求艾薇儿who knoes的中英文歌词

作者&投稿:照茜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求艾薇儿 的 innocence 的歌词 要中英文对照的~

  Waking up I see this everything is ok
  睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演
  The first time in my life and now it's so great
  Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
  放慢脚步环顾四面 我感到惊讶
  I think about the little things that make life great
  I wouldn't change a thing about it
  This is the best feeling
  This innocence is brilliant,
  这份纯真 如此迷人
  I hope that it will stay
  This moment is perfect,
  please don't go away,

  I need you now
  And I'll hold on to it,
  don't you let it pass you by
  I found a place so safe, not a single tear
  这片空间 很安全 我不再有泪眼
  The first time in my life and now it's so clear
  Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here
  不再狂躁开始留恋 这是我的乐园
  It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
  I wouldn't change a thing about it
  This is the best feeling
  This innocence is brilliant,
  这份纯真 如此迷人
  I hope that it will stay
  This moment is perfect,
  please don't go away,
  I need you now
  And I'll hold on to it,
  don't you let it pass you by
  It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
  It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
  It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
  It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
  It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
  It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
  It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry
  This innocence is brilliant,
  这份纯真 如此灿烂
  it makes you want to cry
  This innocence is brilliance,
  这份纯真 如此珍贵
  please don't go away
  Cause I need you now
  And I'll hold on to it,
  don't you let it pass you by
  This innocence is brilliant,
  这份纯真 如此迷人
  I hope that it will stay
  This moment is perfect,
  please don't go away,
  I need you now
  And I'll hold on to it,
  don't you let it pass you by

Smile-Avril Lavigne You know that I’m a crazy bitch 你知道我是个疯女人 I do what I want when I feel like it 我想做什么就放手去做 All I want to do is lose control 所有我想做的就是失去控制 Oh oh, but you don’t really give a shit 噢,可是你总是不在意 You go with it, go with it, go with it 你总是很随意,很随意,很随意 Cause you’re fucking crazy rock and roll 因为你疯狂迷恋摇滚乐 Yeah you said hey 你说 嘿 What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? It took one look and now it looks all the same 我看了你一眼,现在看你还是和从前一样动心 Yeah you said hey 你说 嘿 Since that day 从那天起 You stole my heart and you’re the one to blame 你偷走了我的心,这都是你的错 And that’s why I smile 这就是我为何微笑 It’s been a while 已经过了一段时间 Since every day and everything is about this 但每天,所有事情都关于我爱你 Right and now 现在 You’re turning all round 你回到我身边 And suddenly you’re all I need 突然你成为了我所有的需要 The reason why I smile 成为了我微笑的原因 Last night I blackout the think 昨晚,我停止思绪 What did you, what did you put in my drink 你到底,你到底在我饮料里放了什么? I remember making it out and then oh, oh 我记得我早就知道,但还是 噢,噢 I woke up with a new tattoo 我醒来时有了个新纹身 Your name’s on me, my name’s on you 我的身上纹了你的名字,你的身上纹了我的 I’ll do all over again 我要再做一遍 Yeah you said hey 你说 嘿 What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? It took one look and now you locked that scene 我看了你一眼,现在你将这场景铭刻 Yeah you said hey 你说 嘿 Since that day 从那天起 You stole my heart and you’re the one to blame 你偷走了我的心,这都是你的错

Who Knows---艾薇儿 谁知到 Why do you look so familiar 为什么你看起来如此熟悉 I could swear that I have seen your face before 我甚至可以发誓我以前曾见过你 I think I like that you seem sincere 我想我是喜欢你的诚恳 I think I'd like to get to know you a little bit more 我想我愿意在多了解你一点 I think there's something more 我想这里有一些东西太多了 Life's worth living for 生命值得因此而活 Who knows what could happen 谁知道将会发生什么 Do what you do 做你要做的事 Just keep on laughing 只是保持笑容 One thing's true 只有一件事是真实的 There's always a brand new day 就是总给新的一天一个烙印 I'm gonna live today like it's my last day 我要把今天当作我人生最后一天来活 How do you always have an opinion 怎么你总是有自己的想法 And how do you always find the best way to compromise 而怎么你总是找到最好的方法去妥协现实 We don't need to have a reason 我们不需要任何理由 We don't need anything 我们不需要任何东西 we're just wasting time 我们只是在浪费时间 Chorus (2x) Find yourself 找寻你自己的方向 'Cause I can't find you 因为 我已经遗落你 Be yourself 做你自己 Who are you? 但你究竟是谁 Find yourself 找寻你自己的方向 'Cause I can't find you 因为 我已经遗落你 Be yourself 做你自己 Who are you? 但你究竟是谁 Chorus So you go and make it happen 你要勇往直前 让梦想实现 Do your best 做最好的自己 Just keep on laughing 保持笑容 I'm telling you 我告诉你 There's always a brand new day 崭新的一天就在前方等待你

