
作者&投稿:官很 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Unit 1-8
坐下 sit down
祝你早安 Good morning to you.
欢迎到…… welcome to…
在一年级3班 in Class 3, Grade 1
用英语 in English
一辆中国小汽车 a Chinese car
一辆英国小汽车 an English car
多大 how old
在校 at school
在家 at home
我不知道。 I don’t know
进来 come in
值日 be on duty
看起来很像 look the same
在那边 over there
照料、照看 look after
请走这边 This way, please.
在同一排 in the same row
看…… look at…
去上班 go to work
Unit 9-16
去同一学校 go to the same school
在不同的班级 in different classes
坐下 have a seat/ sit down
看起来像…… look like…
在课桌上 on the desk
在椅子后面 behind the chair
在墙上 on the wall
在床下 under the bed
在门附近 near the door
一幅教室的画 a picture of a classroom
在画中 in the picture
在讲台上 on the teacher’s desk
一幅中国地图 a map of China
特别行政区 an SAR
在包里 in the bag
在鱼缸上 on the fish bowl
在门边 at the door
拿球 get the ball
什么颜色 what colour
小游戏房 a small playhouse
在一棵大树上 in / on a big tree
看一看 have a look
让我看看/ 让我想想 let me see
就是它。 That’s it.
在空中 in the sky
在河面上 on the river
在地板上 on the floor
快来 come on
在小山上 on the hill
浅蓝色 light blue
穿红色外套的 in the red coat / in red
在格林夫人的晒衣绳上 on Mr Green’s clothes line
深褐色 dark brown
穿上 put on
把某物给某人 give sth to sb
起床 get up
去上学 go to school
和某人一起去 go with sb
课间休息时间 time for break
上课时间 time for class
吃早餐时间 time for breakfast
吃中餐 have lunch
吃晚饭 have supper
打扫教室 clean the classroom
看电视 watch TV
做游戏 play games
回家 go home
就寝时间 time for bed
上床睡觉 go to bed
一幅我家的旧照片 an old photo of my family
在中间 in the middle

Unit 17-23
去教室 go to the classroom
把某物带到某处 take sth to sw
把某物放到……里 put sth in …
太重 too heavy
充满、装满 be full of / be filled with
我明白了 I see
一瓶桔汁 a bottle of orange juice
去求助于警察 go to the policeman for help
出来 come out
我就来。 I’m coming
把他们收拾好 put them away
损坏 be broken
下来 get down
走这边 come this way
谢天谢地 thank goodness
把它给我 Give it to me.
一杯茶 a cup of tea
一袋牛奶 a bag of milk
一玻璃杯水 a glass of water
土豆条 potato chips
一些喝的 something to drink
一些吃的 something to eat
冰淇淋 ice cream
中餐吃不同的食品 have different food for lunch
出去吃 go out to eat
打篮球 play basketball
打排球 play volleyball
踢足球 play football
擅长于…… be good at
想试试 want a go
骑自行车 ride a bike
放风筝 fly a kite
打牌 play cards
在学校篮球队 on the school basketball team
下课后 after class
整理床铺 make the /one’s bed
做作业 do one’s homework
玩电脑游戏 play computer games
寻找东西 look for sth
做饺子 make dumplings
听我讲 listen to me
开门 open the door
关窗 close the window
看黑板 look at the blackboard
玩溜溜球 play with a yo-yo
画画 draw a picture
和某人交谈 talk with sb
照相 take photos
一些少先队员 some Young Pioneers
在公园 in the park
在湖面上 on the lake
他们中的一个 one of them
向树上爬 run up the tree
在一天的这个时候 at this time of day
在星期五 on Fridays
去超级市场 go to the supermarket
归还某物 give sth back
和某人通话 speak to sb
给某人帮助 give sb a hand
上课 have classes
好好休息 have a good rest
认真听讲 listen to the teacher careful
他们中所有人 all of them
努力工作/ 学习 work hard
在某人的家 at one’s home
吃丰盛的早餐 have a big breakfast
一快面包 a piece of bread
在湖中心 in the middle of the lake
在水里 in the water
跳到……里 jump into…
开会 have a meeting
谈论 talk about
说点儿汉语 speak a little Chinese
长城 the Great Wall
一周五天 five days a week
出去 go out
给某人写信 write to sb
交朋友 make friends
一点儿也不/根本不 not… at all
做好吃的 cook nice dishes
下厨 do the cooking
听音乐 listen to music
店员 a shop assistant
在农场 on a / the farm
在中学 in a middle school
在儿童医院 in a children’s hospital
中医 Chinese medicine
为孩子们工作 work for children
在白天 in the day
在夜间 at night
向某人学习…… learn … from sb
挣更多的钱 make more money
在周末 at weekends
离开家 leave home
进行体育活动 have sports
立刻、马上 right now
放学后 after school
脱下 take off
在早上 in the morning
在下午 in the afternoon
在晚上 in the evening
在正午 at noon
回到家 get home
读点书 do some reading
有许多事要做 have many things to do
举行篮球赛 have a basketball match
乘公共汽车 by bus
坐小汽车 by car
骑自行车 by bike
坐小船 by boat
坐火车 by train
步行 on foot
回家度假 go home for holidays
每年 every year
花太多时间 take too much time
散步的好天气 a fine day for walking
上学迟到 be late for school
早点儿 a little earlier
呆在床上 stay in bed
整天 all day
给她适时用药 give her medicine at the right time
眼里充满泪水 with tears in one’s eyes
半公斤 half a kilo
学习用品 school things
每天 every day
购物单 a shopping list
谈论 talk about
写下 write down
许多 a lot of
各种各样的 all kinds of
对……有益 be good for…
等等 so on
……的价格 the price of
上车 get on a/ the bus

