
作者&投稿:全孙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

☆ six years working experience in mechanical industry, in the design ideas, performance matching, material selection, processing technology and related mechanical knowledge to the application of more mature, has the solid mechanical theoretic base and rich practical experience. Be familiar with mechanical design, mechanical processing, related selection, etc, can independently product development design;
 ☆ skillfully use AutoCAD and SOLIDWORKS CAXA, such as drawing software, and Office automation software.
 ☆ good English basis,
 ☆ understood ISO9001 quality management system;
☆ proficient operation and application ERP or other enterprise management system,
 ☆ team consciousness and management experience, good communication skills and interpersonal skills, good at coordination work with others,
☆ enterprising, positive, optimistic upward, treat serious and responsible work, dare to undertake the responsibility. Innovative spirit.
Now r&d department is mainly engaged in forklift product maintenance and optimization of the structure.
Mainly responsible for:
A, diesel forklifts and storage battery trucks door frame system development design work,
1 as forklift work hoisting device, SOLIDWORKS 3d software built through the door frame of solid model, including: the outside door frame, in door frame, the inner frame and structure design of mechanical analysis, so that in the guarantee use of performance condition to reach optimization.
2. The goods fork bracket, fences worn design. Through 3d SOLIDWORKS software build goods fork to the entity model and bracket goods ShangCe wheel position fork bracket is simulated and analyzed by finite element software, make side roller position decorate the most reasonable. Goods fork bracket deformation minimum.
3. In the whole forklift rated lifting weight and wheelbase, suspension, before hanging invariant conditions, test. Its strength and rigidity to meet requirements.
Second, diesel car/trolley/cart and other types of products maintenance: including special orders production, product BOM maintenance, design change and foreign technical support,
1. Tooling design manufacture and review,
2. Maintenance teams internal personnel working arrangement, the technical aspects of the guidance and support,
3. Special orders judgement, drawing design production and examination;
4. Each office, departments and workshop abnormal studies technical problems of processing,
5. ERP assembly BOM and sheet metal BOM maintenance work (taste date, BOM entry, modify, audit, etc.),
6. Design change judgement, drawing design production and examination;

1 In Europe, shaking hands is the most important etiquette in business communication
2 In Japan, speak"delicious" loudly when eating ramen is respect for the chef.
3 In Russia and Italy, frineds will kiss each other when greeting
4 In Sweden, speaking loudly is very rude.
5 In mid-east, shaking head mean"yes" while nod means" no"