永川市19388287798: 艾微儿who knows的中文歌词? -
朝吉再克: Who Knows(谁知道) Why do you look so familiar I could swear that I have seen your face before I think I like that you seem sincere I think I'd like to get to know you a little bit more Chorus I think there's something more Life's worth living for Who ...

永川市19388287798: 艾薇儿的《Who Knows》的歌词翻译 -
朝吉再克: (中文翻译) 为何对你有一种似曾相识的感觉 我发誓我真的见过你 我想 我是喜欢你的真诚 我想 我要再多认识你一点 复歌 我想 有太多的快乐 让生命 值得拥抱 谁知道 以后会如何 做你想要做的事吧 保持笑容 真的 崭新的一天前方等著你 我要努力的活 就像今天是世界末日一样 你总是可以用最好的方式 与实现妥协 不需要理由 也不用外求 我们只是在浪费生命 复歌(x2) 找寻你自己的方向 因为 我已经遗落你 做你自己 但你究竟是谁 找寻你自己的方向 因为 我已经遗落你 做你自己 但你究竟是谁 复歌 你要勇往直前 让梦想起飞 用力一搏 保持笑容 我告诉你 崭新的一天就在前方等待你 我也很喜欢这首呃.

永川市19388287798: 帮我翻译一下艾薇儿的《Who know》 -
朝吉再克: Who knows Why do you look so familiar I could swear that i have seen your face before I think I like that you seem sincere I think I'd like to get to know you a little bit more Chorus I think there's something more Life's worth living for Who knows what ...

永川市19388287798: 求艾薇儿的所有歌曲的中文翻译歌词
朝吉再克: <the best damn thing> http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=197213736http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=13136633 <let go> http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=4726053 很全的哦,都有中文歌词~

永川市19388287798: Avril Lavigne的《Who Knows》 歌词
朝吉再克: 歌曲名:Who Knows 歌手:Avril Lavigne 专辑:The Best Damn Thing/Under My Skin Who Knows Avril Lavigne Why do you look so familiar I could swear that I have seen your face before I think I like that you seem sincere I think I'd like to get to ...

永川市19388287798: 急求关于歌手艾薇儿的中英双语介绍,100到150字即可,适合高中生,难度适中. -
朝吉再克: Avril Lavigne, a small-town kid who couldn't sit still in class, started amazing people with her voice and character at around age 2. A wonderfully up-front and outrageous 17-year-old with everything it takes to reach stardom-completely on her own ...

永川市19388287798: 谁有艾薇儿why歌词的中文翻译 -
朝吉再克: Why 为什麼 演唱者:艾薇儿为什麼你老是这样对我为什麼你就是不了解我为什麼你要这麼做看来你根本就毫不在乎难道你要我相信 我是唯一堕落的人?我可以感觉到你就在我身旁 即使你远在天...

永川市19388287798: 求艾薇儿最新单曲《what the hell》中英文对照歌词 -
朝吉再克: You say that I'm messing with your head你说是我把你弄的超头痛(yeah yeah yeah yeah) All cuz I was making out with your friend全因我和你的朋友搞在一起了 (yeah yeah yeah yeah) Love hurts whether it's right or wrong不管对错爱本来就很...

永川市19388287798: 求六首艾薇儿歌曲中文歌词 -
朝吉再克: 1.One Of Those GirlsI know your kind of girl我了解你这样的女孩You only care about one thing你们只在意一件事Who you've seen or where you've been不论你们在哪里或者看到什...

永川市19388287798: 艾薇儿 的 knocking on heaven's door 英文歌的中文翻译?谢谢! -
朝吉再克: knockin' on heaven's door 艾薇儿的慈善歌曲(反战争)--敲响天堂之门Mama, take this badge off of me 妈妈,摘掉我的徽章 I can't use it anymore. 因为我再也用不着它 It's gettin' dark, too dark to see 我正逐渐坠入黑暗,暗的无法视物 I feel like I'...

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