定语从句which that有什么区别 讲的详细些

作者&投稿:真雅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. "Which"和"that"在限定性和非限定性从句中的使用:
- "Which"用于非限定性从句,提供额外的信息,通常用逗号与主句隔开。
- "That"用于限定性从句,提供必要的关键信息,不使用逗号分隔。
- I have two dogs, which are both rescue animals.
- The book that I bought yesterday is really interesting.
2. "Which"和"that"在修饰物品时的区别:
- "Which"用于修饰具体的物体,无论是生物还是非生物,可以替代整个从句。
- "That"用于修饰特定的物体,通常用于指示或强调特定的人或事物。
- I found my necklace, which was missing for a week.
- Pass me the pen that is on the table.
3. "Which"和"that"在修饰人时的区别:
- "Which"不常用于修饰人,除非与非限定性从句结合使用,强调陈述的信息。
- "That"通常用于修饰人时,提供关键的身份或特征信息。
- She is the doctor which/that I saw at the hospital yesterday.
- The man that I met at the party is a famous actor.
4. "Which"和"that"在修饰抽象概念时的区别:
- "Which"通常用于修饰抽象概念,强调对整个情况或情感的陈述。
- "That"同样可用于修饰抽象概念,但更常用于指示某一特定的方面或细节。
- They had a great time at the party, which made them very happy.
- The fact that she won the competition surprised everyone.
5. "Which"和"that"在非限定性从句中的主观倾向:
- "Which"在非限定性从句中有一种较为客观的倾向,提供额外的信息,不强调主观观点。
- "That"在非限定性从句中有一种较为主观的倾向,强调陈述的事实或个人观点。
- My car, which is black, needs to be cleaned.
- She made a statement that she would never forget.

<1>关系代词在定语从句中作表语,不管是人或物只能用that。 He is not the man that he was when I first saw him. 【他现在不是我第一次见他时那样的。】 <2>当先行词即指物又指人时,多用that引导定语从句。 Look at the girl and the dog that are crossing the street. 【瞧正在过马路的那个女孩和那只狗。】 <3>当先行词是有生命的动物或人时,宜使用that而不是which。 1.What's the name of the animals that jumps about? 【四处蹦跳的动物叫什么名字?】 2.Who is the girl that talked to you yesterday? 【昨天和你说话的女孩儿是谁?】 <4>当先行词被形容词的最高级修饰时引导定语从句的关系代词只能用that,而不能用which。 This is the most interesting book that I've ever read. 【这是我所读过的最有趣的书。】 <5>当先行词被all,something,anything,nothing,everything,little,much,the one,none等时,引导定语从句多用关系代词that。 1.The goverment has promised to do all that lies in its power to alleviate the hardships of people. 【政府承诺尽其一切力量减轻人民的苦难。】 2.When we see anything that happen on the island, we're so glad. 【当我们看到岛上发生的事情,我们都如此兴奋。】 3.Tom told his father all that had happened. 【汤姆把事情发生的全部情况都告诉了他的父亲。】 4.Pay attention to everything that I do. 【注意我做的每一件事。】 5.The teacher wants to teach us all that he knows. 【老师想把他知道的全部知识都交给我们。】 6.You must do everything that I do. 【我做的每件事你必须都做。】 <6>当先行词被the only, the very, the first,the last,few,little,no,all,one of,the same等修饰时,须用关系代词that来引导。 The only thing that we can do is to give you some money. 【我们唯一能够做的就是给你一些钱。】 <7>当主句中已有疑问词who或which时,要用关系代词that。 Which is the bik e that you lost? 【你丢失的自行车是哪辆?】 只能用which的情况: <8>在介词后面的关系代词用which而不能用that。即“介词+which(代物)” 1.The picture for which he paid $1,000 was once owned by a duke. 【他花了1000美元买下的画曾为一名公爵所拥有。】 2.The building in which Han Mei studied was very old. 【韩梅在里边学习的那幢大楼很旧。】 <9>在非限定性定语从句中不能用that。 Crusoe's dog, which was very old now, became ill and died. 【克鲁索的狗,现在已经很老了,病死了。】 <10>有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已有which,另一个宜用that。相反,如果其中一个为that,另一个宜用which。 1.Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before. 【爱迪生办了一个工厂,生产过去从未见过的东西。】 2.Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the library which was newly open to us. 【让我给你看看我从新开放的图书馆借来的小说。】 共同点: <11>当定语从句所修饰的先行词为物时,关系代词可用which或that。 1.In fact the Swede did not understand the three questions that/which were asked in English. 【事实上Swede并不理解三个被提问到的英语问题。】 2.Colour the birds which/that are flying. 【给那些正在飞着的鸟上色。】 3.The pen that/which I am using is quiet good. 【我正在使用的那支钢笔相当好。】 4.The film which/that we saw last night was wonderful! 【昨晚我们看的那部影片真棒!】 定语从句 1.先行词为人: 1)人做主语---关系代词用who且不可省略 2)人做宾语---关系代词用whom/who/不填 2.先行词为物: 1)物做主语---关系代词用that/which 2)物做宾语---关系代词用that/which/不填 注意事项: 1.定语从句中,用that不用which的情况: 1)先行词为不定代词 something anyting everyting nothing 2)先行词由序数词修饰: This is my first /last lesson that cant be forgotten. 3)先行词由最高级修饰时: The most important thing that should be done is to study. 4)先行词由all few ,every, little, much, many, only, any, some, very(恰恰)修饰时 This is the very book that is sold well. The only thing that you can do is to wait. 5)先行词既有人又有物时 They talked about things and persons that they could remember. 6)由which,who提问的句子,为了避免重复 which of the books that you need is the best? 7)先行词为人或物,但在定语从句中做表语 he isnt the man that he was.(他不是以前那个他了) 2.用which不用that的情况 Iremember the day on which i joined the army. 即介词提到先行词后面,关系代词前面时,只能用which

