
作者&投稿:崔畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

You're getting better and better.

You're getting better and better.

Tomorrow is the birthday I was fifteen, I wish their performance getting better, feeling better and better.求采OTZ

better and better. 记得采纳~

什么方面越来越棒?常用的是“...become better and better”

better and better

more and more better

Greater and greater!
More and more terrific!

The more simple the more happy, the harder the more fortunate.具体释义如下:生活过得越简单就会越快乐,你努力就会越来越幸运。

1、He was increasingly active participation in sports.2、The harder she works, the greater the progress.3、Is expected to say that she intelligent, but rather that she was keen 4、The building look better than here in London more 5、Her father better than he highlighted in.6、...

五分之二:two fifths or two out of five or 40 percent;N分之M:当N大于2,M小于N且大于1时,后边的序数用复数,M等于1时,后边序数为单数;或者用M out of N;或者用百分数的英文表示也行。基本上就这几种表示方法,如有翻译不当的地方,望见谅!作为一个英语爱好者,我祝你英语越来越棒!

英语应翻译为:The more... The more...more 英 [mɔ:(r)] 美 [mɔr, mor]adv. 更,更多;达到或处于更大的范围或程度;此外,更加 adj. 更多的;(many)的比较级;附加的,额外的 pron. 更多的或附加的人或事物 n. 更多;附加,添加 英文例句:The older you...

越什么就越什么该怎么用英语翻译 你好!回答如下:句型:the + 比较级 …,the more...例如:1.你锻炼的越多,你就越健康。The more you exercise,the healthier you will become.2.我越忙,我越开心。The busier I am,the happier I am....

语境呢?没有语境可以翻译成很多,请选择你想表达的意思吧!Life is becoming more and more expensive.生活费用越来越高。The kite flew up higher and higher.那风筝飞得越来越高。Her voice rose higher and higher with excitement.她的嗓门因激动而提得越来越高。When water is heated , its ...

你变得越来越靓了,真是美极了. 翻译成英文
You have become prettier day by day!Gorgeous!

谁帮我把这些汉语翻译成英语?初二上册的,要求人工翻译。谢谢_百度知 ...
众所周知:as all we know 两者你更喜欢哪一个:your best choice between both of all 以...为食:fasde on 成千上万:huansads of thousands 一滴水:one drop of water 做某事的最好季节:like to do in the best reason 用...填满:be filled with 越来越少:the least...,the leas...

The more English you practise, the better your English is.你练习英语越多,你的英语就越好。The busier he is, the happier he feels. 他越忙越高兴。若表示"越……越不……"时,常用"the more..., the less..."句型。例如:The more she flatters me, the less I like her. 她越...

“越努力,越幸运。”的英语翻译是:The harder I work, the luckier I get.《越努力,越幸运》的内容简介:每一个幸运的现在,都有一个努力的曾经。世界只看结果,成功的人看起来都像幸运儿!人生并没有悠长假期--宅居的人没厄运,但更没好运。荒废的时间都要从人生里扣除--算算你的人生有多长...

东乡族自治县18039107020: 越来越棒的英文 -
佴伟牛黄: Better and better

东乡族自治县18039107020: 你唱的越来越棒了翻译成英文 -
佴伟牛黄: 你唱的越来越棒了 You're getting better and better.你唱的越来越棒了 You're getting better and better.

东乡族自治县18039107020: "越来越好" 哪位帮我翻译成ENGLISH一哈
佴伟牛黄: better and better. 具体情况根据句子上下结构看.

东乡族自治县18039107020: Never fight against , Get better and better, And you'll be the best. 翻译 -
佴伟牛黄: never fight against, 有语法错误,fight against 没有宾语.后面翻译”变的越来越好,你就会成为最棒的.

东乡族自治县18039107020: 时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的. 英语翻译求助 -
佴伟牛黄: time is just like water in a sponge,it will always available if you are willing to squeeze 望采纳谢谢你~祝你英语越来越棒!

东乡族自治县18039107020: 英语翻译1.我认为你是一个非常棒的乒乓球运动员2.我觉得你打球的样子特别帅3.我喜欢看你的比赛4.希望你越来越棒,赢得更多的比赛5.我永远支持你 -
佴伟牛黄:[答案] 1.I think you are an excellent ping-pong player. 2.I think you are very handsome when you play ping-pong. 3.I like watching your game. 4.I hope that you will become more exellent and win more games. 5.I will always support you. 自己翻译的,

东乡族自治县18039107020: 我们最棒会越来越好英语 -
佴伟牛黄: We will be getting better and better.我们最棒会越来越好

东乡族自治县18039107020: 你学习越努力,你取得的成绩就越好译成英语 -
佴伟牛黄: The harder you study, the greater achievements you will make. 越来越 翻法 you study hard 改成 The +形容词、副词的比较级 +主语+谓语 you will make great achievements, 改成the +形容词、副词比较级+主语+谓语 后半句用将来时多

东乡族自治县18039107020: 翻译“他变得越来越强大”(不要用more and more) -
佴伟牛黄: He becomes increasingly strong(or powerful).increasingly 表示“越来越……”

东乡族自治县18039107020: 我越来越帅翻译成英语 -
佴伟牛黄: 1.I'm becoming more and more handsome.. 2.the older I am the more handsome I will be这两句一个意思.

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