
作者&投稿:鲍沈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

关于学习的英语作文,我们可以掌握技巧,这样写起来更顺利。阿卡索有学员分享了范文,大家可自行参考下载。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击领取欧美一对一外教课一节,还可以免费测试英语水平哦~学英语,欢迎大家来阿卡索,纯正外教一对一教学,外教皆持证上岗,跟着外教学习纯正的口语,价格也是很划算的,课均不到20元,保证每一位学员在这里都能找到合适的外教老师!关于学习的英语范文:English is more important now. But it is difficult for many students to study it. Now I make some suggestion, maybe can help you. First, you should take notes and take them here and there. When you’re free, you can take them out and read it. Next, you should read English loudly. Many students know many grammars, but talking with others is hard. So reading is very important. It can make progress in your talking and listening, and it can also make you get excited, let you have a nice day. Then, talk with people in English; it’s interesting and very used. Finally, most importantly, try your best to learn English. No pains, no gains. I hope you can improve your English. Good luck! 不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

I think it is important for everyone to learn English well.
Firstly, if you can speak English, you can do business with foreigners and earn more money.
Secondly, you can make more friends if you can speak English. That will bring you more happiness.
Thirdly, you can get high scores in your English exams if you learn English well, which will please your parents and English teacher.
Fourth, if you learn English well, you can go to study abroad. Then you’ll be able to gain more knowledge and learn about Western cultures and customs, and absorb the best of both Western and Chinese education, which will be of benefit to you in the future.
Finally, if you learn English well, you can get a better job and a higher salary. That means you can enjoy a better quality of life.
From the above points, you can see the importance of learning English. Therefore, work hard at learning English.

I have a friend named YangYang. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a helpful person. Once she saw in the street an old lady fell on the road, she was sent to hospital after the old woman propped up their own money to grandma doctor, then quietly leave, even the name was left. Her favorite food is pasta, I always ask her to eat noodles.

作文写你最熟悉的人,运用肖像描写和细节描写,突出人物的性格特征_百 ...
我最熟悉的人作文 篇1 说起最熟悉的人,这个人一定是我的妈妈。 我的妈妈是一个有着披肩的长发,大大的眼睛,最让我陶醉的是他温柔的面孔,让人见了就有一种莫名的亲切感,仿佛是未曾见面的故人。他有着中等身材,不胖也不瘦,但是个子不高,力气却很大,大得夸张,看着妈妈总有一种崇拜的感觉。 妈妈不但力气大,...

篇一:我最熟悉的一个人 有一个人他是我最熟悉的一个人。他的眼睛水汪汪的,身上嫩嫩的,往脸上一蹭,舒服极了,他还有三大特点。第一特点:每天拿着奶瓶,吃饭拿着奶瓶,睡觉拿着奶瓶,上学也是拿着奶瓶,干什么都拿着奶瓶。第二特点:喜欢学大人看书:有一次,我在看课外书,他问我要课外...

我最熟悉的人作文10篇1 我最熟悉的人——他个子不高(我怀疑他俩年都没有长),有一张圆圆的番茄脸,大大的眼睛,但他的耳朵鼻子都很小,经常挂着一张笑容——他就是李森。 李森为人坦诚,虽然他那一张脸看起来还有点幼稚,但他却深受我们的喜爱。特别是他那经常挂着微笑的脸。可是李森却为此付出了“惨重”的...

我最熟悉的人作文1 妹妹是我最熟悉的人。 妹妹有一双水汪汪的大眼睛,就像秋季成熟的葡萄一样。生气的时候,眼睛会睁的老大;开心的时候,眼睛会眯成一条线;平常看我的时候,水汪汪的眼睛就像马上滴出水来。她还有一口白牙,像雪一样的白,不像别的小朋友似的有点黄,看起来是认真刷牙了。 妹妹喜欢搞破坏。有一次...

1. 有人物描写的作文:最熟悉的人 我最熟悉的人-妈妈 我最熟悉的人是我的妈妈。 她中等身材,微胖,一头乌黑发亮的头发,弯弯的眉毛下边一双明亮的眼睛,好像两颗黑宝石。 妈妈最大的特点就是善良,我从小她就教育要做一个善良、懂事的孩子。 记得有一次,我和妈妈去逛街,在市场门口,有许多乞讨者。妈妈给了我一些...

那我介绍你认识我弟弟啊。他是我最熟悉,也是我最崇拜的人了。 我最熟悉的人作文14 我最熟悉的人 我最熟悉的一个人是我的奶奶。我的奶奶有一头又短又卷的棕红色头发,淡黑色的眉毛 下面是一双棕色的眼睛,眼睛里时不时冒出一个小女孩,女孩的眼睛一直开心地笑着,那就是我。虽然时间没收了奶奶的青春,但是她...

