
作者&投稿:蔚澜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(1) by bike
(2)not safe
(3)go on
(4)am going
(5)my making

第一个:YES 或者其他的 有很多
第二个:What are you going to do 必添
第三个:What abou you 必添
第四个:Sure 必添

(1)You should 【return】the book to me when you finsh.
(2)Lucy hasn't got home after school.Her mother seems 【worried】
(3)---May I take your 【order】,sir?
---Vegetable soup,please.
(4)---In a Chinese reataurant ,what you see is 【what】 you get.
(5)Otdering the wrong thing is not a 【pleasure】

(1)He went to Beijing for several times and knows the city quite well.
He 【have been to】Beijing 【for】 several times.
(2)He joined the party five months ago.
He 【played a role in the party】five months ago.

It is 【such an】 interesting book that we can't 【miss】it.
I 【have】 just finished 【reading】 the novel.

A:Where is Jim , do you know?
B:He's【gone】to London.
A:【what】 has he done it 【for】
B:For his holiday.
A:【Have】 you ever 【been】there?
B:Yes, but only 【once】.
A:When and how did you 【go】there.
B:The year before last by air.
A:【what】do you 【think of】London?
B:Quite wonderful.



(1)You should ___return____ the book to me when you finsh.
(2)Lucy hasn't got home after school.Her mother seems __worried_____.
(3)---May I take your ___order___ ,sir?
---Vegetable soup,please.
(4)---In a Chinese reataurant ,whhat you see is __what_____ you get.
(5)Otdering the wrong thing is not a p_______.(第一个单词打错了,不能做)

(1)He went to Beijing for several times and knows the city quite well.
He __has_____ __been_____ ___to____ Beijing ___for____ several times.
(2)He joined the party five months ago.
He ___was____ __a_____ __member_____ __of_____ __the_____ __party_____ five months ago.

It is ___such____ ___an____ interesting book ___that____ we can't ___stop____ it.
I ___have____ just finished __reading_____ the novel.

A:Where is Jim , do you know?
B:He'___been___ to London.
A:____what___ has he done it ___for____.
B:For his holiday.
A:____have___ you ever ___been____ there?
B:Yes, but only ___once____ .
A:When and how did you ____go___ there.
B:The year before last by air.
A:___what____ do you ___think____ ___of____ London?
B:Quite wonderful.

I often think ___c____ my computer _______ my best friend.
A. out , of B. about , as
C. of , as D. X , for

1.(1)return;(2)weakness;(3)order;(4)what(5)“Otdering”是“ordering”吗,是的话就填 problem 吧
2.(1)has been to;for (2)has been a Party member since
3.(1)such an;that;read(2)have;reading

(1)You should return_____ the book to me when you finsh.
(2)Lucy hasn't got home after school.Her mother seems worried______.
(3)---May I take your order______ ,sir?
---Vegetable soup,please.
(4)---In a Chinese reataurant ,whhat you see is what_______ you get.
(5)Otdering the wrong thing is not a pleasure_______.

(1)He went to Beijing for several times and knows the city quite well.
He __has_____ _been______ _to______ Beijing ____for__ several times.
(2)He joined the party five months ago.
He ____was___ ____a___ ____member___ ___of____ ___the____ ___party____ five months ago.

It is ____such___ ____an___ interesting book ___that____ we can't _______ it.
I ___have____ just finished ___reading____ the novel.

A:Where is Jim , do you know?
B:He'___1been____ to London.
A:____2What___ has he done it ___3for____.
B:For his holiday.
A:____4Have___ you ever ___5been____ there?
B:Yes, but only ___6once____ .
A:When and how did you ____7get___ there.
B:The year before last by air.
A:___8What___ do you ___9_think___ ___10about____ London?
B:Quite wonderful.
1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______ 6._______ 7._______ 8._______ 9._______ 10._______

I often think _______ my computer _______ my best friend.
A. out , of B. about , as
C. of , as D. X , for




1.A speak to sb 告诉某人=tell sb talk to sb 侧重和某人交谈。2.C 3.A 4.B 如果__to do with the rubbish是句子的一部分(主语或者宾语),应该用what,如果它是独立部分就应该用how。例子:I do not know our method about how to do with the rubbish.5.例子,I am in charge...


3、Will flying in planes be large cheap?(肯定回答)搭飞机将会很便宜吗?Yes,it will.是的,它会。4、Will students have no homework to do in the future?(否定回答)学生们在未来将没有作业做吗?No,they won't.不是,他们不会。5、There will be computers in school.(改为一般疑问句)...

坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。 一、多“说”。 自己多创造机会与英语教师多讲英语,见了同学,尤其是和好朋友在一起时尽量用英语去问候,谈心情……这时候你需随身携带一个英汉互译小词典,遇到生词时查一下这些生词,也不用刻意去记,用的多了,这个单词自然而然...

with 41、东京之行 journey to Tokyo 42、在沙漠里 in the desert 43、全世界 all over the world 44、保持健康 keep fit 45、把……连接 connect ... to 46、上网 surf the internet 47、打印 print 48、练习 excercise 建议不会的用灵格斯查吧~还有例句 如果就是懒得做题......