1. 充满…的 be full of

2. 听 listen to

3. 一瓶… a bottle of

4. 从…到… from…to…

5. 把这些新书发给同学们 give these new books to your classmates

6. 把这些苹果放到篮子里 put these apples into the basket

7. 把这些课桌带到教室去 take these desks to the classroom

8. 把这些篮子放到那边 put these baskets over there

9. 儿童节 Children’s Day

10. 把…收起来 put…away

11. 出来 come out

12. 谢天谢地 thank goodness

13. 我的一只鞋 one of my shoes

14. 走这边 come this way

15. 下来 get down

16. 坏了 be broken

17. 看一看 have a look

18. 一个漂亮的飞机 a nice plane

19. 帮我找到它 help me find it

20. 很,非常 a lot/ very much

21. 一(玻璃)杯 a glass of

22. 一片(一张,一块) a piece of

23. 冰淇淋 ice cream

24. 饥饿 be hungry

25. 六点四十五分 a quarter to seven

26. 一杯茶 a cup of tea

27. 一袋牛奶 a bag of milk

28. 一瓶果汁 a bottle of juice

29. 一玻璃杯水 a glass of water

30. 喝的东西 something to drink

31. 其他的 other one

32. 在…方面好;善于 be good at

33. 过来 come on

34. 接住这个球 catch the ball

35. 别着急 don’t worry

36. 像这样传球 pass the ball like this

37. 骑自行车 ride a bike

38. 试一试 want a go

39. 打排球 play volleyball

40. 像这样带着风筝跑 run with the kite like this

41. 你最喜欢的运动 your favourite sports

42. 整理床铺 make the bed

43. 做作业 do one’s homework

44. 寻找 look for

45. 和…交谈 talk with

46. 照相 take photos

47. 画一张图片 draw a picture

48. 吃些肉 have some meat

49. 读书 read a book

50. 修理自行车 mend the bike

51. 打扫房间 clean the room

52. 玩电脑游戏 play computer games

53. 看电视 watch TV

54. 打牌 play cards

55. 帮助这个女人 help this woman

56. 穿上你的衣服 put on your clothes

57. 照看这个孩子 look after the child

58. 包饺子 make dumplings

59. 把门打开 open the door

60. 把窗户关上 close the window

61. 看黑板 look at the blackboard

62. 浇花 water the flowers

63. 在房子附近工作 work near the house

64. 穿一条蓝裤子 wear a blue trousers

65. 从…借 borrow…from

66. 给予…帮助 give a hand

67. 课后 after class

68. 休息 have a rest

69. 在每天的这个时候 at this time of day

70. 一本英汉字典 an English-Chinese dictionary

71. 把…还回来 give…back

72. 向…学习 learn…from

73. 互相 each other

74. 在湖中央 in the middle of the lake

75. 救了她的女儿 save her daughter

76. 把面包扔给鱼 throw the bread to the fish

77. 开会 have a meeting

78. 姓 family name

79. 来自…;从…来 come from ( be from)