1我最熟悉的人 我最熟悉的人是李淑婷。她是一个性格开朗、善解人意,而且乐意助人的女生。有一次,我被一道题目给难住了,一个人坐在位子上发呆。她正好从教室外面走进来。她立刻悄悄地走过来,问我:“怎么啦?愁眉苦脸地坐着发呆。是不是遇到什么难题了?说出来让我听听,看我能不能帮你解决。

在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我整理的我最熟悉的人作文,欢迎大家分享。 我最熟悉的人作文1 他,他长得不高不瘦,他有一对并不怎么有神的大眼睛,和一张大大的嘴巴。由...

那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是我精心整理的我最熟悉的人作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 我最熟悉的人作文1 我最熟悉的人,莫过于我的母亲。 我的母亲长得一个高高的鼻梁,一脸的和蔼。 我的母亲是一位会计师,由于工作的关系,她向来是一个做事细心严谨,认真负责的人,“大概、差不多...

我最熟悉的人作文 篇10 我最熟悉的人是妈妈,她高高的,有一双炯炯有神的眼睛和一张大大的嘴巴,头上长着乌黑的头发。 她最大的特点就是爱劳动。有一次,我和哥哥睡的正好,妈妈就早早的把我叫起来。“干什么呀,这么早就把我叫起来!”我生气地说。妈妈说:“这么好的天气,你刷完牙洗完脸就出来搞卫生。”...

渭源县13746942726: 写一篇介绍朋友外貌的英语作文.我的朋友是个男孩,他今年15岁了,他是一个学生 他有黑色的头发 他的眼睛很小 鼻子很大嘴巴很小 他和我的学校不一样注... -
塔农格拉:[答案] My friend is a boy,and he is 15 years old now. As a student,he has black hair,small eyes,big nose but with a little mouth. He is different with other stuedents in our school.

渭源县13746942726: 英语作文描述一下你最好的朋友的外貌.不少于50词 -
塔农格拉:[答案] Kate is one of my best friends, she is a beautiful girl with waist-length raven hair and large bright eyes. She was born with a pretty face,and her cheeks dimple as she smiles. Her cheeks are always rosy, and it looks very beautiful.She is about 160 ...

渭源县13746942726: 英语作文 朋友外貌描写60词左右 -
塔农格拉: Zhang Ying is my good friend. She's in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. She's a model student. She's clever and she's helpful, too. She often helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, maths, English, ...

渭源县13746942726: 英语作文五十字 《 我最熟悉的人》是写外貌,第一个扑上来的必采纳 -
塔农格拉:[答案] My best friend My best friend is very beautiful.She has long staight hair.She is tall and thin.She doesn't like others girl.She likes wearing jeans best.I never look her wearing dresses and high-heeled shoes.We know when we in the senior middle school....

渭源县13746942726: 英语作文:介绍你最熟悉的朋友1外貌特征和性格特点2喜欢的食物是面条举出几种 -
塔农格拉: I have a friend named YangYang. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like ...

渭源县13746942726: 英语作文,描述好朋友外貌的.5句.怎么写?? -
塔农格拉: He has a good look. 他长得很好看. He looks handsome. 他很英俊. He is tall. 他长得很高. He is fat. 他很胖. He is thin. 他很瘦. He has blue eyes. 他有一双蓝眼睛. He has black hair. 他有一头黑发. 应该够了吧...^-^

渭源县13746942726: 一篇描写自己朋友外貌的英语作文50个单词左右及中文意思 -
塔农格拉:[答案] My favorite friend is Grace.She from USA,and she is a pretty girl.She is a little taller than me,and she has long blond hair.She looks better without glasses.She is a outgoing girl,too.So she is more and more popular in her class. 我最好的朋友是Grace,...

渭源县13746942726: 英语作文 从外貌上介绍你的一个朋友 -
塔农格拉: 只写外貌的话:My friend Jhon has a long and narrow face,his eyes is small and he often wears glasses,his lips are thin and upturned.(也可以用其它词语,基本套路就是这个了O(∩_∩)O)

渭源县13746942726: 用英语写一篇介绍我的好朋友的作文包括名字外貌体形性格爱好等等初一或初二水平的 -
塔农格拉:[答案] This is my friend .Her name is Lily.Look!What a beautiful girl !She has black and long hair ,her eyes is very big,and she has a small nose ,red mouth.She is very friendly and kind,she always help others .She study hard ,she is a good student,and her ...

渭源县13746942726: 写一篇不少于60词的介绍朋友的英语作文 要有外貌描写(写的是一位女孩) 把中文一起写下来好的会多加悬赏主要写:我有一个好朋友,她是个漂亮的女... -
塔农格拉:[答案] I have a special friend that she is a girl.she was 13 years old,she has a head on the black hair,in the sun shining want to.when ... we can never be good friends! 我有一个特别好的朋友,她是一个女孩.她今年13岁了,她有一头亮黑的头发,在阳光下好...

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