
作者&投稿:望依 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Many university students complain to the colloge life,which are void.Everyday,most of them do the same things.such as study,eating,sleep and love.With the time fling,we aslo become lazy-bone.
But how to make my colloge life happier?If you are a person who insist on doing the things and never gives up.Maybe your life will become wonderful,become when you do the things,a lot of difficult present in fornt of you.you must find a way to solute.then,you may feel busy rather than avoid.
Taking part in some corporations is the direct way to give you an opportunity to do work.You can feel sweet after soluting some difficult problems.You can take lessons from the experience.
The second way is par-time job.As we known,If we go out of school for a par-time job.Not only can we enrich our eyes,But aslo we can make money.
The finally way is devoted youself to the society.You can go to welfare yard or orphan yard to help disabled.You can feel happy,too.
The colloge life is happy or not,depending on youself

Many university students complain to the colloge life,which are void.Everyday,most of them do the same things.such as study,eating,sleep and love.With the time fling,we aslo become lazy-bone.
But how to make my colloge life happier?If you are a person who insist on doing the things and never gives up.Maybe your life will become wonderful,become when you do the things,a lot of difficult present in fornt of you.you must find a way to solute.then,you may feel busy rather than avoid.
Taking part in some corporations is the direct way to give you an opportunity to do work.You can feel sweet after soluting some difficult problems.You can take lessons from the experience.
The second way is par-time job.As we known,If we go out of school for a par-time job.Not only can we enrich our eyes,But aslo we can make money.
The finally way is devoted youself to the society.You can go to welfare yard or orphan yard to help disabled.You can feel happy,too.
The colloge life is happy or not,depending on youself

Good morning, everyone. The title of my speech is “What college education means to me”.
For me, college education is a marvelous ship-builder. With great vision, college education has equipped me, first with a powerful propeller--the knowledge in certain field and wide exposure to other disciplines. By devoting myself to my courses in the day and immersing myself in the world literature at night, I’ve amassed the driving force for the future and enriched my soul.
Besides, college education has also provided me with a precise compass--the sense of social responsibility. How can I best serve the public while achieving my self-fulfillment? My one year’s experience as an English tutor has proved: to be valuable to society as well as to find my place, I have to possess some actual strength and the ability to function well in the most challenging situation. Amid the hectic schedule that balances club activities, sports, and academic courses, I feel the rhythm and beauty in my life, knowing that I ’m on the right way.
And more importantly, college education has set up not only single ships, but also fleets with common destinations. By interacting with friends of common beliefs, I’ve acquired skills of relating to other people.
Now,as a ship about to make my maiden voyage,I’m still not in the position to tell what’s waiting ahead of me,but with a powerful propeller, a precise compass and ardent companions of sailing in the sea of society, I’m ready to be a great sea-explorer. Thank you.

此外,大学教育还为我提供了一个精确的罗盘,即社会责任感。“如何才能在实现自我价值的同时最大限度地服务于社会?”我一年的英语家教的经历证明:只有拥有过硬的实力和对高挑战性局面应付自如的能力,我才能成为一个对社会有价值的人,一个找到自己位置的人。在协调着社团活动、体育运动和专业课程的忙碌日程中,我感受到了生活的韵律与美丽。 更为重要的是,大学教育不仅仅制造了一只只单个的船只,他还组建了一支支驶向同一目的地的大舰队。在与志趣相投的朋友们的相处、融合中,我锻炼了与人交往的能力。

通过课堂上的探讨和讲座,我们可以深入了解各种现代技术、科学和人文领域。我们所学的不仅有我们专业领域的知识,还包括其他领域的知识,如艺术、经济学、历史、哲学等等。这些知识不仅有助于我们成为一位更综合的专业人士,而且也有助于我们更好地理解和适应整个社会和世界。自我意识 第二点是大学教育促进...

大学教育实现了从一个自我到另一个自我的转变; 扩展资料 3,个人的成就并非取决于大学的学习成绩,人们所需要的远远比知识多,比如勇气、诚实、力量、荣誉感、正义感等。4,我相信那些用知识武装起来的人更容易取是成功。因为在大学他们获得了了一种知识创造的`力量:思考的能力和意志的力量。5...



我为什么上大学 探讨大学教育的价值和意义?
大学教育是指在高等教育阶段接受的教育,它的目的是为学生提供更高层次的知识和技能以及更广阔的视野和思维方式。以下是探讨大学教育的价值和意义的几个方面:一、提高知识和技能水平。 大学教育可以提高学生的知识水平和技能水平,为他们未来的职业发展打下坚实的基础。通过学习各种学科,学生可以获得更全面...


2. 自我认知与成长:通过生命教育,大学生可以更好地认识自己的身体、心理和情感状态,了解自己的需求、兴趣,促进身心健康发展,提高自我管理能力和适应能力。3. 人际关系与社会责任:生命教育帮助大学生了解人与人之间的相互依存关系,培养友善、合作和彼此尊重的价值观,促进积极的人际交往,培养关爱他人和...


但是,我觉得大学应该赋予它一个牛逼的意义,让自己 强大起来的意义。上大学后,我们自主支配的时间大大增加,但对于大部分中国大学生来说,并没有支配自己的能力。大学你可以干自己想干的任何事,但中国的大学生大部分在混日子,完了还自我安慰说混日子也是一种美好而难忘的经历。我觉得,任何教育,...

4. 社会责任和公民意识:大学教育培养学生对社会和公民责任的认识和意识。通过参与社区服务、社会实践和志愿者活动,学生能够培养社会责任感和公民意识,为社会做出积极的贡献。个人案例:在我个人的经历中,大学教育给予了我许多宝贵的经历和成长机会。在大学期间,我专攻教育学,并获得了教育学士学位。首先...

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