80. 尽快给我回信 write to me soon

81. 交朋友 make friends

82. 说一点英语 speak a little English

83. 联合王国 UK

84. 长城 the Great Wall

85. 中学 high school

86. 热狗 a hot dog

87. 一点也不 not…at all

88. 一种;一类 a kind of

89. 打电话 make a phone call

90. 起居室 living room

91. 餐厅 dining room

92. 薯条 potato chips

93. 做家务 do the housework

94. 电子邮件 e-mail

95. 打电话 make phone calls

96. 洗衣服 wash the clothes

97. 做饭 cook the meal

98. 售货员;店员 shopping assistant

99. 公共汽车站 bus station

100. 邮局 post office

101. 在白天 in the day

102. 在晚上;在夜里 at night

103. 在工厂 in a factory

104. 在农场 on a farm

105. 在办公室 in an office

106. 轮到你了 it’s your turn

107. 每周 every week

108. 在周末 at weekend

109. 在工作日 on weekday

110. 赚钱 make money

111. 睡觉 go to bed

112. 到达 get to

113. 脱衣服 take off

114. 放学后 after school

115. 去买东西 go shopping

116. 进行体育运动 have sports

117. 立刻;马上 right now

118. 开始上课 begin to have classes

119. 离开家 leave home

120. 洗脸 wash one’s face

121. 一场篮球赛 a basketball match

122. 走路;步行 on foot

123. 乘飞机 by plane/ by air

124. 乘船 by ship / by sea

125. 花费(时间) take time

126. 多久 how long

127. 在河上 on the river

128. 在桥上 over the bridge

129. 在天上 in the sky

130. 购物单 shopping list

131. 多少;多少钱 how much

132. 便宜的 be cheap

133. 昂贵的 be expensive

134. 一整天 all day

135. 许多;很多 a lot of

136. 一点面包 a little bread

137. 跟我来 come with me

138. 帮我抬东西 help me carry the things

139. 一公斤鸡腿 a kilo of chicken legs

140. 两公斤苹果 two kilos of apples

141. 四瓶牛奶 our bottles of milk

142. 八个土豆 eight potatoes

143. 一些饮料 some drinks

144. 叫作 be called

145. 非常友好 very friendly

146. 半斤 half a kilo

147. 当然;自然的事 of course

148. 等等 and so on

149. 例如 for example

150. 有一天;某一天 one day

151. 对健康有好处 be good for health

152. 回家度假 go home for holiday

153. 蔬菜市场 vegetable market

154. 卖菜 sell vegetables

155. 不同的机器 different machines

1. begin with
2. make a banana milk shake
3. turn on /turn off/ turn up/ turn down
4. cut up = cut --- into pieces
5. a cup of yogurt
6. two teaspoons of honey
7. add--- to—
8. a popcorn popper
9. three sandwiches
10. two slices of bread
11. a recipe for---
12. green onion
13. hang out
14. buy a souvenir
15. buy some gifts
16. go to the aquarium
17. win the prize for the best performer
18. at the end of ---在---的尽头
19. in the end= at last= finally
20. sleep late
21. go for a drive
22. class monitor班长
23. on my last day off
24. on your next day off
25. have a yard sale
26. get wet淋湿
27. in future 今后
28. in the future 将来
29. in yesterday’s singing competition
30. be born
31. too--- to –太—以致于不能= so--- that—如此—以致于--
32. play golf
33. start golfing
34. ice skating
35. tour the U.S.
36. take part in
37. because of –
38. major in English and management
39. Tsinghua University
40. learn to play the accordion
41. hum difficult pieces of music 哼唱难度较高的曲子
42. a well-known pianist
43. table tennis
44. grow up
45. computer science
46. computer programmer
47. a professional basketball player
48. take acting/guitar lessons 上表演/吉他课
49. move to ----
50. somewhere interesting
51. my dream job
52. find a part-time job
53. save money
54. at the same time
55. hold art exhibitions/ have fashion shows
56. travel all over the world
57. make New Year’s resolutions
58. learn to play an instrument
59. become rich and famous
60. do a survey of 就—做调查
61. keep fit =keep healthy =keep in good health=stay healthy
62. find a job as a foreign language teacher
63. exchange student
64. do chores
65. do the dishes
66. do the laundry
67. sweep the floor
68. take out the trash
69. clean the living room
70. make the /one’s bed
71. fold the clothes
72. go to a meeting
73. get a ride 搭车
74. work on 忙于,从事
75. buy drinks and snacks
76. feed my dog
77. borrow ---from---- 从---借
78. lend --- to ---把—借给---
79. agree with sb
80. disagree with sb
81. take (good) care of =look after—well
82. radio station
83. close to
84. have friendly service
85. comfortable seats
86. good quality clothes
87. movie theater = cinema
88. clothing store
89. talent show
90. get together聚在一起
91. brown bread;黑面包
92. Forbidden City故宫
93. not --- at all
94. the capital of --- 的首都
95. Library of Congress国会图书馆
96. the Great Depression大萧条
97. my elder sister我的姐姐
98. ice hockey冰球
99. on the frozen pond在结冰的池塘上
