
作者&投稿:栾晓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. Exuberance, often used to describe a state of high spirits and enthusiasm, can also refer to the overflowing of energy or vitality. For instance, "The child's exuberance was contagious, lifting the mood of the entire room."
2. Encouragement is the act of inspiring or motivating someone, typically by giving support or approval. As in, "Her encouraging words were a lifeline during his difficult time."
3. Ease refers to a state of comfort or tranquility, or the absence of difficulty or effort. For example, "He approached the problem with ease, solving it in a matter of minutes."
4. Economy encompasses the management of resources, particularly in the context of financial planning or the production and consumption of goods and services. For instance, "She practices economy by recycling and buying local products."
5. Excellence connotes superior quality or extremely high standards. As in, "The restaurant is known for its excellence in both service and cuisine."
6. Elegance is a term for grace and sophistication, often applied to both physical appearance and behavior. For example, "The dancer's elegance was captivating to watch."
7. Easy-going describes a person or situation that is relaxed and free from tension or stress. For instance, "An easy-going attitude can be very beneficial in handling life's challenges."
8. Energy is the power required to do work, or the capacity to do work, and it can also refer to the liveliness or dynamism of a person or situation. For example, "The team's energy was at an all-time high before the game."
9. Entertainment involves activities designed to amuse, entertain, or provide enjoyment. As in, "The concert was a night of pure entertainment."
10. Efficiency relates to the ability to accomplish tasks with minimal wasted effort or resources. For instance, "The company's focus on efficiency has led to increased productivity."
11. Enthusiasm is a strong and passionate interest or enjoyment in something. For example, "His enthusiasm for learning new languages is inspiring."



1 xenophobia n.仇外,排外 2 xerophyte n.旱生植物 3 X-ray n.X射线 4 xerox n.复印机 5 X-axis n.X轴 找得很辛苦,就找到5个,而且除了两个组合词,其他的都很偏。以X开头的单词少的可怜,跟其字母的发音有直接关系,建议你去翻牛津高阶或是韦式词典,会比较全一些。

Raanan 新鲜的,绿色的,繁茂的 男性 希伯来 Racham 慈悲,同情 男性 希伯来 Race 跑步比赛 男性 英语 Rad Radley的昵称 男性 英语 Radley 来自红色的田野红色 男性 英语 Radwan 葡萄园管理员 男性 波斯 Radbert 聪明的顾问 男性 古英语 Radcliff 红色悬岩 男性 古英语 Radford 来自芦苇滩 男性 古英语...

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一、head 英 [hed]   美 [hed]n. 头部;头脑;顶端;领袖;硬币的正面 v. 前进;为首;朝向 adj. 首要的;前面的 1、head作名词的基本意思是“头,头部”,包括五官部分,是可数名词,引申可指“头脑”或“头头儿”,即“领导,首领”。2、head作物体的“上端,顶部,前端”解,是单数...


oven opera operation openness

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C开头的英文单词 名词
cat [kæt] n. 猫;猫科动物 choice n. 选择;选择权 car [kɑ:] n. 汽车;车厢 carrot ['kærət] n. 胡萝卜 ...

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衅杜养阴:[答案] egg鸡蛋elephant 大象eat 吃elegant 优雅的exercise 练习example 例子这些够么?不够的话再补充 (∩_∩) 在补充些eat吃 eight八 eighteen十八 eighty八十 eleven十一 English英语excellent 杰出的extraordinaryextrac...

泰州市13474831505: e打头的英文字母的单词 -
衅杜养阴: each,edge,earth, every,English, east, early,eagle,ear,earn实在很多.

泰州市13474831505: 开头带e的英文单词 -
衅杜养阴: electric 电力 electronic 电子 economy 经济 egg 蛋 engineer 工程师 eggplant 茄子 elephant 大象 employer 雇佣者 everyone 每个人 eight 八 eagle 老鹰 edit 编辑 希望回答对你有帮助

泰州市13474831505: 求E开头的10个字母好看的英文单词 -
衅杜养阴:eager渴望的 excited兴奋的eggplant 茄子evil 邪恶explicit 直率的 exclusive 孤傲的 evenly 一致地,平静地 enchant迷住 eject 逐出,排斥 emerge 浮现

泰州市13474831505: 想个以e开头的单词 -
衅杜养阴: 谁说没有呢,看这里,楼主看对不对 export KK [] DJ [] 解释 词性变化 n.输出,口 Half of our products are for export.我们有一半产品出口.输出品;输出额[P] Rubber is the country's principal export.橡胶是该国主要出口物.

泰州市13474831505: 以e开头的单词都有哪些至少100个
衅杜养阴: each a ./pron.各,各自的,每 eager a.(for)渴望的,热切的 eagle n.鹰 ear n.耳,耳朵;听力,听觉;穗 early a. 早的,早期的,及早的 ad.早,在初期 earn v....

泰州市13474831505: 帮我找找以e开头的所有英语单词.!! -
衅杜养阴: experiment exhibit eat ear energy expression excellent exciting enteresting enough edge editor either encourage enter entry environment event even expect experience extra 一口气只能写这么多

泰州市13474831505: e打头的单词 -
衅杜养阴: eager 形容词:渴望的;eagle名词:鹰; ear名词:耳朵; early副词、形容词:早; earn动词:赚

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衅杜养阴: Eartha 尔莎 英国 土地或泥土;比喻像大地般坚忍的人 Eden 伊甸 希伯来 圣经中的乐园,欢乐之地 Edith 伊蒂丝 古英国 格斗;战争 Edwina 艾德文娜 英国 有价值的朋友;财产的获得者 Eileen 爱琳 盖尔 光亮的,讨人喜欢的 Elaine 伊莲恩 法国 ...

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