shofrtly after family's move to lime roke,paraly

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my family has to move to london是什么意思~





shortly after family's move to lime roke,Paraly is disabled captain lew
Paraly一家搬到lime roke不就,Paraly就被Lewis队长禁止

班戈县13372828529: shortly after 和 shortly afterwards有什么区别 -
沃岸复方:[答案] shortly after是时间状语从句的引导词,意思为:一.就.例如:Shortly after he graduated from college,he went abroad.(他一毕业就出国了) shortly afterwards是表示时间的副词短语,在句子里做状语,意为:很快,例如:He became a lawyer shortly ...

班戈县13372828529: shortly after什么意思及同义词 -
沃岸复方: shortly after 英[ˈʃɔ:tli ˈɑ:ftə] 美[ˈʃɔrtli ˈæftɚ] [词典] …之后立即; [网络] 不久; 不久之后; 不久以后; [例句]Shortly after moving into her apartment, she found a job. 搬进公寓不久,她就找到了份工作.Shortly after 不久以后 Shortly after: soon after …之后不久 They arrived shortly after. 不久以后他们抵达了. He left shortly after six. 他六点以后不久就离开了.

班戈县13372828529: befor long shortly after如何区别? -
沃岸复方: before long:一个固定短语,常用作时间状语.常用于将来时态.如:He will come back before long.Shortly after=soon after: after后常接名词或从句.如:Shortly after he came, we began our work.By then, some plants will be flowering shortly after Christmas.到那时,某些植物将在圣诞节后不久就开花.

班戈县13372828529: 英语单项疑问
沃岸复方: Before long 意思是不久以后 ,可以单独使用.Shortly after 后面应该加上从句 Before 通常用在名词或者从句之前

班戈县13372828529: Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and - ------ - to ruins, the city took on a new... -
沃岸复方: C试题分析:考查非谓语的用法.句意:在遭遇了巨大的地震成为废墟之后,这个城市呈现出了新的面貌.句中的空应该和and 连接的suffering 一样,放在shortly after 之后做宾语,动词reduce和后面句子主语 the city 之间是被动关系,所以应排除A,D 选项,B选项过去分词不可以放在after后做宾语,所以正确选项为C.

班戈县13372828529: shortly afterwards是什么意思 -
沃岸复方: shortly afterwards 不久之后 双语对照词典结果: 网络释义 1. 不久之后 2. 没过多久 例句:1. Result: she left the company shortly afterwards. 结果,她不久后就离开了公司

班戈县13372828529: Shortly after his arrival, he was invited - -------a feast. -
沃岸复方: Shortly after his arrival, he was invited___to_____a feast. 他刚到不久,就被邀请去参加一个宴会.

班戈县13372828529: 高考英语复习:Shortly after suffering from a mud - rock slide and----to ruins,the village took on a -
沃岸复方: C 解析:考查非谓语的用法. 句意:在遭遇了泥石流成为废墟之后,这个村庄呈现出了新的面貌.句中的空应该和and 连接的suffering 一样,放在shortly after 之后做宾语,动词reduce和后面句子主语 the village 之间是被动关系,所以应排除A,D 选项,B选项过去分词不可以放在after后做宾语,所以正确选项为C.

班戈县13372828529: 高中英语题 Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and - __ - to ruins, the city took on a new look. -
沃岸复方:[选项] A. reducing B. reduced C. being reduced D. having reduced

班戈县13372828529: Shortly afterward,Anna left the shop. 求分析shortly after的词性及句子的语法结构 -
沃岸复方: Shortly 副词, 修饰同是副词的afterward;Shortly afterward作句子状语.Anna主语, left谓语动词, the shop宾语

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