
作者&投稿:刁寇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I note the total graduation design is entitled Mianyang Seoul District neighborhood committees two together 32 organizations Building Design and Construction Supervision documents preparation; graduate design consists of two parts : the first part is the construction and organization design brochures, The second part is the supervisor of the project documentation. The works of two neighborhood committees Mianyang Seoul District 32 in conjunction building, lying flat, is facing new roads adjoining settlements, Building 6863.35 ㎡ area, the seven-storeyed structure types to the end frame structure, layers of high-end 3.0m; at the semi-underground garage; The first high-level 3.6 m, commercial pavement; two layers of high 3.6m for the business space; 3 ~ 7.2m six layers high, for ordinary residential construction for the high total 23.61 m. The works are reasonable life span of 50 years, two security rating. Construction design is to organize the construction of a guiding document. Prepare and implement the construction design of the building will be able to comply with all contractual provisions and scientific organizations construction, so as to achieve the desired goal of quality, and timeframes, improve labor productivity and reduce consumption to ensure safety; continuously improving the technical and management level of an important means. My construction design brochures prepared by the method are : Construction of the first division and construction layer, and then divided the construction process, stratified according to the principle of sub-volume calculations, the calculated quantities calculated after the construction process will take several man-days of consumption. then calculated for each process of construction days, to map out a construction schedule; to schedule the basis of statistics within a certain period of resource needs, the preparation of resource requirements, Note also led to the construction quality, safety and cost reduction measures; Finally calculated technical and economic indicators. Prepared by the construction design specification include : project profiles; Preparatory work; Construction Program; Engineering Calculation Table; Three resource plan (schedule materials, labor schedules, machinery and use tables); guarantee quality and safety and reduce the cost of technology organizations; The main technical and economic indicators; schedule, construction layout plans. Commissioner documents include Zoning Commissioner, Planning Commissioner, the Commissioner of the implementation details. Zoning Commissioner of supervision units of the owners commissioned the Commissioner of the process, especially in owners of the Commissioner of the tendering process, FIATA for the Commissioner to prepare business and the supervisor of the program documents; Management is planning to accept supervision units commissioned by the owners commissioned by the Commissioner and signed the contract, the total project supervision engineers under the auspices, under the commission of the contract, the Zoning Commissioner on the basis of with the specific circumstances, the project collected extensive information on the circumstances under development, technical supervision units by the approval of the responsible person for the guidance of project supervision bodies full supervision of guidance documents; Rules for the Implementation of the Commissioner of the Commissioner on the basis of planning, Project Management from the professional supervision engineers building projects against a professional or a particular aspect of the preparation work of the Commissioner, by the Commissioner of Engineers approved the implementation of workable document. I am the supervisor of the compilation method documents are : the engineering characteristics, the location and the project supervision, Commissioner scope compile outline; according to the outline of the contents of the Commissioner produced Planning Commissioner, Commissioner of Planning Zoning Commissioner of more than informative, more comprehensive; Planning Commissioner in the final under the guidance of the Commissioner of producing implementation details. Construction design through the establishment can let me go to school on the theory of knowledge used in the actual application, and the preparation process of learning and mastering the construction design methodology and the specific steps; Supervision of the preparation of the documents that I can grasp Zoning Commissioner, the Commissioner of Planning, establish specific implementation details of the preparation methods and steps. The graduation is designed for a four-year study of a summary, In this design graduate, I can go to school in my book of knowledge used to practice, I accumulated some preparation construction design and supervision document the experience of this right after I engaged in work related to the very helpful.


I went to bed early

But I forgot to set my alarm time.

(上班差点迟到 )
I was almost late for work

(虽然早早就睡觉了 但是被电话吵醒了无数次)
Although slept early,I was woke up several times by the phone.

(好累哦! 好想改变一下自己的生活方式 ,但是,改变了我会变得更寂
寞 ,更无助的)
So tired it is !I want to change me way of life.While I will

become more lonely and helpless if it is fail.

I am very paradoxical.

He told me to marry him that day

(现在想想如果这句话不是开玩笑的话 或许我真会这样就嫁给他了)
I am thinking his words,if it is not a joke,perheps I will.

(想停靠下来休息一会 ,生活给我带来了太多的压力 ,或许也是自己造成的)
I want to stop for a while and take a rest ,life brings me too

much pression that maybe it causese by myself.

(一个男人给我的定义是什么? 我永远都不会明白 )

What is the definition of a man ,I don't understand forever.

(如果哪一天我真的觉得没有办法活下去的时候 ,这帮朋友中谁叫我嫁给他 ,或许我真的会嫁的! )

But one day if I can not live on by myself,perheps I will

marry someone who tell me to marry .

(我知道我一直都是个独立的女人 ,但是为什么我就不能稍微停靠下来呢? )

I know I am always an independent woman,but why not stop for a

moment ?

(我又能坚强多久 ,又能独立多久 ,高傲多久 )
How long I can be strong ,independent and prideful.

(这都是假象 ,看来我真的该休息了!)
All of these are gloss,I need to have a rest indeed.

Won't make a joke to myself again.

Please help me out as I cannot access my account and my cellphone has not recieved any verification code yet.

My account is unavailable. Till now I cannot get any verification code from my smartphone. PLEASE HELP ME.

参考:我鄙视俄罗斯人,我不喜欢所有喜欢俄罗斯人的人。I despise Russians, I don't like all Russian people.

