
作者&投稿:寇峡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The beautiful Snow White was murdered jealously many times by her stepmother, and finally reborn with the help of seven dwarfs and princes.
The queen who loves vanity and beauty always asks the mirror, "Mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"
When the mirror says Snow White, the Queen disguises herself as a witch and tricks her into eating poisonous apples.
Snow White, who had eaten poisonous apples, was rescued by the later prince.
The prince finally lived happily with the princess, and the queen was punished as she deserved.

参考资料来源:百度百科-白雪公主 (欧洲大陆流传童话故事)
参考资料来源:百度百科-白雪公主 (动画《白雪公主和七个小矮人》中女主)

A long time ago, living in a distant country, there lived a Snow White whose parents were both dead.
Her stepmother was a venomous snake and scorpion witch. She was afraid that Snow White would outgrow herself when she grew up, so she was sent to be the bottom maid in the castle.
Meanwhile, the evil queen has a magic mirror that knows everything in the world, through which she can know who is the most beautiful woman in the world.
But one day, the magic mirror told her the fact that Snow White was more beautiful than she was. So the vicious queen sent hunters to take Snow White to the forest and kill her.
In order to prove her death, the evil queen asked the hunter to dig out Snow White's heart and bring it to her in a box.
But the sympathetic Hunter released snow white and brought the heart of a pig in a box to bring it to the queen. Snow White met seven good dwarfs in the deep forest. After hearing Snow White's misfortune, the dwarf took her in.
Knowing from the magic mirror that Snow White was not dead, the Queen used witchcraft to turn herself into an old woman and tricked Snow White into eating poisonous apples while the dwarfs were away.
After the animals guessed Snow White was in danger, the seven dwarfs hurried back, and the queen who fled panicked fell off the cliff and died in the storm.
Seven dwarfs put Snow White in a gold-encrusted crystal glass coffin. The Prince of a neighboring country came riding a white horse and made Snow White live with a loving kiss.


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

The Queen told her huntsman to kill Snow white. The huntsman took the girl to a forest. But the kind man did not kill her. Instead, he killed a bear, took out its, heart and carried it to the Queen.

Poor little Snow White walked alone in the forest. She walked on and on. At last, she saw a little house. She went in and cleaned it. Then she had some food and went to bed.

It was dark. The masters of the little house came back. They were seven dwarfs. When they opened the door, they found the room clean and tidy. They shouted one after another.

“Who has sat on my chair?”

“Who has eaten from my plate?”

“Who has taken a piece of my bread?”

“Who has eaten some of my vegetables?”

“Who has used my fork?”

“Who has cut with my knife?”

“Who has drunk out of my glass?”

“Someone has visited our house.”

Then lovely Snow White work up.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Snow White. My stepmother wants to kill me. I have no home. Can I stay with you?”

“Sure, you are welcome.”

From then on, they lived together happily.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the most beautiful of us all?”

“Oh, you are a beautiful queen, But Snow White is more beautiful then you. Over the hills and far away, She is living with the seven dwarfs today.”

The Queen was very angry. She came to the little house and gave a poisonous apple to Snow White. Snow White had a bite of it. At once, she looked dead.

The seven dwarfs were all very sad. They put her in a glass coffin. All seven of them sat around it and cried for three days.

A few days later, a prince happened to see Snow White in the glass coffin. He said to himself, “I’ve never seen such a beautiful girl before.”

Then he asked the dwarfs,

“Can I take her home?”

“All right,” the dwarfs agreed.

The prince asked his men to carry the coffin to his palace. But they stumbled on the road. The piece of the poisonous apple came out pf Snow White’s mouth. She sat up!

“Where am I?” asked Snow White.

“you’re with me, my dear,” answered the Price. “Would you like to be my wife?”

“Yes, I’d like to,” answered Snow White with a sweet smile.

They became husband and wife and lived a happy life from then on.


the queen found her alive soon.Thus, the queen camplauge as an old lady, and when the qween got closed to the tiny house.She knocked the door, and she got snow white's trust easily.Then, snow white ate the poison apple, the time she bit the apple the time she collapsed...

The queen made a poisonous apple and dressed herself like an old woman. She came to the house .Apples. Very delicious apples! Could you have a taste. This one, please!OK! Thank you! Hahaha….Now I’m the most beautiful in the world.When the seven dwarfs came from work...

"The Queen was very angry when she heard that snow-white was not dead.The Queen took an apple. She made a hole in the red side of the apple, and put some powder into the hole.Then she put on old clothes and went to the hut. She called, "Is any one there?"...

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A long time ago,there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born,the queen died. The queen married another queen. The stepmother didn ’t like her very much.She made Snow White do the housework all day and all night.--- 白雪...

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The Queen took an apple. She made a hole in the red side of the apple, and put some powder into the hole. Then she put on old clothes and went to the hut. She called, "Is any one there?" Snow-white opened the door, and came out to her. The Queen said, "I have...

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