汉译英 急·····

作者&投稿:谭迫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

China has seen rapid development in 1970s.

People predict that this city will be even more famous with so much changes.

People concern a lot about this city due to its over-crowded population and busy traffic.

We can overcome any difficulty, however big it is, as long as we have strong willpower.

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1. 天气越来越热了。
The weather is getting warm and warmer.

2. 你锻炼越多,你就越健康。
The more you exercise,the healthier you are.

3. 他比她的两个哥哥都高。
He is taller than his two elder brothers.

4. 英语是这两门课程中最有趣的
English is the most interesting subject in these two curricula.

5. 这个女孩很友好,他的姐姐更友好。
This girl is very friendly, her elder sister is friendlier/more friendly.

6. 我妈妈越来越健康了
My mother has been getting more and more healthy
My mother is getting healthy and healthier.

7. 学英语越来越有趣了
Learning English is getting more and more interesting.

8. 你越认真,你的英语就会越好
The more serious you are, the better your English will be.

9. 多多益善
The more the merrier.

10. Mike比他的两个哥哥都胖
Mike is fatter compared to both of his brother./ Mike is fatter than his two older brothers.

11. Bob是他班里英语最棒的
Bob's English is the best in his class.

12. 数学和地理哪科更难?
Which subject is more difficult between Mathematics and Geography?

13. 这两个男孩中谁最高
Who is the highest between this two boys?

14. 中国人口比日本的多
China has more population compared to Japan.

15. 我的房间比他的大
My room is bigger compare to his room.
My room is bigger than his room.

鄯善县19770061497: 汉译英 急·····1.天气越来越热了.2.你锻炼越多,你就越健康.3.他比她的两个哥哥都高.4.英语是这两门课程中最有趣的5.这个女孩很友好,他的姐姐更友... -
胥娣鼻炎:[答案] 1.天气越来越热了. The weather is getting warm and warmer. 2.你锻炼越多,你就越健康. The more you exercise,the healthier you are. 3.他比她的两个哥哥都高. He is taller than his two elder brothers. 4.英语是这两门课程中最有趣的 English is the most ...

鄯善县19770061497: 英语翻译急··· -
胥娣鼻炎:[答案] We will never part. We will be together forever. We will always be together.

鄯善县19770061497: 卫生环境越来越差了用英语怎么说?急······ -
胥娣鼻炎:[答案] Sanitation is worsening every day.

鄯善县19770061497: 汉语翻译英语····急急急··· -
胥娣鼻炎: I would like a fried egg and a bacon.

鄯善县19770061497: 中文小故事···翻译成英文···急··· -
胥娣鼻炎: Morgan, founder of the American corporations, Morgan is not rich, the couple living selling eggs. But the height of Morgan sold eggs as strong as his wife is thin. Later, he finally make it clear reasoning. His hand was the egg, due to peddle hand too ...

鄯善县19770061497: 汉译英(急急急!!!)
胥娣鼻炎: 1---It rained. 2---We had no choice but stayed at home./ We had to stay at home without any choice. -----It rained and we had no choice but stayed at home. -----It raining, we had to stay at home without any choice.------Because it rained, we had to stay at home without any choice.

鄯善县19770061497: 急求汉译英句子!!!
胥娣鼻炎: 1 · · rather stupid as he is ill With More than ~ ~ ~ ~ of the form 2 · · judge him from his appearance at the age of 40. 3 · · the old lady are adopted by the parents of the abandoned children. 4 · · the milk in the UK each are bottled supply. 5 · · in the 1980s, he got married.

鄯善县19770061497: 英文诗歌.急····· -
胥娣鼻炎: 泰戈尔 《世界上最远的距离》.以下是《世界上最远的距离》的中文版本以及英文版本.首先是中文版本:《世界上最远的距离》世界上最远的距离 不是生与死的距离 而是我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你 世界上最远的距离 不是我站在你面前 你...

鄯善县19770061497: 汉译英 1.从······到······ -
胥娣鼻炎: 1.from to 2.eight minutes later 3.more than 4.one of 5.at the bus stop 6.spend about thirty minutes 7.the quickest way of doing sth 8.money for the ticket 9.price of train ticket

鄯善县19770061497: 帮忙,高分,急··翻译中译英
胥娣鼻炎: Over the past many small villages, people depend on fishing for their livelihood, no electricity, with candles lighting out. Now some villages no longer exist, River dams generate electricity, people in cities live and work, older people prefer the ...

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