我们可以追溯那一系列改变中东和西方关系的事件:1683年,土耳其人在卡尔斯鲁厄条约上的失败,放弃了匈牙利帝国;1699年,他们在卡尔斯鲁厄签下了条约,放弃了匈牙利的哈普斯堡皇室和威尼斯的爱琴海;1718年,他们签署出去了更多的欧洲土地。1774年,他们失去了克里米亚半岛并且允许俄语的流入取代他们传统的基督文化;1798年,拿破仑. 波拿巴占领了埃及然后侵占了巴勒斯坦。同时,其他的穆斯林王朝,例如印度的帖木儿人(蒙古人),伊朗的萨法维家族和他们的继承人,摩洛哥谢里夫家族的统治者,在18世界的武力下都显得弱小。但是土耳其人是最接近新权利的人,有着传统的为伊斯兰教而战的勇士,并且如果欧洲人分割他们的土地,他们会战斗到最后。我因此关注奥斯曼帝国。
从流行的说法中,我们可以找到细小的事实。社会状况变得更加糟糕了。没有人否认苏丹Ibrhim的疯狂,他把他的280个情妇装在麻袋里扔到博斯普鲁斯海峡里淹死了。穆斯塔法•基马尔错误的坚决的领导他的军队投入了战争。他悲惨的败在萨伏衣的 Eugen 王子的手下,这个在那个时代的军事天才,仅消耗了土耳其的一个省的军队,而且他有很高的威望。酗酒问题和一夫多妻折磨之后的苏丹远远他们前十年要严重。而且,依靠土耳其国家系统而富足的统治阶级也没履行他们交税的义务。但是这个帝国得以延续的原因是这个国家体制不断产生出新的能看出国家的弊端并进行改革的苏丹和大臣。在改革之中,致力于建立新的土耳其民兵组织的奥斯曼二世,被他的近卫军杀死了。Murad Ⅳ一个强有力的战士和射手冠军,在一年之中杀死了25000个反叛者。Mahmud Ⅰ是第一个引入欧洲的新战术的人。Selim Ⅲ,介绍了一个包罗万象的改革方案,印度 Hyderabad 君主的称号-i-Jedid, 我将会在下一个章节中包括。
改革官制的情况如何呢?Koprulu出了很多使土耳其国家安全和实现土耳其政治上社会和美学上各方面繁荣的大臣。Mehmet,被他的阿尔巴尼亚基督徒父母带来,并且在皇家厨房里开始了他的事业生涯。作为对苏丹Mehmet Ⅳ十分重要的大臣,他打败了威尼斯人并且镇压了德兰斯斐尼亚和安那托利亚的叛乱,在镇压中处死了几千人。他的儿子Ahmet巩固了官制,检查了哈布斯堡皇室,并从波兰手中夺走了克里特岛。他的兄弟在1683年带领着奥斯曼军队到达了维也纳的城下,但在夺取城市的时候失败了。Mehmet Koprulu的一个为Mustafa Ⅱ服务的侄子试着建立工厂,并希望恢复农业生产到它以前的水平。
另一个主要的大臣是Damad Ibrahim,以使苏丹Ahmed Ⅲ建造快乐的宫殿和郁金香花园而闻名,但是他也带来了欧洲的艺术,委托土耳其的翻译工作者翻译西方的科学著作,而且引入了第一个土耳其人印刷杂志报纸。Mehmet Ragib在十八世纪中期在保持帝国的和平时,还企图通过财政的和合法的改革来改善他的国民的命运。我的观点是这样的,即使在这个土耳其历史上的黑暗时期,有许多苏丹和大臣尝试着带来光明。更多的欧化的改革家在十九世纪出现,我将会在稍后介绍他们。现在我必须申明的是单独的改革无法拯救奥斯曼帝国。

我们可以追溯那一系列改变中东和西方关系的事件:1683年,土耳其人在卡尔斯鲁厄条约上的失败,放弃了匈牙利帝国;1699年,他们在卡尔斯鲁厄签下了条约,放弃了匈牙利的哈普斯堡皇室和威尼斯的爱琴海;1718年,他们签署出去了更多的欧洲土地。1774年,他们失去了克里米亚半岛并且允许俄语的流入取代他们传统的基督文化;1798年,拿破仑. 波拿巴占领了埃及然后侵占了巴勒斯坦。同时,其他的穆斯林王朝,例如印度的帖木儿人(蒙古人),伊朗的萨法维家族和他们的继承人,摩洛哥谢里夫家族的统治者,在18世界的武力下都显得弱小。但是土耳其人是最接近新权利的人,有着传统的为伊斯兰教而战的勇士,并且如果欧洲人分割他们的土地,他们会战斗到最后。我因此关注奥斯曼帝国。


