
作者&投稿:重屈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

You have never been my everything.
Don't be self-sentimental.

I was hit by the flowerpot fallen down from a bolcony.

But no ordinary person can really handle the the hard work behind this.

With the increasing integration of the world culture.


"Certainly, I understood that supplier's concern about printing cost; however, as a new brand just entering domestic market, package will be the first impression to customers, and it will also be the beginning that customers start to trust and accept your products. Only if you use it steadily, sales would grow."
我想文章是比较正式的..certainly 应该要比of course好一些吧


Of course, I understand the manufacture's concern about the printing cost. But as a product brand that newly entered into the domestic market, packaging will be the most important factor that makes customers accept and believe in your product. Then the following stable use could bring the increase of sales.

Of course, I understand very well the cost of printing suppliers to consider the issue. But as a brand new product into the domestic market. customer acceptance and confidence in your product packaging is the first important factor. Next stable and can lead to the increase in sales.

1。人们对这种事自然有自己的看法。Naturally people have different opinions regarding these types of matters.2。事情往往都是具有两面性的。There are often two sides to an issue.

...我想见你一面 那怕一次也好 用英语 怎么翻译这两句话?
I want to see you even if it is far from see you one eye? I see you just for once?

2.no(拿) ji(支) eng~a(第三声,先不发音做eng口型,再发声,发a声) cim(1) lei(3) liu(撩,撩牙即剔牙) eng~a(牙) e(额,语气词)以上完全按照汉语拼音读音联系即可。不过我认为无论见到哪个广州人都无须用广州话方言与之对话,一是广州人大多数能听说普通话,起码会听;...

绿树村边合,青山郭外斜。翠绿的树林围绕着村落,一脉青山在城郭外隐隐横斜。开轩面场圃,把酒话桑麻。推开窗户面对谷场菜园,共饮美酒,闲谈农务。待到重阳日,还来就菊花。等到九九重阳节到来时,我还要来这里观赏菊花。唐诗三百首,初中古诗,田园,生活,早教 相关翻译 过故人庄译文及注释 老朋友...

万家墨面没蒿莱,敢有歌吟动地哀 翻译


思っています 表示心理状态的持续.わけ表示因为「什么样」原因才会这样。 のだ表示强调,都过了5年了。爱痕 下面1,2两句话意思一样,但有什么不同之处 哎 日语,这两句话翻译过来有什么不同? 都是我不喝酒的意思。后者是强调。前者可以翻为:我不喝酒。后者可以翻为:酒我是不喝的。

汉译英 就两句话
At the moment I decided to be a graduate student, I swore to work hard. In spite of full of obstacles, I believe that I will finally win because of my persistence.

也说:硬软取り混ぜて、辘筏皮いたいと思います。问题二:发现两个问题用日语怎么说 你好。发现两个问题,翻译成日语是:2つの问题をk见した。―――希望帮到你,满意请采纳。问题三:“两句话”用日语怎么说? 彼は二言 (にげん)しか言いませんでした 彼は二言しか言わなかった ...

1. Although my understanding of this major is relatively shallow, I would certainly like to spend three years--- or even more, to delve into the study of education, which to me, is a very profound subject.2. I really yearn for the opportunity to become part of this school ...

18265801416: 请高手忙帮将下面两句话翻译成英语,非常急用,谢谢了! -
仇黛高德: We tag each product sent to production line of CC8 and separate them from other goods in transportation, so that forklifts do not need to resort them when downloading the good. It saves time and increases the efficiency at the receiving portal.手工翻译的哦~~记得采纳哦 ~~

18265801416: 请高手忙帮将下面两句话翻译成英语,非常急用,谢谢了!采用空运运输的零件一般都为急需件,在仓库做短暂存储后被运输到生产线上,但现在有些空运... -
仇黛高德:[答案] 采用空运运输的零件一般都为急需件,在仓库做短暂存储后被运输到生产线上,但现在有些空运件长时间无拉动,由于空运的费用远远大于海运的费用,所以造成运输成本上的浪费.The parts requiring an air shipping are norma...

18265801416: 英语翻译帮忙把下面这两句话翻译成英语,“天使是永远在我们身边””天使永远陪伴着我们” -
仇黛高德:[答案] “天使是永远在我们身边” " the angel is at our side forever " ”天使永远陪伴着我们” “The angel is accompanying us forever "

18265801416: 把这两句话翻译成英语
仇黛高德: 1.I'm lying! 2.Antinomy of Russell

18265801416: 帮我把下面两句话翻译成英语,谢谢!!! -
仇黛高德: 1.公司上上下下都认为新来的总经理目光远大,足智多谋,富有竞争意识. Everybody from all the levels in the company thinks the new general manager is smart and competitive a...

18265801416: 帮帮忙,把下面两句话翻译成英文? -
仇黛高德: to 楼上 楼主的意思应该是用后面提示的 所以第二个应该是 Jealousy is the result of the laziness and ignorance

18265801416: 谁帮我把下面的两句话翻译成英文?
仇黛高德: 应该是It took me 1hour to finish homework`last night It takes me 10minutes to walk to school`every day

18265801416: 翻译成英文,把这两句话翻译成英文 -
仇黛高德: 听音乐能让我心里平静,思绪沉淀下来,这使我感到轻松. Listening music can make me inner peaceful and calm my thought down , which makes me feel relieved and easy. 我有时会写一些东西来记录自己的心情,也会写一些短短的文字来描绘...

18265801416: 把下面两句话翻译成英语,快!!
仇黛高德: 你永远是我最最亲爱的宝.和你牵手,永不分离. You will always be my best dear treasure. And you in hand, never to be parted again.

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