
作者&投稿:胡家 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Sport in the world there are many, including my favorite sport is a water movement is called "swimming".  Before swimming in swimsuits or swimming trunks, pants cap and goggles, do warm-up exercise before entering the water, do warm-up exercise to prevent cramps while swimming, you don't have a case of drowning.  I like swimming because can in addition to the movement and can play with water, and cool summer to soak in cold water body refreshed, with heat, all disappear. If again drink a cup of ice ice cold coke, that's a find the scenery pleasing to both the thing, the day swimming very good night's sleep.  Swimming can not only, still can reading is to the mind while exercise to the body, is a favorite sport, summer vacation is coming soon, mom really want to help my sister and I sign up for swimming lessons, let me swim a ball!  世界上的运动有很多种,其中我最喜欢的'运动是一个需要水的运动叫“游泳”。  游泳前要先换泳装或泳裤,戴泳帽及泳镜,下水前还要做暖身操,做暖身操是为了预防游泳时抽筋,才不会有溺水的情形发生。  我喜欢游泳因为可以除了运动之外又可以玩水,而且夏天泡在冷水里全身凉爽舒畅,满身的暑气,全都消失不见了。如果又喝一杯冰冰凉凉的可乐,那真是一件心旷神怡的事,游泳的那一天晚上特别好睡觉喔。  游泳不但可以消暑,还可以运动强身,是一项令人喜欢的运动,暑假就快到了,真希望妈妈能帮我和妹妹报名参加游泳课,让我游个痛快!建议你学习在线外教一对一辅导班,这样就可以把英语写作学好,这个是纯外教一对一教学的,课程还可以根据学员的情况个性化定制,况且这个价格也不贵每一节课最低才要13.8元,或者先领取免费试听课听听效果怎么样。领取免费试听课:【https://www.acadsoc.com】点击即可领取专属欧美外教一对一免费试听课!阿卡索是真人欧美外教在线一对一固定纯外教英语在线教育平台,由佟大为夫妇代言的机构。一年360节课的费用是大概就几千元,一节课的价格是20元左右,性价比高。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。

  Sport in the world there are many, including my favorite sport is a water movement is called "swimming".  Before swimming in swimsuits or swimming trunks, pants cap and goggles, do warm-up exercise before entering the water, do warm-up exercise to prevent cramps while swimming, you don't have a case of drowning.  I like swimming because can in addition to the movement and can play with water, and cool summer to soak in cold water body refreshed, with heat, all disappear. If again drink a cup of ice ice cold coke, that's a find the scenery pleasing to both the thing, the day swimming very good night's sleep.  Swimming can not only, still can reading is to the mind while exercise to the body, is a favorite sport, summer vacation is coming soon, mom really want to help my sister and I sign up for swimming lessons, let me swim a ball!  世界上的运动有很多种,其中我最喜欢的'运动是一个需要水的运动叫“游泳”。  游泳前要先换泳装或泳裤,戴泳帽及泳镜,下水前还要做暖身操,做暖身操是为了预防游泳时抽筋,才不会有溺水的情形发生。  我喜欢游泳因为可以除了运动之外又可以玩水,而且夏天泡在冷水里全身凉爽舒畅,满身的暑气,全都消失不见了。如果又喝一杯冰冰凉凉的可乐,那真是一件心旷神怡的事,游泳的那一天晚上特别好睡觉喔。  游泳不但可以消暑,还可以运动强身,是一项令人喜欢的运动,暑假就快到了,真希望妈妈能帮我和妹妹报名参加游泳课,让我游个痛快!建议你学习在线外教一对一辅导班,这样就可以把英语写作学好,这个是纯外教一对一教学的,课程还可以根据学员的情况个性化定制,况且这个价格也不贵每一节课最低才要13.8元,或者先领取免费试听课听听效果怎么样。领取免费试听课:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击即可领取专属欧美外教一对一免费试听课!阿卡索是真人欧美外教在线一对一固定纯外教英语在线教育平台,由佟大为夫妇代言的机构。一年360节课的费用是大概就几千元,一节课的价格是20元左右,性价比高。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。

Sports help everyone to keep healthy, h appy, and efficient. So I pay special atte ntion to games, especially table-tennis. Table tennis is my favorite game. I play i t almost every day. Table-tennis is an ideal game us becau se it brings the whole body into action. I t strengthens our muscles, expands our lungs, promotes the circulation of the bl ood, and causes a healthy action of the skin. Besides, it is very amusing and do es not cost us much money. Table-tenn is is very moderate; it is not so rough as football. It is an indoor game and can be played even on rainy days. Thus, it is m y favorite kind of exercise.

My favorite player is YaoMing. He is afamous star

(Kobe Bryant) kobe bryant first started turning heads on the basketball court when he was in middle school. his talents dominated the game so much that high schools from all over the philadelphia area watched him grow up. the almost six - 科比(Kobe Bryant) kobe bryant first ...

我喜欢的这几位球星都是我心目中的男神,现在他们依旧还在努力着,奉献着自己精彩的球技一、罗马里奥射 门机器!看他踢球你会觉得一个人的脚怎么会这么灵活?任何来向的球他都能用最简单的方式送进球门里,而且他有着最敏锐的足球嗅觉,总是能占据最有利的位置,然后把球轻松地射进球门。二、 ...


乒乓球运动员很有魅力,大家最喜欢的乒乓球运动员有哪些人呢?_百度知 ...


帮我作 我最喜爱的中国运动员(300字)


也正是这样近乎于顽固的执拗,使他不肯对世俗屈从,不肯对伤害示弱,不肯对命运妥协,他有着一颗执着无悔的心,他的执著让足球这项运动变成了一种感情。8.简单的忠诚 巴乔的忠诚渗透在他的每一滴血液里,或许从佛罗伦萨到布雷西亚的六支球队会让人们觉得他是一个不断寻找新的生存环境的人,但是每一次...



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