我们能追踪改变的关系在中东并且西方之间由一系列的标日期的events:In 1683 无背长椅失灵对条约在Karlowitz, 割让匈牙利Empire;in 1699 他们签署了条约在Karlowitz, 割让匈牙利对Habsburgs 和爱琴海沿海对Venetians; 在1718 他们放弃了更多他们的欧洲lands;in 1774 他们丢失克里米亚并且允许俄国发表演讲关于他们的正统基督徒subjects;and 代表1798 年拿破仑Bonaparte 被占领的埃及和侵略了Palestine.Meanwhile, 其它回教朝代, 这样作为Timurids (Mughals) 印度, Safavids 和他们的后继者在伊朗, 和摩洛哥的Sharifian 统治者, 并且减弱在架置可能十八世纪无背长椅是最接近新力量, 传统上战斗了作为ghazis 为回教的Europe.But 之前, 并且站立丢失多数如果欧洲分成了他们的lands.My 焦点意志wherefore 是在无背长椅帝国。
一些普遍的历史会让您相信, 无背长椅统治者关心没什么为他们的帝国的fate.Enchanted 由闺房的魅力, dulled 由酒或麻汁, 由土耳其兵反叛或争吵的法院派别, sultans (因此故事去) 失去的兴趣阻碍在维护他们的政权或保卫他们的lands.By 上同样象征, venal vizirs 被设法保留sultans 在他们的方式外面, 为了从system.Bureaucrats 的腐败赢利买了他们的办公室和卖了下级岗位对其他人, 当大家在力量抠出了可怜的农民和工作者在是真正地被估计的bribes).The 土耳其兵, 应该是的税和费(regime or defending their lands.By the same token, the venal vizirs tried to keep the sultans out of their way, in order to profit from the corruption of the system.Bureaucrats bought their offices and sold subordinate posts to others, while everyone in power gouged the poor peasants and workers on taxes and fees (which were really assessed bribes).The janissaries, who should have been the backbone of the Ottoman army, became a hereditary caste of merchants 并且工匠谁象muskets 和bayonets.Worse 没有保留在训练或学会怎么使用如此现代武器, 他们翻转了他们的汤罐和去在狂暴行为如果任何人敢要求reforms.The ulama 把变成juhala ("ignoramuses"), 被浸泡在迷信和未触动过由知识扩展发生在Europe.Landowners 和客商由强盗抢夺了, 他们没有protection.Peasants 遭受了贪婪房东并且税famers;many 跑掉适合强盗themselves.So 悲哀的周期turned.Th 容易的答复将责备无能或无能为力的sultans.As 土耳其人过去常常说, "Balik basdan kokar"("the 鱼恶臭从头") 吗?
改革的Sultans 和Vizirs
有和平常一样, 在这样普遍的帐户, 真相毒菌在所有this.Conditions 得到worse.No 你否认Sultan Ibrhim 疯狂(r.1640-1648), 有他的280 个姘妇栓了在大袋里和淹没在Bosporus.Mustafa??r.1695-1703?was 错误坚持带领他的队伍入battle.His 灾难失败由于Eugen开胃菜, 年龄的军事天才的作用王子, 花费了无背长椅军队, 匈牙利省, 并且他们的军事prestige.Drinking 问题和闺房阴谋更折磨了最新sultans比他们有第一十。另外, 有挤奶无背长椅系统丰富自己当不执行他们的duties.But 无背长椅长寿的当中一个秘密是统治阶级的menbers 系统继续生产可胜任的sultans 并且看见腐败和被介绍的reforms.Among 的vizirs 改革的sultans 是Ossman?(r.1618-1622), 企图形成一个新土耳其民兵带领他的由janissaries;Muradv 被杀害? (r.1623-1640), 一位强有力的摔跤手和冠军射手执行25,000 个反叛主题在一唯一year;Mahmud?(r.1730-1754) 之内, 一带来欧洲教新战斗的techniques;and Selim?(r.1789-1807), 介绍一份全面改革计划, Nizam-i-Jedid, 我将包括在下个章节。
怎么样改革的vizirs?The Koprulu 家庭导致了加强无背长椅安全海外和首先实施政治, 社会, 和审美变动在home.The 的六盛大vizirs, Mehmet (d.1661), 由devshirme 以及Poland.His 兄弟的部份带领了无背长椅队伍维也纳门, 但失灵抓住Mehmet Koprulu 的采取了形式他的阿尔巴尼亚人基督徒父母和开始了他的事业运作在皇家kitchen.As 盛大vizir 对Sultan Mehmet?(r31648-1687), 他击败了Venetians 和废除了反叛在Transylvania 和Anatolia, 执行数以万计在process.His 儿子, Ahmet, 加强了vizirate, 被检查Habsburgs, 1683 年和采取了Crete city.A 侄子,
其它主要vizir 是Damad Ibrahim, 最好已知为牵制Sultan Ahmed?(r.1703-1730)into 大厦乐趣宫殿和他并且带来在欧洲艺术家, 委任西部科学工作的土耳其翻译的郁金香gardens;but, 和介绍了第一无背长椅打印的press.Mehmet Ragib 被设法在中间第十八个世纪改善他的主题的全部通过财政并且法律改革, 当保留帝国在peace.My 点是, 在这个无背长椅历史的黑暗时期, 有设法带来某一他们的light.More westernizing 改革者的sultans 和vizirs 会出现在第十九century;Iwill 写关于later.What Imust 做现在清楚是改革单独不能保存无背长椅帝国。
多数史学家认为, 无背长椅的困境的钥匙但还, 似是而非地, 他们救世放置在基督徒欧洲。


