
作者&投稿:谏强 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What were you doing at that time?
They were having a meeting at 4p.m. yesterday afternoon.
My little sister was swimming this time the day before yesterday.
When the UFO landed,I was taking a walk.
When he left,it was raining outside.
When my little brother was watching TV,I as writing.
Were he sleeping at that time?

I was writting a letter to Li Ming when my mother left home.
We were reading English when Mr/Miss Yu walked into the classroom.
When I walked into the room, my little sister was sleeping.
Kate was running when Li Lei saw her on the road.


1. 昨天这个时候你们英语老师在做什么?她在和一些家长谈话吗?
What was your English teacher doing at this time yesterday?
Was she talking with any parents?

2. 当我离开的时候他正在画一幅世界地图。
When I left, he was drawing a map of the world.

3. 当你看见他们的时候他们在干什么?他们在打扫教室。
What were they doing when you saw them? They were cleaning the classroom.

4. 那时二班的学生没在操场上踢足球,他们在打篮球。
The students of Class Two weren't playing football on the playground at that time.
They were playing basketball.

5. 一天,母亲下班回家的时候,约翰在写给一个朋友写信。
One day, when mum returned home from work, John was writing a letter to his friend.

6. 上周五一下午,学生们在干什么?他们一直在往墙上贴海报。
What were the students doing last Friday afternoon?
They were putting on some posters on the wall.

7. 昨天这个时候,一些学生在植树,一些学生在给小树浇水。
At this time yesterday, some students were planting trees, and some are watering the young trees.

8. 老师走进教室的时候,学生们正在谈论当天的新闻。
When the teacher entered the classroom, the students were talking about the news of the day.

9. 老虎等猴子的时候,他听到一个声音。
While the tiger was waiting for the monkey, he heard a sound.

10. 今天上午放学的时候在下雨吗?是的,天正下着大雨。
Was it raining when school was over this morning? Yes, it was raing heavily.

I was reading books at home .Then in the afternoon,I was cleaning my room and the room cleaned by me was very tidy. At night,I went to bad early.that's whole about my weekend!同学你好 既然是翻译成过去进行式,我的应该没有错 楼上的英语基础貌似也不好哦,时态都没注意呢,不...

你好,答案如图所示 很高兴能帮助你,若满意回答,恳请采纳并点赞,若有疑问欢迎追问,祝您生活愉快⊙∀⊙!

I was too tired to walk home.I was so tired that I didn't walk home.

to a hole'. The rat did not listen to dog's advice, and it still swallowed rice. Obviously, the rat got a big belly so that it could not access to the hole. And a cat spotted this rat and caught it for a meal. 这个故事用过去进行时并不是很合适,我用了一般过去时。

...想起此时正是我最喜欢的电视剧播放的时间 (过去进行时)
When I was doing my homework,I remember that my favourite programme(节目,可能拼错了)was playing


对应的中文应该是“我刚才在外面玩。”其中刚才可以不在英语语句中翻译。那么,翻译是:I was playing outside.值得说明的是,使用过去进行时的时候,一般会有参照,要不用过去式就可以了。比如上句如果是:I was playing outside when my mom cooked.就会显得用“was playing”更合理。

大致的意思明白就可以了,不必逐字翻译:一般过去式的句子“带一般过去式的从句” 和“带过去进行时的从句”,意思是完全不同的 6左边:注意时间从句(句中带when或者while的部分)放在句子的开始或者结尾都可以 时间从句放在开始的话,在从句后面加个逗号。 如果放在结尾的话就不要加逗号了 6右边:你...

举个例子:I am doing my homework.(我正在做家庭作业。)或He is playing basketball now.(他现在正在打篮球。)(2)过去进行时是was,were doing的形式,翻译成中文即过去的某段时间在做某事或在发生某事,一般要接时间状语when,while或过去的一个特定时间段。举个例子:I was doing my homework ...

1B at that time在那时 这个短语 一般跟过去进行时。2A when从句用一般过去,从句用过去进行。翻译:当他看见不明飞行物时,它正从东方向西方飞去。 从翻译中也可以看出进行的含义。而过去完成进行时表示过去一直做的动作。现在完成进行时表示现在一直做的动作。这两个题目中都没有一直的意义在里面,...

左云县17145534418: 用过去进行时造5个句子还要带翻译. -
牛馨一夫:[答案] I was watching tv at 9 last night 昨天晚上9点的时候正在看电视.you were wandering just now 你刚刚走神了when i came in .you are talking 当我进来时,你正在说话.when i was talking .the teacher is standing ...

左云县17145534418: 用过去进行时造5个句子有翻译句子结构:主+were/was+doing -
牛馨一夫:[答案] I was singing last night. 昨晚我在唱歌 He was playing basketball this afternoon. 下午他在打篮球 Mary was watching TV on Saturday evening. 周六晚上玛丽正在看电视 They were looking at the birds. 他们当时正在看鸟儿 Tom was sleeping when you ...

左云县17145534418: 英语翻译用过去进行时 -
牛馨一夫:[答案] 没看清题People were singing as dancing

左云县17145534418: 过去进行时用英语怎么说 -
牛馨一夫: 1.表示过去某一时间内(正在)进行的动作如:I was doing my homework at 9 p.m. last Sunday.2.表示一动作正在进行时,另一动作同时正在进行.(1)用while连接 例:My mother was cooking while I was doing my homework.(可以持续动作...

左云县17145534418: 用过去进行时翻译句子 -
牛馨一夫: What were you doing at that time?They were having a meeting at 4p.m. yesterday afternoon.My little sister was swimming this time the day before yesterday.When the UFO landed,I was taking a walk.When he left,it was raining outside.When my little brother was watching TV,I as writing.Were he sleeping at that time?

左云县17145534418: 翻译句子(过去进行时) -
牛馨一夫: 应该是过去完成时.1. 当我来的时候,他们已经停止打架了 They had stopped fighting when I came.2. 七点之前我已经洗好脸了 I had had my face cleaned before seven o'clock.3. 张灯来之前袁明杰已经来了 Yuan Mingjie had already been here ...

左云县17145534418: 过去进行时1.The young man ran away as soon as he saw the policeman这句怎么翻译 句式上对不 那这样呢The young man is running away as soon as he saw... -
牛馨一夫:[答案] 1.那个年轻人一看到警察就逃跑了. 对的.AS SOON AS表示一.就.前后动词几乎同时发生,所以时态和语态一致就对了. IS ... GINA在做什么,这是表示在那个点上正在做的事情,所以用进行时.由于KNOCK是一般过去式,所以前面用WAS SLEEPING. ...

左云县17145534418: 随便给我一个简单点的过去进行时的例句,并翻译 -
牛馨一夫: I was doing homework when my mother came back.当我妈妈回来的时候我正在写作业.

左云县17145534418: 过去进行时造句 3个句子要有翻译 -
牛馨一夫:[答案] 1.He told me on the phone that he was watching TV .他在电话里告诉我她在看电视.2.They were having an English class at eight yesterday morning.昨天早晨八点,他们在上一届英语课.3.I was writing my homework...

左云县17145534418: 初二英语过去进行时练习1.“What's the matter,Ali?You look sad.”“Oh,nothing much.As a matter of fact,I_______of my friends back home.”A.just thought ... -
牛馨一夫:[答案] 1.C.was just thinking (刚才正想某事) 2.he would have seen that film yesterday ,but he was too busy .(would have done:本要做某事) 3.went saw (过去时态)


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