content and knowledge. Give us a vivid description of the course brought him to gain and feelings:

Martim describes the following aspects:

A plan:

1. Clock program - a program arranged in chronological order subject, promotion plan is unstoppable passage of time, planning power is time.

2. Global plan - a plan to geographic region as its structure or visual filters.

3. Triangle Project - Through this program, the level or perspective approach to scheduling information.

4. Zoom plan - a plan generated through the visual field a strong visual movement. It stirred up by concentric circles: small, medium to large, or the opposite direction.

5. Pendulum plan - that way, you reverse the two extremes, leaving only the middle ground.

6. Benefit plans - a program promoting, selling things, to persuade others, the program is based on how things benefit the audience.

The above projects focus is to identify common "stake" / key points to divert the discussion topic of your ideas.
Second, the training process

Third, psychology

3. Freda to us again about some of the administrative aspects of the updated content and once again remind you that the work should pay attention to administrative matters.

1. Go register

Second, travel

Third, reimbursement of expenses

4, office stationery for the project application process update

5, the working environment to maintain - to comply with and implement "CLEAN DESK POLICY" requirement.

4. Xiao Qian introduced to us in detail various aspects of the situation she carefully collected and sorted out the "World Expo garden Raiders."

1. Chen Xu shared with us her "Feasibility & Site Selection" experiences and insights, and reminds us that attention.

During Chen Xu also made several of her experience in the work should pay attention to the point of view:

1. Most of the topic presented could be found in some file

2. Do PL, send an e-mail is best / written documents which were told to see, see what.

3. EDC to do FEASIBILITY, PPS support to do before you say hello.

2, Martim to share his training in Beijing, "stop thinking" course content and knowledge. Give us a vivid description of the course brought him to gain and feelings:

Martim describes the following aspects:

A plan:

1. Clock program - a program arranged in chronological order subject, promotion plan is unstoppable passage of time, planning power is time.

2. Global plan - a plan to geographic region as its structure or visual filters.

3. Delta plans - such plans, the level or perspective approach to scheduling information.

4. Zoom plan - a plan generated through the visual field a strong visual movement. It stirred up by concentric circles: small, medium to large, or the opposite direction.

5. Pendulum plan - that way, you reverse the two extremes, leaving only the middle ground.

6. Benefit plans - a program promoting, selling things, to persuade others, the program is based on how things benefit the audience.

The above projects will focus on identifying the common "stake" / key to open your mind to lead the discussion topic.
3. Freda to us again about some of the administrative aspects of the updated content and once again remind you that the work should pay attention to administrative matters.

1. Go register

Second, travel

Third, reimbursement of expenses

4, office stationery for the project application process update

Fifth, work environment, maintenance - to comply with and implement "CLEAN DESK POLICY" requirement.

4. Xiao Qian introduced to us in detail various aspects of the situation she carefully collected and sorted out the "World Expo garden Raiders."

Second, the training process

Third, psychology

Most of the topic presented could be found in some file
Feasibility & SiteSelection

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蔡甸区19667116951: 急!请高手帮忙把这段中文翻译成日文 -
仲萍氢化: 孔明灯はまた1日の明かりを叫んで、闻くところによると三国の时の诸葛孔明(つまり诸葛孔明)から発明したのです.当时、诸葛孔明は司马懿に第2声で包囲されて、城を军队を派遣しだして救助を求めることができません.孔明は正确な...

蔡甸区19667116951: 急求帮忙: 请高手帮我把这段中文翻译成英文,谢谢!!
仲萍氢化: His computer and telephone will be instralled by IT headquarter according to stated process and program. It will take at least 8 working days as I told you before. However, I have hurried them up for many times, and they also told me that they...

蔡甸区19667116951: 请高手帮我把这段英文翻译成中文,很急,谢谢拉! -
仲萍氢化: 我的结束就是一无所有 一片空白 每个人都是瞎子 我想要一条新的路 开始美丽的生活 我曾经在该死的女同性恋里的世界疯狂 我再也不要这样... 过去已经愚蠢够了 我不打算继续自我伤害 来自我家里的所有爱可以足够支持我继续我的道路 其他的在...

蔡甸区19667116951: 急,请高手帮助翻译下面这一段话,万分感谢!
仲萍氢化: 积分达到1500就可以点亮了

蔡甸区19667116951: 请高手帮我把这段中文翻译成日文.(很重要的) -
仲萍氢化: 美香子、私の梦は、とあなたが一绪にされて一绪に笑う一绪に游ぶ、一绪にお好みのものを食べに行くと场所を移动するには、一绪に多く、多くはありません を行うためには、多くの场合、现実に人々をリードタイムの短い期间で、本当に...

蔡甸区19667116951: 请高手帮忙翻译这段中文为英文 -
仲萍氢化: I love you,and I will love you in a suitable way. I will love you with my life for you are the one who deserve my love! No matter what happened I won't leave you!

蔡甸区19667116951: 请帮我把这段中文翻译成英语,高手请帮忙,谢谢.
仲萍氢化: Many schools are now in the Ministry of Education assessment of undergraduate education, excellent and quality is currently the subject of much debate - many people and organizations are looking for new ways to promote excellence in our ...

蔡甸区19667116951: 跪求:请帮忙把这段白话文翻译成文言文,急死! -
仲萍氢化: 入书斋,翠竹图于正墙,友人所赠,虽非名家,惜甚.越然墨色起于宣纸之上,竹之神魂,虚心劲节,岂非房主之心载?积书满架,别类齐之.中有一几,四宝满陈,可爱奇石,以励心志.临几一窗,其下及地,此主人之快意也,朝居斋,临窗沐日,品佳茗,阅书报,观世风,不亦乐乎. 此余蔽轩也,小不及方丈,然爱之甚.古语有云:“室雅何须大,花香不在多”.食能果腹,衣能蔽体,蔽斋以憩,余意足矣.余此斋中,避凡业所扰,或读或书,终日恬然.工作之余,埋首书案,涵养性情,心无旁鹜,胸无挂碍,励己心智,全无得失之虑,何其乐哉. 看我辛苦份上,顶我

蔡甸区19667116951: 高手来帮忙把这段中文翻译成英语
仲萍氢化: You look like not very happy recently. A little haggard. Smile less. I know. Perhaps you are facing great pressure. You may have unpleasant things. Anyway. I hope you to be happy. Refueling. And my mind you had it. My heart has always been more worried about you. I love you. Oil 希望采纳

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