100. table manners 餐桌规矩
101. stay still 保持不动
102. my own room
103. in fact
104. pay for 为---付款
105. pay钱for sth =spend 钱on sth =sth cost sb 钱 干----花了某人多少钱
106. go Dutch 个人付个人的帐
107. leave a tip 付小费
108. hot pot 火锅
109. have a try 试一试
110. main course 主食
111. side dish配菜
112. how many/ how much 多少
113. how long/ how often 多长/多久一次
114. how soon / how far 多久后/多远
115. on you last school trip
116. take photos of me 给我照张相
117. what else = what other things
118. have a good /great time
119. watch a dolphin show
120. take a class
121. go camping
122. That sounds interesting
123. That sounds like a busy day off.
124. at the age of
125. start writing music 开始作曲
126. play for his national team 为国家队踢球
127. the great Brazilian soccer player伟大的巴西足球运动员
128. become a movie star 成为电影明星
129. play sports = take exercise 做运动
130. a kind and loving grandma一位慈爱的祖母
131. become a skating champion 成为滑冰冠军
132. spend all his free time度过他的业余时间
133. the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of competition to win this prize 在70年比赛历程中第一位获得此奖的中国钢琴家
134. a five-year-old girl
135. play table tennis
136. play chess
137. play the guitar/ piano/ violin/ accordion
138. most interesting /least interesting最有趣的/最没意思的
139. learn a foreign language
140. make the soccer team 组建足球队
141. get lots of exercise to keep fit
142. interesting places = places of interest名胜
143. talk to/ with 与---- 交谈
144. stay out late
145. take him for a walk
146. play with
147. come over to
148. get back to
149. go on vacation= take a vacation
150. get angry
151. be angry with sb
152. what do you think of ----=What do you think about ---- = How do you like ----?
153. be famous for 因—而闻名
154. be famous as 作为--- 而闻名
155. play a beautiful piano piece演奏了一首优美的钢琴曲
156. some more 另外一些的
157. on the radio = by radio
158. have free time= be free
159. be interested in = have interest in
160. the same as
161. be different from
162. more than =over
163. in common
164. (not) as + 形容词/副词原型 + as
165. be good at =do well in
166. laugh at
167. the opposite of ---
168. primary school
169. swimming pool
170. the day after tomorrow
171. the day before yesterday
172. What a pity!
173. the whole day
174. not --- until----
175. worry about ---=be worried about
176. depend on
177. look at
178. take the boat = go to --- by boat
179. take a shower
180. take the subway
181. walk to--- = go to --- on foot
182. ride a bike
183. fly to ---= go to --- by plane/air
184. bus stop/ station
185. train station
186. leave for---动身去某地
187. rent videos
188. go sightseeing
189. go hiking
190. send for 派人去请
191. eat a balanced diet
192. keep a balance of yin and yang
193. have a toothache
194. have a headache
195. have a stomachache
196. have a cold
197. have a fever
198. have a sore throat
199. have a sore back
200. drink lots of hot tea with honey
201. see the dentist
202. take some medicine
203. be stressed out
204. listen to the music
205. give me some advice给我些建议
206. three day ago
207. of course
208. junk food
209. as for
210. go skateboarding
211. surf the Internet
212. the results of /for --- 的结果
213. eating habits 饮食习惯
214. too much 太多
215. much too太-----
216. at the moment
217. a few
218. in the western countries在西方国家
219. host family
220. go/ be away for too long离开太长时间
221. the first week in June六月的第一个周
222. something different
223. vacation plans
224. have a relaxing vacation
225. go bike riding 骑自行车旅行
226. get to = arrive at /in = reach
227. have a quick breakfast = have breakfast quickly
228. be ill in hospital生病住院
229. a number of 许多,大量
230. the number of ---- 的数目
231. babysit my sister
232. between --- and ---
233. study for a math test
234. have friends with= make friends with与—交朋友

with the help of;with the aid of
The structural alterations made to the house were planned with Gail's help.
I solve the problem with the aid of a friend.

It can help me find things.

It can help me find something

It can help me find something.

reat thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author’s

我现在是学徒工师父让我找东西我总是找不到 我也知道师父很想说但是他...
对于你提到的这个问题,以下是一些建议可以帮助你改进:1. **建立良好的沟通**:和师父坦诚地沟通,告诉他你正在努力改进,但目前遇到了一些困难。询问他是否愿意提供一些额外的指导或资源,以帮助你更好地完成任务。2. **制定系统的方法**:在寻找东西时,可以采用一些系统的方法,如分类、归纳、记忆...