我能回想起来的有以下几点:1、which可以和介词连用 2、which只能指物,that即可指人又可以指物;当先行词又有人又有物时只能用that 3、有逗号时后面接的是which此时为非限制性定语从句 4、当先行词是anything, everything, nothing (something 除外), few, all, none, little, some 等代词时,或者是由every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much 等修饰时 (1) Have you taken down everything that Mr. Li has said? (2) There seems to be nothing that seems impossible for him in the world. (3) All that can be done has been done. (4) There is little that I can do for you. 5. 当先行词被序数词修饰 6. 当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时. 7. 当形容词被the very, the only修饰时 8. 当先行词前面有who, which等疑问代词时 (1) Who is the man that is standing there? (2) Which is the T-shirt that fits me most?

瑶海区19821319378: 定语从句中 which\ that 的用法与区别 -
歹垄小儿:[答案] 修饰物体时关系代词that和 which的区分 使用that的情况: 1.当先行词是nothing,something,anything,all,each等不定代词时. e.g.Do you have anything that is important to tell me? 2.当先行词被all,any,some,no,not,every,each等修饰时. e.g.I have some ...

瑶海区19821319378: which和that在定语从句中的具体用法那些句子只能用which哪些只能用that? -
歹垄小儿:[答案] 注意在以下8种情况下,指物时用that 不用which1.先行词是all, any, everything, anything, nothing ,something, much, little, few, none ,the one 等时① There is much that should be used.② You can take an...

瑶海区19821319378: 定语从句中which和that用法 -
歹垄小儿: which修饰的是物,that修饰的是人 在句子中有比较级,最高级或序数词时,只能用that

瑶海区19821319378: 在定语从句中which和that用法有什么区别 -
歹垄小儿: 一、关系代词(在句中作主语、宾语或定语)1. that既可代表事物也可代表人,which代表事物;它们在从句中作主语或宾语,that在从句中作宾语时常可省略关系词,which在从句中作宾语也可以省略.[eg:this is the book (which)you want.]2而...

瑶海区19821319378: 定语从句中,which、that、in which等的具体用法. -
歹垄小儿:[答案] 1.先行词是物的时候,定于从句既可以用that,也可以用which. 2.It is(was).that.,强调句中只能用that. 3.定于从句中,引导词前面有逗号隔开的,不能用that,只能用which. 4.先行词在从句中作in的宾语时用in which.例子如下: live in a lovely world. the ...

瑶海区19821319378: 定语从句中that和which可以做什么成分 -
歹垄小儿: that 和 which 是名词性的关系代词,在从句中充当主语、宾语或表示属性的表语.例如: ~I have a book which is about how to learn English. 〔主语〕 ~The book that you lend to him is about how to learn Englis. 〔宾语〕

瑶海区19821319378: 定语从句中关系词which与that有什么区别? -
歹垄小儿: which 与 that 在定语从句中 被称为:关系代词 which 引导定语从句时,先行词是物,在从句中可做主语、宾语、表语 that 引导定语从句时,先行词既可以是人,也可以是物,在从句中也可做主语、宾语、表语关于which和that的常考点: 一、在...

瑶海区19821319378: which与that的区别当which与that作为定语从句的连词时,它们的用法有什么区别?能不能举一些例句. -
歹垄小儿:[答案] which who和that在定语从句中修饰先行词,which指代物或事 who指代人 that既指代人又指代事物,但如果句中先行词含有序数词或形容词的最高级,都用that. 例如:The first film that Bruce acted in was made in 1946.其中film是先行词,但是它前面有...

瑶海区19821319378: which和that在定语从句中的具体用法 -
歹垄小儿: 注意在以下8种情况下,指物时用that 不用which 1.先行词是all, any, everything, anything, nothing ,something, much, little, few, none ,the one 等时① There is much that should be used.② You can take any seat that is free. 2.先行词被all, ...

瑶海区19821319378: 限制性定语从句that、which的区别,什么情况下用that,什么情况下用which? -
歹垄小儿:[答案] 简单地说: 1、只要前面没介词,能用which的就能用that 2、如果句子中出现另外一个层次的从句,且出现了that 或which,那么,这个句子就要避免重复出现相同的,而用另一个 3、在从句中做逻辑主语(包括两种情况:一种是,实际主语就是that;...

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