We can trace the changing relationship between the Middle East and the West by a series of dated events:In 1683 the Ottomans failed to a treaty at Karlowitz,ceding Hungary Empire;in 1699 they signed a treaty at Karlowitz,ceding Hungary to the Habsburgs and the Aegean coast to the Venetians; in 1718 they signed away more of their European lands;in 1774 they lost the Crimea and allowed Russia to speak on behalf of their Orthodox Christian subjects;and in 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte occupied Egypt and invaded Palestine.Meanwhile,other Muslim dynasties,such as the Timurids (Mughals) of India,the Safavids and their successors in Iran,and the Sharifian rulers of Morocco,were also weakening before the mounting might of eighteenth-century Europe.But the Ottomans were closest to the new powers,had traditionally fought as ghazis for Islam,and stood to lose the most if the Europeans partitioned their lands.My focus will wherefore be on the Ottoman Empire.
Some Symptoms and Causes
Some popular histories would have you believe that the Ottoman rulers cared nothing for their empire’s fate.Enchanted by the charms of the harem ,dulled by wine or hashish,hamstrung by janissary revolts or quarreling court factions,the sultans (so the story goes) lost interest in maintaining their regime or defending their lands.By the same token,the venal vizirs tried to keep the sultans out of their way,in order to profit from the corruption of the system.Bureaucrats bought their offices and sold subordinate posts to others,while everyone in power gouged the poor peasants and workers on taxes and fees (which were really assessed bribes).The janissaries,who should have been the backbone of the Ottoman army, became a hereditary caste of merchants and artisans who failed to keep in training or to learn how to use such modern weapons as muskets and bayonets.Worse,they overturned their soup pots and went on a rampage if anyone dared to call for reforms.The ulama turned into juhala (“ignoramuses”),steeped in superstition and untouched by the expansion of knowledge taking place in Europe.Landowners and merchants were robbed by brigands,against whom they had no protection.Peasants suffered from rapacious landlords and tax famers;many ran away to become brigands themselves.So the mournful cycle turned.Th easy answer is to blame incompetent or impotent sultans.As the Turks used to say,”Balik basdan kokar”(“the fish stinks from the head”)。
The Reforming Sultans and Vizirs
There is,as usual in such popular accounts,a germ of truth in all this.Conditions were getting worse.No one denies the insanity of Sultan Ibrhim (r.1640-1648),who had his 280 concubines tied up in sacks and drowned in Bosporus.MustafaⅡ(r.1695-1703)was wrong to insist on leading his troops into battle.His catastrophic defeat at the hands of Prince Eugen of Savoy,the military genius of the age,cost the Ottomans an army,the province of Hungary,and their military prestige.Drinking problems and harem intrigues afflicted the later sultans far more than they had the first ten. In addition,there were menbers of the ruling class who milked the Ottoman system to enrich themselves while failing to perform their duties.But one of the secrets of Ottoman longevity was that the system went on producing capable sultans and vizirs who saw the corruption and introduced reforms.Among the reforming sultans were OssmanⅡ(r.1618-1622),whose attempt to form a new Turkish militia led to his being killed by the janissaries;MuradvⅣ (r.1623-1640),a powerful wrestler and champion archer who executed 25,000 rebellious subjects within a single year;MahmudⅠ(r.1730-1754),the first to bring in Europeans to teach new fighting techniques;and Selim Ⅲ(r.1789-1807),who introduced a comprehensive reform scheme,the Nizam-i-Jedid,which I will cover in the next chapter.
What about the reforming vizirs?The Koprulu family produced six grand vizirs who enhanced Ottoman security abroad and implemented political,social,and aesthetic changes at home.The first,Mehmet (d.1661),was taken form his albanian Christian parents by the devshirme and started his career working in the imperial kitchen.As grand vizir to Sultan Mehmet Ⅳ(r31648-1687),he defeated the Venetians and quashed revolts in Transylvania and Anatolia,executing thousands in the process.His son,Ahmet,strengthened the vizirate,checked the Habsburgs,and took Crete as well as parts of Poland.His brother led the Ottoman troops to the gates of Vienna in 1683,but failed to capture the city.A nephew of Mehmet Koprulu,serving Mustafa Ⅱ,reduced taxes on consumer goods,tried to set up factories,and hoped to restore farm production to its earlier level.
Another major vizir was Damad Ibrahim,best known for diverting Sultan Ahmed Ⅲ(r.1703-1730)into building pleasure palaces and tulip gardens;but he also brought in European artists,commissioned Turkish translations of Western scientific works,and introduced the first Ottoman printing press.Mehmet Ragib tried in the mid-eighteenth century to better his subjects’ lot through fiscal and legal reforms,while keeping the empire at peace.My point is that,even in this dark age of Ottoman history,there were sultans and vizirs who tried to bring in some light.More westernizing reformers would arise in the nineteenth century;Iwill write about them later.What Imust make clear now is that reforms alone could not save the Ottoman Empire.
Most historians think that the key to the Ottomans’ predicament ---but also,paradoxically,their salvation---lay in Christian Europe.