我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 当品读完一部作品后,大家一定对生活有了新的感悟和看法,需要写一篇读后感好好地作记录了。那要怎么写好读后感呢?以下是我收集整理的爱找东西的男孩读后感,希望能够帮助到大家。 爱找东西的男孩读后感1 “相信么,这世界上有一种人,能把你丢失的东西统统找回来,这种有魔力...


我和你一样,从小就这样,那是因为你找东西的时候潜意识里怕找不到,心慌,眼神游离,削弱了你锁定目标的能力,心理问题,性格如此。要改变,下次找某样东西的时候集中注意力,要冷静的观察你所处的环境,或者多玩玩找茬游戏和连连看之类的,也是有很大帮助的 ...

2. 以股票投资为例,许多人感觉自己亏损,尽管如果不卖出股票,一半的人能回本。这是因为亏损带来的心理冲击和视觉印象远比盈利时强烈,导致我们大脑中的记忆印象更加深刻。3. 回到找东西的情境,我们经常找不到东西,但这很正常。我们每天都在寻找物品,但过一段时间后,它们往往会神奇地出现。然而,...






梁山县15834262195: 英语关于help的用法 -
主烟降压: 1. help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事. Can you help me to learn English ? 你能帮助我学英语吗?I can't help you to lift this stone. 我不能帮你搬这块石头. 2. be of some/ no/ much help to sb. 对某人有些 / 没有 / 很有帮助. This book is of great ...

梁山县15834262195: in search of和search for用法上的区别 -
主烟降压: search和in search of经常被视为同义词,如果一定要区分的话,或许可以这样理 (1)search指“搜索”这一动作或行为,而in search of指“搜索”这一状态(处在搜索某人/某事的过程中); (2)要充分利用“句子成份”方面的知识来帮助自...

梁山县15834262195: look for、 find、serach、in search of有什么区别? -
主烟降压: look for,find,find out 这三个词都有“找”的涵义,但具体用法有别: 1)look for意为“寻找”,是有目的地找,强调“寻找”这一动作.如: —What are you looking for?你在找什么? —I'm looking for my bike. 我在找我的自行车. 2)find意为“找...

梁山县15834262195: with the help of =(一个短语) -
主烟降压: under the help of with one's help

梁山县15834262195: 英语“找到”的过去式 find的过去式 -
主烟降压: find过去式:found found,英 [faʊnd],美 [faʊnd] v. 建立;创立;创办;熔铸;找到,发现(动词find的过去式和过去分词) 过去式: founded 过去分词: founded 现在分词: founding 第三人称单数: founds find,英 [faɪnd],美 [faɪnd]...

梁山县15834262195: 英语问题,关于例句中介词的疑问,求助. -
主烟降压: 1. 这里out of the house的意思就是房子的外面,另外还可以举例,比如out of the room.在房间的外面,这个of 就是 “房间的外面” 中的“的”.能明白吗?in search of sth...

梁山县15834262195: 编写一个找东西的英语对话 -
主烟降压: 您的问题很简单.呵呵.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 1 A: I can't seem to find the cereal aisle. B: You'll find the cereal by the breakfast foods. A: What breakfast foods? B: They're over by the oatmeal and the breakfast bars. A: Oh, I ...

梁山县15834262195: 初一下学期英语语法大全(一些短语;或者“help (sb) with sth.”这类的;重要句型) -
主烟降压: be good at +动词ingremember to do sth. 记住做某事wish to do sth. 希望做某事(可能性较小)hope to do sth. 希望做某事(可能性较大)teach sb. to do sth 教某人做某事practice +动词ingplay+the +乐器help sb (to)do sth 帮助某人做某事...

梁山县15834262195: 谁能帮我找几个英语短语?
主烟降压: tell sb. (not) to do sth.告诉某人(不要)做某事 want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事 try to do sth.试图做某事 help sb. (to) do sth.帮某人做某事 be busy with sth.忙于某事 spend money/time on(doing) sth.花费金钱/时间去做某事 hope to do sth./hope(that...

梁山县15834262195: 初一下英语重点句型,帮帮我 -
主烟降压: 新目标英语初一下句型转换和词语练习,这里面有很多相关资料了:)~ http://www.ydgz.com/yy/yusj/cy/List_10.html 这里也有了:)~ http://www.eduzy.org/ztzy/renminjiaoyuchubanshe/waiyu/jiaoan/00/0009.htm 初一册重点句型回顾:1.I want to ...

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