[该题我不同意楼上的观点,B 项 relevent 是“有关”的意思,语义上讲不通;而 D 项interest in 在该句中意为“有帮助”,故选 D。]66.D 67.A 68.A [ fake 意为“假的;冒牌的;冒充的”;而 D 项 pretending 意为“假装”,不好。]69.D [ A 项 finding 只用作定语;而 C 项 ...


八年级上册的英语寒假作业 有几道题不会做 .. 帮帮忙啊
1 I can pick (more)corn than you 2 Kate runs slowlier than lily 3 I think the country is(more interesting)than the city 4 She thinks hei corn is (the most delicious)of all the food 5My mother feeds (more)chicks than my aunt 你问的都是比较级的问题。有一个小规律 单词...

五年级英语寒假作业有几题不会,请帮忙 they(宾格)——
1. is she sitting near her tent?2. 抱歉,我也不确定 3.(what's) (the) (ding)4.(does) (have)

he has been with eh firm for 20 years. 他已在这商行工作了20年。the decision rests with you 这要由你决定 false 假的,虚伪的,不真实的,谬误的,不正确的,不老实的 wrong 错误的,不正确的,不符合事实的,不符合原定目标,不适当的 incorrect不正确的,不妥当的,不真实的 ...

省直辖行政单位19313597676: (初中)暑假作业英语有几题不会做!请位英语高手来帮帮忙!!
崇浩延诺: 一、7、make up二、credit card,与,let in,要求某人离开 三、what will happen,except he

省直辖行政单位19313597676: 英语暑假作业有几题不会,英语高手请来解答,我加分! -
崇浩延诺: 我就跳着答了哈 own one pay pound play ground run ran gold grand an angry 圣诞节12.25万圣节10.31 Children's Day是什么节日?几月几日? 儿童节,6.1 0.zero day room ball mother mate man 1、basket—— 2、grand—— 3、bed—— 4、birth—— 5、class—— 6、snow—— basketball 篮球 grandmother 祖母 bedroom 卧室 birthday 生日 classmate 同学 snowman 雪人

省直辖行政单位19313597676: 暑假英语几题不会做的教下,谢谢拉!!! -
崇浩延诺: 1、She wanted to know why i didn't let her come2.We got really veay unhappy each other,and had a quarralling.3.If you eat more milk,you will feel warm.4.She said I was hard-working,it made me quite excited.

省直辖行政单位19313597676: 帮忙做一下我的暑假英语作业,谢啦实在不会拉……1.(汉译英)天空中有各种各样的风筝.There are - _ - __ - __ - in the sky.2.(首字母填空)Our hometown ... -
崇浩延诺:[答案] 汗,这么多,在下勉为其难做一下 第一题 all kinds of 第二题 changed 第三题 纪念日 第四题 alphabet是字母表的意思,字母表的第六个字母是”F”,以”F”开头的是Friday,two days after Friday 就是Sunday 第五题 can't 第六题 wood 第七题 was 第...

省直辖行政单位19313597676: 我有几道英语题不会做请大家帮帮忙.
崇浩延诺: 同意那个补充,顺便改一下第一个,你可能拼错了,应该是NiagaraFalls,答案是newyork.第三题是are.也就是说: wn7.west

省直辖行政单位19313597676: 英语暑假作业不会 求英语高手帮忙啊 -
崇浩延诺: 一个超市是不同的,玉其他的商店相比,在少数方面.超市有大量的货物,顾客可以自己拿〔他们需要的〕东西,并把它们带到收银台,这意味着,超市需要很少的工作人员.diffent,are,take,means.A,there be 是存在有,而have是所属有.明天...

省直辖行政单位19313597676: 下面几道英语题不会做,帮帮忙啊!要说为什么,说清楚哦!谢谢! -
崇浩延诺: 1、B,只有B才能翻译通畅(貌似你那个单词打错了,brgun)2、A,表伴随3、A,加强比较

省直辖行政单位19313597676: 我的英语暑假作业 不会的帮帮忙啊 -
崇浩延诺: Today's newspaper hasn't important news .He tried skiing ever ,but he couldn't .boring

省直辖行政单位19313597676: 小学五年级英语暑假作业有一个题目不会做,请教各位.不知道怎么分类.
崇浩延诺: tool cool tree coup twelve soup group see train week trick twice boot twenty sheep 这个帮你填完了,分类就是把划线字母相同的填空就可以了,你想得太复杂了,如果不够的话自己再找一个一样字母一个发音的. tool. cool boot coup. soup group train. tree trick恶作剧 twice. twenty twelve sheep. tree see week

省直辖行政单位19313597676: 有几个英语题目不会做,拜托帮帮忙啦!
崇浩延诺: D A B have building look more enough but first finished in them

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