We can trace the changing relationship between the Middle East and the West by a series of dated events:In 1683 the Ottomans failed to a treaty at Karlowitz,ceding Hungary Empire;in 1699 they signed a treaty at Karlowitz,ceding Hungary to the Habsburgs and the Aegean coast to the Venetians; in 1718 they signed away more of their European lands;in 1774 they lost the Crimea and allowed Russia to speak on behalf of their Orthodox Christian subjects;and in 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte occupied Egypt and invaded Palestine.Meanwhile,other Muslim dynasties,such as the Timurids (Mughals) of India,the Safavids and their successors in Iran,and the Sharifian rulers of Morocco,were also weakening before the mounting might of eighteenth-century Europe.But the Ottomans were closest to the new powers,had traditionally fought as ghazis for Islam,and stood to lose the most if the Europeans partitioned their lands.My focus will wherefore be on the Ottoman Empire.
Some Symptoms and Causes
Some popular histories would have you believe that the Ottoman rulers cared nothing for their empire’s fate.Enchanted by the charms of the harem ,dulled by wine or hashish,hamstrung by janissary revolts or quarreling court factions,the sultans (so the story goes) lost interest in maintaining their regime or defending their lands.By the same token,the venal vizirs tried to keep the sultans out of their way,in order to profit from the corruption of the system.Bureaucrats bought their offices and sold subordinate posts to others,while everyone in power gouged the poor peasants and workers on taxes and fees (which were really assessed bribes).The janissaries,who should have been the backbone of the Ottoman army, became a hereditary caste of merchants and artisans who failed to keep in training or to learn how to use such modern weapons as muskets and bayonets.Worse,they overturned their soup pots and went on a rampage if anyone dared to call for reforms.The ulama turned into juhala (“ignoramuses”),steeped in superstition and untouched by the expansion of knowledge taking place in Europe.Landowners and merchants were robbed by brigands,against whom they had no protection.Peasants suffered from rapacious landlords and tax famers;many ran away to become brigands themselves.So the mournful cycle turned.Th easy answer is to blame incompetent or impotent sultans.As the Turks used to say,”Balik basdan kokar”(“the fish stinks from the head”)。
The Reforming Sultans and Vizirs
There is,as usual in such popular accounts,a germ of truth in all this.Conditions were getting worse.No one denies the insanity of Sultan Ibrhim (r.1640-1648),who had his 280 concubines tied up in sacks and drowned in Bosporus.MustafaⅡ(r.1695-1703)was wrong to insist on leading his troops into battle.His catastrophic defeat at the hands of Prince Eugen of Savoy,the military genius of the age,cost the Ottomans an army,the province of Hungary,and their military prestige.Drinking problems and harem intrigues afflicted the later sultans far more than they had the first ten. In addition,there were menbers of the ruling class who milked the Ottoman system to enrich themselves while failing to perform their duties.But one of the secrets of Ottoman longevity was that the system went on producing capable sultans and vizirs who saw the corruption and introduced reforms.Among the reforming sultans were OssmanⅡ(r.1618-1622),whose attempt to form a new Turkish militia led to his being killed by the janissaries;MuradvⅣ (r.1623-1640),a powerful wrestler and champion archer who executed 25,000 rebellious subjects within a single year;MahmudⅠ(r.1730-1754),the first to bring in Europeans to teach new fighting techniques;and Selim Ⅲ(r.1789-1807),who introduced a comprehensive reform scheme,the Nizam-i-Jedid,which I will cover in the next chapter.
What about the reforming vizirs?The Koprulu family produced six grand vizirs who enhanced Ottoman security abroad and implemented political,social,and aesthetic changes at home.The first,Mehmet (d.1661),was taken form his albanian Christian parents by the devshirme and started his career working in the imperial kitchen.As grand vizir to Sultan Mehmet Ⅳ(r31648-1687),he defeated the Venetians and quashed revolts in Transylvania and Anatolia,executing thousands in the process.His son,Ahmet,strengthened the vizirate,checked the Habsburgs,and took Crete as well as parts of Poland.His brother led the Ottoman troops to the gates of Vienna in 1683,but failed to capture the city.A nephew of Mehmet Koprulu,serving Mustafa Ⅱ,reduced taxes on consumer goods,tried to set up factories,and hoped to restore farm production to its earlier level.
Another major vizir was Damad Ibrahim,best known for diverting Sultan Ahmed Ⅲ(r.1703-1730)into building pleasure palaces and tulip gardens;but he also brought in European artists,commissioned Turkish translations of Western scientific works,and introduced the first Ottoman printing press.Mehmet Ragib tried in the mid-eighteenth century to better his subjects’ lot through fiscal and legal reforms,while keeping the empire at peace.My point is that,even in this dark age of Ottoman history,there were sultans and vizirs who tried to bring in some light.More westernizing reformers would arise in the nineteenth century;Iwill write about them later.What Imust make clear now is that reforms alone could not save the Ottoman Empire.
Most historians think that the key to the Ottomans’ predicament ---but also,paradoxically,their salvation---lay in Christian Europe.