请翻译成英文: 是的我来自中国并且在韩国念书。 很高兴认识你。_百度...
Yes,I'm from China and I'm studying in Korea now. Nice to see you.

I'v visited most of our clients,and phoned the others.你是做服务行业的,用our较好.

英文自我介绍 求翻译成英文: 大家早上好,我的名字是XXX。我来自中国...
您好,翻译为:Eevry one !,good morning my name is ✘✘✘ i am from china i am born in Xu zhou lam is a eleven years old girl my favorite is read novle and listen music my favorite color is blue my favorite ...

我今天感觉很开心 怎么翻译成英文
我今天感觉很开心/很好。 因为今天可以分很多个时间段,说这句话的人在过去或刚刚做了某件令他开心的事,他就可以用一般过去时表达,表示在那个时候感觉很开心,但这种开心的感觉仍持续到现在,并对现在有影响(影响就是现在还是感觉开心的)望采纳~来自百度知道团队[雄鹰展翅英语团]...

这句怎么翻译成成英文: 我贫血,所以要多吃补品。
I am anemic, so I need to take more nutritional supplements.

中文翻译成英文: 我有一个笔友在美国,他非常喜欢汉语。但是他的汉语不...
I have a pen pal who is in the USA. He likes Chinese very mcuh . But his Chinese is not very good . I always help him learn Chinese . I like Englsh a lot , so he often helps me learn English .--- 祝学习进步,天天快乐!

大家好我叫殷烨,我今年9岁了,我是莲塘三小4年16班的一名学生,我平时喜欢打篮球,因为它有助于我长高,平时在家我是个听话的好孩子,在学校我是一个听老师话的好学生。英文:Hello everyone my name is Yin Ye, I am 9 years old, I was Liantang three small four-year 16 classes a ...

I like her white and tender skin, I like her high and noble nose, I like her enticing and seductive smile

1. i don't understand what this sentence means.2. i want to learn English well.

丹徒区19532813986: 什么时候不我的账户不能使用 用英语怎么翻译这个句子 -
笪虹芬尼:[答案] 什么时候不我的账户不能使用 When can I not use my account When is it that I cannot use my account

丹徒区19532813986: 帮我翻译下这段英文啥意思 我咋登不上去了呢 -
笪虹芬尼: 错误!您的帐户已被暂停!然后是一个网址,大概是可以使账户开通的. 望采纳

丹徒区19532813986: 我想请您帮我个忙,我的旧邮件地址无法使用,所我更换了新的地址 但我今天登陆账号被锁定了英语怎么说好? -
笪虹芬尼: 翻译如下:我想请您帮我个忙Please do me a favour.我的旧邮件地址无法使用My old email account is not accessible, 所我更换了新的地址so I registered a new one, 但我今天登陆账号被锁定了but it is locked after I tried to log in today.能帮我解决一下吗Can you please help me solve it?

丹徒区19532813986: 懂英语的进来帮我翻译一下
笪虹芬尼: 您的帐户已因使用非法程序或违反游戏政策而冻结.ID已被永久封锁.所以,你将无法使用该帐户.

丹徒区19532813986: 帮我翻译成英语 -
笪虹芬尼: 这个世界有你不能去的地方,有你不应该去的地方,有你一辈子也不会去的地方,你的世界并不如你想象的那么大.界限也许就在你身边,可你却以为你可以去任何地方 翻译成英语:The world has a place where you can't go, where you shouldn't go, where you will never go, your world is not as big as you think. The boundary may be around you, but you think you can go anywhere.

丹徒区19532813986: 英文翻译 因为我的paypal出了一点问题 所以我不能用我自己的账号付款 你介意给我你的Payp -
笪虹芬尼: I can't use my own paypal account because it can't work now. Do you mind tell me your paypal account? so I can ask my friend to pay you by wire transfer or other payment method.

丹徒区19532813986: 帮我翻译英文
笪虹芬尼: Room 203, Building One, NO.251 on West Huancheng Road, Yuanzhou District 袁州区环城西路251号一栋203室. Room 203, Building One, NO.251 on West Huancheng Road, Yuanzhou District, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province 江西省宜春市袁州区...

丹徒区19532813986: 英语翻译我的facebook账号因使用错误的名字被停用了.但这是我第一次使用facebook,所以不太了解facebook的条规,我已经发送过多次我的中国身份证,... -
笪虹芬尼:[答案] The account of my facebook was stopped by using wrong name.It was the first time that i use it.So i didn't know much about it.I have send my ID card for many times,but it was useless.Now i've study th...

丹徒区19532813986: 急!帮我用英语翻译几句话我很抱歉无法向您提供你所要求的银行证明.由于中英两国制度的不同(只有经营者才能提供银行对账单),所以我的家庭是不被允... -
笪虹芬尼:[答案] 我很抱歉无法向您提供你所要求的银行证明.由于中英两国制度的不同(只有经营者才能提供银行对账单),所以我的家庭是不被允许提供你所要求的银行证明.I am really sorry for not able to support the required bank c...

丹徒区19532813986: 帮我翻译成英语谢谢 我申请了两笔5美元的提现都没有到账,说是24小时到账的,我的账户是shanghe帮我翻译成英语谢谢我申请了两笔5美元的提现都没有... -
笪虹芬尼:[答案] two 5 dollars withdraw deposit i have applied for haven't been available ,while i was told that it would be released in 24 hours ,my account is shanghen223@hotmail.com.

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