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Entering the knowledge economy time, the knowledge becomes the thinnest actually resources, the talented person who has the knowledge also naturally becomes the focal point which between the enterprise captures. The enterprise staffs frequently changed job for enterprise's development have ...

焦糖布丁 Caramel pudding 黑桃派 Send spade 琪淋脆饼糕 Qi Lin shortbread cake 黄桃布丁 Yellow peach pudding 猪皮 Pigskin 黑椒鸡心 Black Pepper Jixin.鸡肉青椒串 Green pepper chicken string 德国咸猪蹄 Germany Ham Pig 三月瓜 March melon 椒盐鸡翅 Salt and pepper chicken wings ...

American-style family structure is relatively simple : parents and minor children, as core family. Once the children get married, they moved to live, must be economically independent. Parents no longer have an obligation to support their children. This approach to young people with the...

The link between feeling good and spending money on others can be seen among rich and poor people around the world,and scarcity enhances the pleasure of most things for most people.感觉良好和把钱花在别人身上之间的联系能够在全世界富人和穷人之间得以展现(看到),对其的缺乏增强了多数...

你不能一有英文问题就上百度把 还是下个翻译软件 http:\/\/www.skycn.com\/soft\/24786.html 大众翻译软件 V6.0 可以下载 无插件放心使用 大众翻译软件是一款迅速.便捷.高效.准确的迷你即时翻译工具,程序采用快速的动态在线翻译技术,可以帮助你将短文翻译成中文、英文、日文、韩文、德文、俄文等十二种语言互译。她拥有...

如果有加分的话,希望是200分,真的很费时间。Today I want to tell you about my vocational life.I studied Business English and there's only one Business English class in the whole grade.Just beginning there were 5 boys and 50 girls, then our class only had 3 boys.Although we ...

The building is worth a lot of money.He is looking forward to hearing from his parents.The female teacher is very popular with all the pupils.You must make sure to get there on time.It's good for your health to eat more fruits and vegetables ...

紫外线消毒具有很多化学法无法替代的优点,经过30多年的发展,已经成为成熟可靠高效环保的消毒技术,在国外各个领域得到了广泛的运用。Ultraviolet disinfection has many chemical method cannot replace advantages, after 30 DuoNian development, has become a mature reliable efficient the disinfection ...

to others. All in all, etiquette plays a significant role in business negotiation. Before we put our efforts in bussiness negotiation, we should learn the basic techniques for it in order to occupy the leading status in negotiation.希望能帮到你!参考资料:来自【卓越工程师团】...

庆元县13978635851: 高分悬赏~请英语高手帮我翻译一下下面的句子.语言尽量规范地道.切勿用网络翻译:1“中国历史悠久,具有深厚的文化底蕴.然而, 千百年来,人们对中国的... -
糜福重组:[答案] China is a country with a long history,and it also has deep culture deposits.However,for thousands of years,people have few knowledge of it,which is the result of that Chinese government neglects the development of culture industry. With the development...

庆元县13978635851: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话,不要在线翻译的,谢谢 -
糜福重组: 亲,你好 This is my the first members of the volunteer organization, and it is also one of the first batch ofvolunteers who receive badges. The heart-shaped poster also have my photos, but for some reasonI temporarily left the organization, so now I want to know whether the organization has welcomed meback.祝您生活愉快

庆元县13978635851: 请各位英语高手帮个忙翻译一下下面这几个词: 大杂居,小聚居、中东地区、上海东方明珠塔、舟山群岛
糜福重组: Big mixing-up, small inhabit, Middle East, Shanghai Oriental pearl TV tower, zhoushan islands

庆元县13978635851: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这个邮件这是公司给我的邮件,关系的我的工作的事情以下是原文Thank you for your Resume/Curriculum Vitae  For your ... -
糜福重组:[答案] 这个是系统自动发出的邮件,不带有任何实质信息. 本邮件列出了Intel自动发出邮件的几种情况(这里没说明,是不是你投了简历?),以及说明如何申请工作的条件和流程. 系统自动生成,无实质信息.祝好运.

庆元县13978635851: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下``很短``急!!!!!!!!!!! -
糜福重组: Don't harm your health for reducing weight,I think your stature is very good.

庆元县13978635851: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段英文拜托了!you supplier signed for the 2 items on the carton label as denomination “blow inn tube” for the both different ... -
糜福重组:[答案] 你(的)供应商给这两个货物在纸箱包装的标签上标有“bolw inn tube(某种管子)”处打了勾,两种货物的商品编码不同.

庆元县13978635851: 请英语高手帮我翻译几句话,谢谢(在线等) -
糜福重组: 1. we will wait for your news2. we hope we can cooperate sucessfully , and set up a long business relationship3. welcome to come to our factory again.

庆元县13978635851: 请英语高手帮我翻译一段话 -
糜福重组: I'm an outgoing girl(boy), who is really socialable, and fond of challenging. Maybe because of my character, I like marketing very much.For the reason of family circomstance, I was independent in my early age. I was always enrich myself during my ...

庆元县13978635851: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这篇短文,谢谢! -
糜福重组: 你好 范文如下:It was really a busy day. For the new year is around the corner, we did a through spring-cleaning. Meanwhile,I'd like to do some help so mom let me sweep the windows, chairs and tables. And sister helped clean the kitchen and toilet...

庆元县13978635851: 英语翻译请外语高手帮我翻译下,高分(用翻译软件的就免了,我希望是简单易懂的,因为对方也不是纯英语国家的人,是印度人)邮件如下:我们能理解... -
糜福重组:[答案] Hi,(后面加上收信人姓名) I'm glad that we can understand each other, my buddy. (用buddy比较亲热、口语化) Yang ... 这一段逻辑主语有点乱:lz的意思是杨答应回国后打款给客户,钱到了“我”再去见客户吧.我把语序调了一下,不然搞不清...

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